350 My service

"Just warmed up."

Li Fan said, standing there, raising his hands, spreading his palms.

"Next is the highlight."

"Exactly where is the confidence coming from."

Murong Ying didn't believe Li Fan's words, but Li Fan suddenly folded her hands, her body burst into a strong breath.

Murong Ying couldn't help but feel shocked. Why did Li Fan's momentum change? Murong Ying always has an illusion. It is not fiance Li Fan who stands in front of herself, but an extraordinary Buddha in the sky!

"Ape-faced Buddha!"

Li Fan entered this state, and felt that everything in the world seemed to be seen by himself!

Including Murong Ying's tricks and styles, they seem to be clearly seen by themselves! The Buddhists already have great wisdom. They can see the essence of things through their appearance! The ape is also very good at imitation, and now combined with the Buddhists, Li Fan has learned a new skill in addition to the lore of mercy.


Murong Ying felt that Li Fan was scaring people. She suddenly stabbed at Li Fan's cheek with a sword, and seemed to want to leave a hole in Li Fan's face!

If it is usual, Li Fan will laugh at Murong Ying, to break his husband's appearance! But in the state of the ape-faced Buddha, Li Fan's heart seemed to stop the water, and he seemed to be too forgotten.

He moved his head slightly to one side, avoiding Murong Ying's sword. But Murong Ying picked up the sword finger of the other hand and ran to Li Fan's chest.

Murong Ying didn't seem to show mercy, and every move was a killing move! But Li Fan made exactly the same action as her, holding her sword finger in her left hand and colliding with Murong Ying's sword finger!


It's not just the move. In a flash, Li Fan even imitated the opponent's way of doing exercises!

The two men's sword fingers collided together, making the same sound as a metal impact, and then their fingers staggered and hit other places.


Murong Ying was a little surprised. Li Fan even imitated his own moves 100%?

How is this possible? Your own moves, which are not hard-working, only practiced day and night!

No matter how talented and talented Li Fan is, he can't realize it when he meets him! Besides, his talent is not very high, just relying on pure Yang body to progress faster than others!

"Come again!"

Murong Ying said, the sword finger pointed at Li Fan again at a tricky angle.

And Li Fan was not shocked and confused, with the same sword finger on his left hand, once again blocking the attack of Murong Ying!

Murong Yingmei was pressing, her heart rolling like a wave.

"Then try this trick."

Murong Ying said, put the sword in the ground, and then stretched out her beautiful right hand, condensed her sword!

Unique cherry blossom sword scent, these beautiful cherry blossom petals rotate rapidly under the palm of Murong Sakura. But the next scene opened Murong Ying's eyes wide!

I saw Li Fan also stretched out his right hand, the same cherry blossom sword spirit appeared in the palm of his hand, quickly spinning on the palm of his hand.


Murong Ying could not believe her eyes, Li Fan could really imitate her tricks completely!

She shook her hand, and those cherry blossom sword spirits rushed towards Li Fan immediately, but Li Fan also threw out the same cherry blossom sword gas, the two collided together, and a dazzling Mars popped up in the air!

Murong Ai looks a little silly, sister and husband are so good!

I'm really not convinced ... I can be more powerful ... forget it, as long as my brother-in-law is powerful.

Murong Ai thought about it, secretly took out a small green pill from her arms, and stuffed it into her clothes.

She looked slightly blue, but soon recovered her blood.

Murong Ying and Li Fan haven't noticed this scene, they are still discussing and they are in full swing.

Finally, Murong Ying waved her hand and let go of her sword. Li Fan also retracted his hands and stood there, looking at Murong Ying, as if waiting for her move.

"Although your move is powerful, it has two fatal shortcomings."

Murong Ying has restored her confidence, and smiles at the fiance in front of her.


Li Fan raised her eyelids slightly. Murong Ying was so beautiful. Even if she had a Buddha heart, she couldn't help moving.

It's hard to imagine that such a beautiful woman would be her fiancee. Fate is really a wonderful thing.

"First, although you can imitate, you cannot imitate the same power."

Murong Ying said, "I have restrained myself and only used 30% of my skill to fight you. If I use 10% or more, the moves you imitated can only be defeated by me."

"I admit it."

Li Fan acknowledged it generously.

"Another point, it's more deadly. Because you can only imitate the moves that the other party is using. You can't imitate the ones you have used."

"It's my lady in the end, and her eyes are really hot!"

Li Fan nodded, "Since that's the case, I won't keep my hands."

Li Fan said, taking a deep breath. His body suddenly started to change, just like the bear cavalry, his body suddenly swelled a little, but it was not exaggerated, just to make the muscles fuller.

"Ape-faced Buddha, attackable and defensive, now it's time to move!"

Li Fan's words landed, and at the same time he extended a finger and pointed at the air.

Murong Sakura's gaze moved in an instant, but in the next second, Li Fan's body disappeared in front of her!

Get out of the monkey!

This was a magical move by Li Fan, but Murong Ying turned around immediately, stabbing in the direction of the sword!

Li Fan did appear there exactly. He folded one hand around his waist, but the palm of the other hand was aimed at Murong Ying.

"Ape King Cannon!"

Li Fan rubbed Murong Ying's sword fingers in her palm and patted her shoulder!

Li Dan's palm is like a cannonball, apparently with the consciousness that he lost both sides with Murong Ying!

But Murong Ying didn't show the slightest move. Both people's moves looked at each other's body. Murong Ai was also terrified, almost screaming!

However, less than two millimeters away, the two took up each other's moves at the same time.


Murong Ying nodded and praised Li Fan, "In this case, this competition will invite your relatives, and your winning percentage will be 80%."

"Are you sure?"

"Just guess, after all, I don't know much about those young talents."

Murong Ying gently held her chin, her face seemed a little embarrassed.

"Why? Aren't you peers?"

"But their strength is too poor, and I am not a level."

Murong Ying's words are particularly exciting, "I usually defeated them by their masters and heads."

Nima, this is what Murong Ying can say! She said this, Li Fanfu!

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