My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 349: Nothing more

349 That's it

Let Tie Zhu stay with you, then you really have to die.

Even if it was Murong Ai, Li Fan didn't want to take it with him ... it was a burden! Also beware of the whimsy in her little head!

But now it is not a matter for him to decide, Murong Ying has decided to bring his sister, and he has no way to object.

"Why don't you go with me?"

Li Fan felt that he and Murong Ying had not traveled with each other. The two of them went to Golden Eagle Castle as if they were honeymooners, and they seemed quite good!

"Look, it's good for us to have a honeymoon?"


Murong Ying seemed a little moved for a moment, but she quickly shook her head, "I am special and not suitable for such occasions. Let Xiao Ai be with you, I think this is one of you both Good exercise. "

"Relax, sister, I will take care of my brother-in-law!"

Murong Ai waved his little fist, "I will take care of my food, clothing and shelter!"

"In this regard, you'd better take care of yourself first."

Murong Ying gave her sister a pampered glance, because Murong Ai was spoiled at home, so Murong Ying always thought that although her sister was experienced, she had a poor self-care ability. But she didn't know that she had underestimated her sister.

Although Murong Ai has the temperament of a young lady, her survivability is also very strong. These days she and Tie Zhu are away. She cooks three meals a day, and looks like a decent person.

She didn't know that this was Murong Ai's intention to learn to serve her brother-in-law.

If Murong Ying knew that her sister had become like this for Li Fan, I don't know what it would be like.

"When will the two of us set off?"

Murong Ai seems to have a little expectation. Can she go out with her brother-in-law alone? Is there anything more fun than that?

"Why are you anxious, can't you set off overnight?"

Murong Ying snapped, Li Fan finally came back, she must not have been willing to leave. However, Murong Ying was unwilling to open her mouth directly, so she made an excuse.

"Since I am going to participate in the contest, I will try Li Fan's work tonight to see if there is anything missing."

The excuse that Murong Ying casually thought, really fit Li Fan's thinking now.

"Okay, okay, my lady and I haven't talked for a long time, don't you be merciful!"

Now Li Fan is also at the peak of his strength. He also realized some Buddhist thoughts in prison, so he became confident.

"Can I visit and study next?"

Murong looked at them pitifully.

"Of course."

Li Fan agreed, and Murong Ying was naturally happy. She stood up, sorted out her clothes, and said, "Little love, you have to look carefully, how much you can learn is your own ability."

"Okay, sister, I will do my best!"

The two sisters seemed very happy. Li Fan couldn't help crying or laughing. Did they use themselves as living targets? Are they real teaching materials?

"I'll make some supper for everyone."

Tie Zhu saw the two ladies happy, she was also happy, and simply went to the kitchen to do her work.

This family finally gave a little feeling of Li Fan's family. At this moment, he even thought that it would be great if he lived such a life in the future.

No, he is an ambitious man, how can he be absorbed in his children's private affairs? Li Fan patted his face, so that he was awake.

He followed Sister Murong to the practice room. The most spacious room in the whole family is probably the practice room. It hasn't been back for a long time, and now Li Fan has a taste of nostalgia. It is here that I become stronger little by little.

"Little love, just stand there and watch. Since it's here, you have to look more carefully."

"Yes, sister."

Murong Ai stood obediently and watched her sister "tune-teach" her brother-in-law.

And Li Fan stood there with his feet full and his hands behind him. Looking at him, it seems that he is not facing a master of martial arts, but an ordinary river and lake master.

Seeing Li Fan's state, Murong Ying couldn't help but move. In less than a year, the teenager progressed as usual. Once upon a time, he looked at himself with a sense of timidity and awe. But now he can face himself calmly.

This progress alone is worthy of pride.

However, compared with himself, there is still a big gap! Yes, today is the day to revive Wife Gang!

Murong Ying thought of it, stretched out her hand and waved to the side.

A wooden sword placed on the side shelf flew over and fell into her palm.

"Do you use only wooden swords against me?"

Li Fan pouting and pouting, "Women, you look down on people too."

"For me, the sword is in my heart."

Murong Ying waved a wooden sword, brought a strong sword, and left a gully on the ground. "If you don't believe it, you can try it for yourself."

"Okay, then I'm welcome!"

Li Fan said, taking a step forward, leaving a footprint on the ground!

His internal skills are very profound. In just one year, he has learned skills that others can only achieve in thirty years! Li Fan handed his hands forward directly and grabbed towards Murong Ying's shoulder!

Qixiaquan has been integrated into Li Fan's one move and one style! Now he is performing the capture in bear attack!

Mu Rongying held a wooden sword in her hand and blocked it in front of Li Fan's palm. If Li Fanfa slams down, his right hand will probably be poked out of a hole!

Li Fan took up his right hand, but his left hand changed a trick and took a shot in front of him!

Black tiger hearted!

Although it is Murong Sakura's left chest that is being caught, in the competition, these can not be avoided!

Murong Ying's martial arts did not regress and dodge! She was still standing there, holding the sword in her other hand and poking at Li Fan's left palm!

Li Fan's palms were closed, his body was short, and then he twisted his waist to drive the strength of his legs.

But Murong Ying didn't have the slightest panic. She inserted her sword and stabbed Li Fan's knee!

Li Fan held up his palm on the ground, and slammed it back!

He failed to get close to Murong Ying's body for three consecutive moves!

This is his fiancee! The charm of a martial arts leader!

The higher your strength, the more likely you can find Murong Ying's strength! She just blandly made a wooden sword and easily resolved her three-stroke attack!

"Is that all?"

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan and seemed a little disappointed.

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