My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 371: Buddhist lion roar

371 Buddha Gate Lion Roar

Li Fan didn't rush. He held his arms and stood on the platform.

The people around were huddled, inextricably bound. The two who are good at boxing have been torn together, and they have begun to punch their hair and kick the crotch!

These two people should also be from Mingmen, right? What is their demeanor and their demeanor?

Li Fan shook his head. These people, in order to be the son-in-law of the Golden Eagle Fortress, have lost face.

What's so interesting about being a son-in-law? Isn't it nice for a man to step on his own?

If Li Fan's idea was known by others, he would have to be shot dead! He became the son-in-law of the Murong family and could marry the famous martial arts leader. This is a blessing that can only be repaired in a few lifetimes. How many years of hard work!

Li Fan stood there, watching these people fight together. This place is nice to see the excitement, at least a front row position.

And many people rushed to the young monk. The young monk was not panic. He looked at the five masters in front of him, but just stood there, folded his hands and yelled!


One louder than one louder, one wave higher than one wave!

Buddha lion roar!

The five young masters were shaken up and down, and some of them had bleeding from their mouths, apparently suffering internal injuries!

As soon as the connoisseur took the shot, he knew if it was there. Although the little monk was not serious, his inner strength was quite profound.

The young monk's voice is also very loud. He is a lion who roars well, and he is striding forward, his hands folded, and he is roaring at these young masters in front of him!

One after another the young masters were stunned by the young monk's lion, or blown away. At the same time, a young master sneaked behind Li Fan, and he felt that this guy seemed to deal well with it. There were loops of steel around his wrists, and this disciple was practicing wire punches.

But Li Fan just waved his hand, his fist ushered up, and hit the steel ring.


The steel ring was directly broken by Li Fan's fist!

The successor of Iron Fist was startled, Li Fan reached out his other hand, grabbed the buddy's wrist, and flung forward!

The opponent's body resembled a sandbag, and Li Fan fell to the ground and passed out.

The young monk has solved a large number of people, and his eyes finally fell on Li Fan.

"This donor, I'm sorry, my lord is a young monk."

With that said, he was striding forward, his hands folded, and opened his mouth at Li Fan.


Li Fan stretched out his hand and yelled.

"Does the donor have anything to say?"

"Have you brushed your teeth?"


With the sound of a Buddhist horn, a huge air wave hit Li Fan.

But Li Fan's feet were like taking root, still standing there steadily, as if not affected.

"Is this just strength?"

Li Fan held his arms and asked slowly.

"Little monk, you are afraid that you are not good at studying."

The monk froze for a moment, and it seemed that he did not expect that the other party was safe and sound!

"The donor has some strength, but the roar of the little monk is not practiced for nothing!"

He said, taking another deep breath, his belly bulging slightly.

"Oh! Well! What! Hey! Mimi! Hey!"

This time it is the six-character Daming mantra, and the Buddha sound is sixfold waves!

A series of six waves of shocks continued to hit Li Fan's body, tumbling his clothes. But Li Fan's feet were still stepping on it steadily, as if still moving, as if the breeze was blowing the hills!

"Inconceivable ..."

Seeing his six-fold wave of Buddhist doors, Han couldn't move Li Fan, and the little monk was a little dazed.

But he was not in a hurry. Instead, he saw the bronze bell next to it to inform the start of the game.

The little monk slapped the bronze bell and held it in his arms.

"Well, are you learning kung fu?"

Li Fan saw this movie and immediately understood the method to be used by young monks!

"Amitabha, the little monk has also seen it, just try it today!"

The little monk carried a big bronze bell, pointed at Li Fan, and shouted a huge Buddha lion!

"I! Buddha! Mercy! Sadness!"

The sound wave rushed out, and the stone bricks on the platform were lifted up and shot on Li Fan's body.

But Li Fan remained still, and when those stone bricks hit his body less than a centimeter away, they would break into pieces.

The sound waves couldn't break Li Fan's body, he still stood there with his arms around, as if those sound waves didn't hit him, but somebody else.


The floor was smashed and the bronze bell was smashed on the ground. The young monk was obviously out of energy.

Li Fan stood there unharmed, as if in the spring breeze. And all the young masters around were all set off by the little monk! Even Tang Wei was stunned when he saw this trick. The Buddha's lion roar was too uriney, even if he was ... he couldn't do it right?

"It doesn't seem to work?"

Li Fan smiled, "Although your Buddhist lion roar is very strong, your skill is good. But your internal strength is not solid enough, and your voice is still a little bit false."

He said, his body suddenly bent slightly, his eyes flashed with light, "the energy is reorganized a bit, the effect should be like this."

Li Fan said, one foot fell forward, and then roared.


Tigers Howling Forest!

This shout made the whole Golden Eagle fort tremble! The surrounding woods shook one after another, as if there really was a king in the mountains, and the tiger went down!

Many people at the scene followed the feeling of a cold and shivered subconsciously.

They felt like tigers were staring behind them, treating them as prey!

The little monk on the opposite side stepped back two steps, kneeling on the ground, Qiqiao bleeding.

This sound made him suffer a lot of internal injuries. The bronze bell around him had cracks. When the wind blew, the bronze bell broke.

Li Fan shocked the audience with this fierce tiger! Blockbuster!

"Little monk ... lost ..."

The little monk sat cross-legged on the ground, his hands folded and no longer snoring.

He had already given up, and the big clock was gone. Jiang Zhezhe had to knock the causeway next to him.

"The champion of Group C is Li Fan and Li Shaoxia! People in the rivers and lakes call it Xiaoba Wang!"

It can be said that Li Fan is the only one of these young talents with a famous name! Even Yan Kai failed to leave a title.

His existence has caused countless jealousy. And Li Fan has already given a hand, making many people look at it.

"The internal force is indeed strong."

Yin Wuchao sat there, seemingly moved, "But as a master, it's useless to have strong internal skills."

He's not too optimistic about Li Fan. The person he likes most here is the disciple of Huashan.

The champion this time should be him.

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