Chapter 370: Battle Begins

Lu Yishan embarked on the ring, followed by his more than thirty young masters on the ring, all of them were close to the enemy! It seems that this Lu Yishan has some fame.

"Who is Lu Yishan?"

Li Fan saw Yan Kai standing beside him and couldn't help asking.

At this time, Yan Kai was wearing a hoodie, covering her face so tightly that she could not see who came. But Li Fan could see him almost every day and recognized him from his figure.

"I don't know."

Yan Kai shrugged.

"Do you know who you are?"

"Come on, we have more disciples of‘ and ’generation! Let alone disciples of‘ yi ’generation!”

"'And' characters?"

"It's my generation."

Yan Kai said, "When I didn't leave Shanmen, my name was Yan Hekai. But when I was kicked out of Wudang, the middle word was also removed. And this Lu Yishan was obviously a generation lower than me. What about the hundred-odd person Can I remember them all? "

"But they remember you."

Li Fan held his arms and stood there, watching the excitement of Team A. That Lu Yishan's Taiji practice was pure, and Taichi was so energetic that everyone around him lost his sight. White fluttering, so chic.

"Wu Dangshan remembers that Dao has more people."

Yan Kai laughed, "Think back then, Dao was the new star of Wudang Mountain! If it weren't for the daughter of the head who forced Dao to get married, Dao would give her a shot, and today he would not be kicked out of the mountain.

Li Fan is very speechless. The reason why this guy was kicked out of the school is very strange.

"Why do you want to ridicule others? Is this daughter in charge too ugly?"

"How come, looks like a fairy."

Yan Kai said, "Although it's not as good as your confidantes, it's not much different."

"I wipe, why don't you do it?"

"No feelings, why marry!"

Yan Kai said solemnly, "Even if you are beautiful, if you don't have emotions, you can't just stay together! Taoist belongs to the whole world, how can it belong to a woman alone!"

"Wipe, I think you like men!"


Yan Kai denied it!

"Dao Ye's sexual orientation is very normal! How could he like a man!"

Seeing his seriousness, Li Fan almost believed.

"Li Fan, don't you think that Laoguan's body is getting better lately?"

Yan Kai touched his chin, and while looking at Guan Wenbao next to him, he asked Li Fan.

"Wipe, and you say your sexual orientation is normal?"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, but Yan Kai explained, "No, no, you have misunderstood me. Dao just wants to exercise, and I feel that this kind of exercise is good, so I want to learn!

After Yan Kai said, he put his arms on Huang Lei, who was watching the lively, "Leizi ..."


"Do you know some reliable tattoo artists?"

"I know, what are you going to tattoo?"

"I want to put something on jj ..."

"Fuck, your request is so special, it's not impossible, what do you want to print?"

"Pray a second prince."

"Come on, you go away from me!"

Huang Lei's face looked very disgusting, pushing Yan Kai away.

"Wipe, you misunderstood, Dao just thought he was so handsome!"

"Handsome you dad basket!"

The two scolded each other, and the competition on the stage had already separated the results.

Lu Yishan flipped the last teenager master with one palm, and then stretched out a finger to Yan Kai.

"Yan Kai, you Wudang traitor, the next one to defeat is you!"

Suddenly everyone's eyes fell on Yan Kai's body, which immediately made Yan Kai very embarrassed.

Who the **** is this guy!

"Yan Kai is here?"

"Isn't this guy kicked out of Wudang?"

People around were talking about each other, but Yin Wuchao, who was sitting on the ring, raised his eyebrows, and his mouth seemed to hang with an interesting smile.

"This guy has been famous for many years. He should be almost thirty years old. Would you like to compete with relatives?"

"After all, he's not married yet ..."

Yan Kai was very upset with the discussions around him, and he yelled loudly.

"Shut up for me! Is it possible for you to talk about Dao? Who dares to talk wildly, Dao cuts his tongue!"

Yan Kai shouted loudly, like thunder. After all, his reputation still has some, and many people dare not speak again.

Li Fan deliberately walked away, trying to keep a distance from Yan Kai, the second disease!

Lu Yishan won the first game, and in the second game were some masters who did not know Li Fan. The winner was the disciple of Huashan. He used the great sword of Huashan to stun himself, repelled all his opponents, and stayed on the ring.

The boy was very silent, but he was carrying his sword silently, as if he was in a serious state of mind.

In the third game, it's Li Fan's debut.

"Brother, come on!"

Huang Lei next to cheer up Li Fan, "Give them all down! Let them all surrender to the domineering of the big brother!"

"Stop him ..."

Li Fan covered his forehead, and Yan Kai immediately reached out and sealed Huang Lei's mouth.

"Ha, I guess this guy will die on the ring!"

Tang Wei ridiculed, waiting to see Li Fan appear ugly.

Thirty-two masters jumped onto the ring, and Li Fan stood with a bald disciple in front of him.

"Amitabha, the donor is unfortunate when he meets a little monk."

The little monk chanted the Buddha's chant to Li Fan, "This one, who can stay at the end, must be a little monk."

"I wipe, you monk came to kiss the wool!"

"If you want to practice Buddhism, you must first see through the red dust. Without experiencing the red dust, why talk about it?"

The little monk said earnestly, "When the little monk marries Miss Yin, take a good look at what this red dust looks like."

"It's tofu, you monk!"

Li Fan almost vomited blood, there are really everyone in this arena! This little monk Langcheng is like this, does their abbot know?

"Amitabha, such a deep Buddha, you don't understand the donor."

"Understand your sister! Let me talk to you as a slut!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, why is there always strangeness around him!

Isn't it the way you came into this world?

"Masters, you can't wait."

Yin Wuchao's apprentice Jiang Yanzhe spread his voice with qi and announced it loudly.

"The third game, Group C, begins."

His voice trembled throughout the Golden Eagle Fort. Many people could not help admiring Jiang Yanzhe's young age, but he had already practiced such a deep internal force. It was truly amazing.

And those young masters around Li Fan, when they heard the password, they couldn't bear it, and frantically fought!

The temperament of the previous one, the gentleman's demeanor, etc., are all gone! Once they fight, they all have red eyes and can't wait to tear the other side into pieces!

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