My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 348: get agreement

Chapter 348: Obtaining Consent

After taking another big business, Li Fan decided to meet with Xiaosi Yan, and they all discussed it with Ling Tian.

But before that, Li Fan had to rush back home to see his fiancee.

As soon as Li Fan arrived at the door of the house, the door was suddenly kicked open. A woman with a black mask was murderous, holding a bright sword, and went straight out of the door.

"Miss, you need to calm down! Miss two, you stop the young lady ... Ah, Miss two, why are you wearing a mask!"

Both the big and the small beauties went out, and Tie Zhu pulled them behind, but couldn't hold them.

The three of them saw Li Fan at one glance, and they were all there.

"Brother-in-law? Are you back?"

Murong Ai also just put on a black mask, and was surprised when Li Fan stood outside the door.

And Murong Ying was also there. She looked at Li Fan carefully for a few times. The hand holding the sword was very stable. At this moment, she couldn't help shaking.

"I have a friend who helped me out ... you guys ..."

"Oh, my aunt! You are back!"

Tie Zhu also cried with red eyes. With such a sloppy face, the red eyes were even more shocking.

"The two ladies are going to jail!"

"Hum, who's going to jail."

Murong Ying snorted coldly, "I just can't sit after a meal, just go out and take a walk while the moon is scattered."

"Brother, you're back, I'm terrified!"

Murong Ai wiped little tears indiscriminately, "I thought you were going to be executed by the court ..."

"I was wronged, how could I be executed?"

Li Fan laughed, "Hurry up, let's go back to the house and say, it's cold outside!"

"Are you OK……"

Murong Ying suddenly couldn't help but asked, "Are you hurt?"

"Relax, who can make me hurt. Worry the lady."

"Who is worried about you, I am afraid that you will be injured and lose my Murong's face."

Murong Ying flung her sleeves, "Since nothing is wrong, hurry home!"

She turned back to the room, but at the moment she turned around, she felt relieved.

"Brother-in-law, are you hungry or cold, come in quickly! Tie Zhu, go and prepare dinner for your brother-in-law!"

Murong Ai seemed to care a little bit more about her brother-in-law.

But others didn't think too much. After all, Li Fan was able to come back, and they were more at ease.


Li Fan sat directly in front of Murong Ying, making Murong Ying somewhat surprised.

He rarely finds himself. What's wrong today? Can't you stay in jail for a few days and miss yourself? Huh, this man is a little conscience!

But he couldn't just follow him like this, he didn't coax himself a few words, he didn't want to ignore him! Inexplicably, he was caught in, and it took so long! If he hadn't appeared tonight, he would have been killed in prison!

"Mother, look, this picture."

Li Fan took out a picture in earnest, and placed it in front of Murong Ying.

"Brother-in-law, what is this?"

Seeing Li Jing's meridian map, Murong Ying had no time to speak, Murong Ai could not help but ask.

"This is a picture I got by accident."

Li Fan did not explain the matter carefully, "The above exercises are very strange ..."

"How did you practice upside down!"

Murong Ai studied the meridian map carefully, "Isn't this suicide?"


Murong Ying frowned, "This is an evil skill."

"Xie Gong? Why do you see it?"

Li Fan is still very strange, "Evil skills can be practiced, but I can't even practice this skill!"

"That said, but it seems to work in theory."

Murong Ying is the master of this field. "But the danger is not necessary for me. In short, you do n’t have to practice this skill, otherwise you will die out of danger!"

"Rest assured, I won't practice, I just look."

Li Fan said, and put away the drawings. "Besides, I have one more thing to say. I will go out tomorrow and do something."


Murong Ying snorted immediately, "I have been in jail for so long now, and my kung fu must have fallen down! No one is allowed to go. I have to tune in these days-teach your kung fu!

"Yes, brother-in-law, I just came back. My sister misses you so much. How can you leave?"

Murong Ai also hurriedly said that it was logical to move her sister out as an excuse.

But the competition is in sight, and Li Fan has to hurry up. To be honest, he really wanted to stay with Murong Ying for two more days.

"That's it, lady, I'm going to Golden Eagle Fort."

Li Fan arched his hand and decided to be honest.

"Golden Eagle Fort? Where are you going?"

Murong Ying faintly guessed.

"I'm not hiding my maiden, I'm going to join the contest to recruit relatives."

For the first time, Li Fan was so frank with Murong Ying. He felt that the two were unmarried couples after all. There should not be too many things to hide, which would make them more and more strange.

"Compete for a match? Brother-in-law, you are crazy! You all have an elder sister, and you're going to compete for a match!"

Murong Ai also yelled, but Murong Ying held her shoulder, "Let him finish."

"It's not my purpose to recruit relatives, I'm going to compete."

Li Fan explained, "Bai Linluo also said to me that this competition is to recruit relatives, and it is estimated that the elites of the young generation in the martial arts went to it! I have been practicing martial arts for such a long time, but the competition experience is still not sufficient. This is my opportunity. I need to learn from these people and exercise myself from actual combat! "


Unexpectedly, Murong Ying actually agreed, "You are willing to treat me frankly, I feel very good. And this time, I also know one or two. I do know about each martial art, and there are some one-shot single pass Young talents, they will all go to Golden Eagle. "

"Then you promised me, mother?"

Li Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Murong Ying to agree so easily. He thought that she would teach herself with her head covered.

"However, you are inexperienced, and go alone, I am not assured."

Murong Ying said, and gently touched her sister's head, "Let Xiao Ai stay with you, I can rest assured."

"What? Let her stay with me?"

Li Fan was dumbfounded.

"Brother-in-law, don't underestimate the goodness of others ... When they were 12 years old, they broke into the rivers and lakes by themselves!"

Murong Ai said proudly, "It's the old rivers and lakes too!"

"Wipe ... incredible ..."

"This is a fact. You can take her with you. If you are not assured, you can leave Tie Zhu with you."

Murong Ying added, Li Fan almost scared!

"Tie Zhu has to be close to you, or I won't rest assured."

Li Fan thought of a wit excuse!

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