My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 347: Yin Xiaoru's request

Chapter 347: Yin Xiaoru's Request

"Looks like, but no one dares to practice."

Li Fan took another look at this picture, "After practicing this, all my kung fu must be spent!"

"so smart?"

Liu Yanan was startled, thought he found the baby, it turned out to be self-harm?

"That's fine, you still have this picture, anyway, I don't need it anyway. Maybe you can find its value someday."

"That's OK, I'll take it first, and go back and study it."

Li Fan collected the drawings, and stood up with Ling Tian, ​​ready to leave.

"and many more."

Liu Yingnan stopped him suddenly.

"what happened?"

"Well ... when will we go see our dad again ..."

"It's your dad!"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, "Why are you still relying on me!"

"Aren't you my boyfriend!"

"That's temporary! It's a show for your dad! Do you know countless!"

"Ah, you guys, that's how irresponsible!"

Liu Yanan sighed, Li Fan rolled his eyes.

"Go ahead and play with your gang training plan!"

Li Fan was too lazy to communicate with Liu Yannan, and he and Ling Tian left here together.

"Looking out, Chilong will help, she likes you very much."

Ling Tian said to Li Fan while driving.

"Don't make a noise, that woman, the acting is great."

Li Fan said that he was deeply affected. "If you believe her words, it is difficult to live with yourself."

"I've seen a lot of acting genres, but some feelings can't be performed."

Ling Tian has always maintained self-confidence in his judgment. "I believe that if you want to, you can become a rider of the Liu family."

"and then?"

Li Fan just asked more casually.

"Then, I can't judge now."

"Why? Isn't your judgment so good?"

Li Fanxin said, what else could Ling Tian not judge?

"Of course, because if you are just an ordinary person, you will be a victim of the Liu family in the future."

Ling Tian said with a smile, "After you help Chilong become the sole proprietor of a family, then Liu Shanlong will take the two old brothers you gave him and calm down their anger. But if you are just ordinary People, you wo n’t be able to reach the Liu family, so this is contradictory. "

Li Fan was shocked when he heard what Ling Tian said. This Lingtian ... it really looks far enough!

"So Liu Yanan wants to be with me, it's just a show."

Li Fan said, "This woman, for the benefit, can do anything! I have seen her like this, this woman is really very ego!"

"Well, I won't talk about her. Do you have any plans for the future?"

Ling Tian asked Li Fan's thoughts.

"not yet."

Li Fan just wanted to take a good rest first.

"Let's take a break first. I've been tortured recently. I need to digest a lot of things."

"Yes, you should be more careful recently."

Ling Tian also agreed with Li Fan's idea, "Now all parties are staring at you. If possible, you can go out for a tour and avoid this period of time. Recently Chilong may have some big moves, maybe Will be tortured with two other big gangs. It is naturally best to avoid suspicion. "

"Okay, then I'll take a vacation from school, or just go out and play."

Li Fan thought, should you go abroad to find your parents?

Run by yourself, not kicked as a light bulb ...

Forget it, look for a place with beautiful scenery.

Li Fan thought very well, but the phone rang suddenly. I don't know why, this ringtone sounds very urgent. Li Fan picked it up and found it to be a strange number.

"Are you going?"

"You have to pick it up. It doesn't look good."

Li Fan answered the phone, and a girl shouted.

"Li Fan! You finally turned on!"

The voice was familiar, and Li Fan was a little surprised, "Yin Xiaoru?"

"My mother is looking for you so hard! You **** it!"

Yin Xiaoru yelled and scolded, Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Why do you scold someone as soon as you call? Miss Yin, a lady, why don't you have any cultural qualities!"

"Cultural literacy, your uncle! I've been looking for you for a long time, you know, I'm going crazy!"

"What's the matter, marry me?"

Li Fan laughed, and caused Yin Xiaoru's discomfort.

"Fart! I want you to do me a favor!"

"What's busy?"

Li Fan is very straightforward, "How much can I give?"

"Money, money, you know money! You can die without giving money!"

"Can die poorly."

Li Fan's words made Yin Xiaoru particularly speechless.

"Let's talk about the price ... is it convenient for you to speak there?"

"It's convenient to talk, but is your price really okay?"

Li Fan reminded Yin Xiaoru, "Last time you were ruined!"

"Well, people always get money!"

"I don't want dirty money!"

"Dirty your sister, you are dirty, your family is dirty!"

Yin Xiaoru was clearly furious. "In short, the money will definitely be given to you, you can do it!"

"What do you say first."

Li Fan muttered, "I didn't even say anything, just ask me to do it. In case you let me sleep with you, am I not bad?

"I'm so bad for you!"

Yin Xiaoru reprimanded, "Yeah ... help me ... help my cousin!"

"Help your sister, what do you do for your sister?"

"My sister is the daughter of the Lord of the Golden Eagle Fort!"


Li Fan was stunned, what about Yin Xiaoru's relatives who are so hard-working? And so rich!

"You have such a great relative, you have to go out and steal?"

"Your sister, I didn't steal things to make money!"

Yin Xiaoru was very upset. "Don't defile my sacred profession!"

"You can pull it down!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, "The thief is still holy!"

"In short, forbid you to say!"

Yin Xiaoru quickly rushed back to the topic and said, "My cousin is too unlucky. It's all this time. What feudal thing is to do it! I want you to win the match and let it go!"

"Sister, are you making me happy?"

Li Fan almost laughed out loud. "That contestant recruited relatives, and the people who participated were not ordinary goods."

"My cousin's ancestral jade pendant is of great value."

Yin Xiaoru started to talk about the price, "You help me this time, this jade pendant is yours."

"It's not about money!"

"It's worth more than three million."

"When should I pass?"

"Well, aren't you saying it's not about money!"

"It's really not money, it's to resist this backward feudal superstition!"

Li Fanyi said frankly, "This kind of thing, absolutely must not! You rest assured, this thing is covered by me!"

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