My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 372: Let you start

372 Let you move first

Tang Wei won the competition in the D group, without any suspense. The remaining few groups of matches, Li Fan also focused on watching, the young man with the knife also won, but Li Fan was a bit proud, his vision is quite good! I saw two young men with one sword and one sword, they both won.

The name of the Huashan boy with a sword is Chen Junhua. It is said that he was the adopted son of Huashan's head. He had high hopes before. Until later, the head of Huashan gave birth to another son ... so now Chen Junhua's position is very awkward.

The boys who use the knife are the big disciples of Wuhumen, and they learn the Wuhu broken-door knife inherited from the division. In other novels, these five tigers are usually soy sauce. But in practice, it is a very aggressive and powerful sword. Wuhumen is also quite prestigious among the rivers and lakes. Although it can not be compared with Wudang and Shaolin martial arts ears, it also occupies a certain position.

This big disciple of Wuhumen is named Ke Chunze. Unlike Chen Junhua, who is silent, he has quite a desire to express himself. He also likes to shout out his own name when he moves!

"Chen Junhua!"

This grandma stood on the grandstand, learning the appearance of Lv Yishan, and pointed at Chen Junhua below the grandma with a long knife.

It seems that the two have met each other.

Li Fan stood by and looked at the excitement first.

Soon, in the competition of his own group, Guan Wenbao got into the ring with the expectation of a group of people.

Laoguan regretted not being able to bring Lisa, but even under the horse, he did not lose to his family swordsmanship.

When seeing Guan Wenbao going up, Ke Chunze of Wuhumen was also eager! Everyone is a knife player. Although they are not the same kind of sword, they all have common ground in some ways!

The young talents around him looked a little jealous when looking at Guan Wenbao. This man was born in a famous place!

If you can also be born in Guan family, then you can really choose the famous factions in the rivers and lakes! No matter where you go, you will be valued, and you will learn more powerful skills!

"Guan Wenbao, come here!"

"There's a home in the air, and see that Ben Ben defeats you!"

These people think that Guan Wenbao has nothing but good health.

For a while, there were almost ten people. The ten young masters each performed their tricks and attacked Guan Wenbao. Guan Wenbao didn't panic at all. He just stretched his feet and stepped on the ground.

At the same time, Guan Wenbao touched his left hand on the big knife on his waist, and pressed his right hand on a cooked copper stick hung behind him.

Guan Wenbao put his hands together, and a wanyue knife was combined. He was faced with more than a dozen masters, and he was not surprised. He turned on the spot, waved the moon knife in his hand, and brought a strong sword!

"Total Annihilation!"

It took only one move to hit the young masters around!

"Laoguan has strengthened a lot."

As soon as Li Fan's eyes brightened, the main thing was that his wristbands had not been removed! It seems that this time, Laoguan did not train himself! This Guan Wenbao is the hardest one among the three of them! Li Fan sometimes thinks that if he also trains every day like Guan Wenbao, he may become stronger! However, he usually has other things to do, he has to go to school, and he has to take care of such a big dart, so he can't go all out to practice.


Even Yin Wuchao couldn't help but admire, "The foundation of Guan Wenbao is too solid! In time, it must be a hero of one party!"

He was full of expectations for Guan Wenbao, and even couldn't help weighing Guan Wenbao and Chen Junhua. If you want to say kung fu, Yin Wuchao thinks that Chen Junhua such a heavy boy seems to be better. But after all, he was not too seen in Huashan, Guan Wenbao was different. Even if it's gone, it's a nobleman. If you can marry the descendants of the Guan family, it will undoubtedly help your own Golden Eagle. Although Golden Eagle Castle is operating well now, after all, it still lacks a noble identity!

What Wudang, Shaolin, Huashan, these martial arts are all famous! Just because they have a heavy historical identity!

Even a five tiger gate is more prestigious than its own Golden Eagle! But as long as you marry a decent family disciple, this situation is different!

Therefore, this Yin Wu dynasty began to consider, and Guan Wenbao has undoubtedly become a very favorable candidate.

And Guan Wenbao did get angry. He stood alone on the ring, with one enemy and ten, without falling into the wind. The remaining young masters tried several times to launch attacks, but they were all lightly blocked by Guan Wenbao.

"I don't think the descendants of Guan Family are also good!"

Ke Chunze put his hand on his knife and watched Guan Wenbao show his power. He couldn't help laughing, "It seems that this competition is getting more and more interesting!"

Guan Wenbao overturned all his opponents and stood alone on the ring.

The apprentice of Yin Wuchao immediately declared Guan Wenbao's victory, and everyone couldn't help whispering again. It seems that Guan Wenbao's strength has been recognized by everyone.

In the next few games, it was a little slower to choose the master. Everyone's strength was not much different, and it was difficult for anyone to stand out.

Everyone was drowsy, and even Yin Wuchao couldn't help yawning secretly. This situation continued until Yan Kai came to power!

Yan Kai's name has long been known among the rivers and lakes! The big disciple of Wudang Mountain that year, as soon as he came to power, attracted everyone's attention.

"Master Yinbao, Dao came here for a fun, wouldn't you be mad at Dao?"

Yan Kai asked Yin Wuchao, who was sitting in the top position, that he could talk to Yin Wuchao in this casual tone, indicating that the two had some old acquaintance.

"Hehe, it's a great honor for Brother Yan to come here to support him."

Yin Wuchao said nothing to sinners. "If Brother Yan really has the ability to win the first place, it would be a good thing to be an old man's ride on the dragon."

"Not so good."

Yan Kai laughed. Although his sexual orientation was not obvious, he was smart. "I don't have Wudang's identity. It doesn't seem to be qualified to be your son-in-law in Jinyingbao."

"Brother Yan, what does this say? Golden Eagle Fort welcomes all young talents this time! No matter it is a famous person or a grassroots origin, the old man is treated equally and welcomed!"

"Okay, I'm welcome to that grandfather."

Yan Kai laughed, and Yin Wuchao laughed, "Don't hurry to say, masters come out in large numbers, you can't say whether you can become a master."

"Isn't it just a group of little Mao children, seeing Dao calm them down."

Yan Kai said, first stretched out a big lazy waist, and then casually tickled his fingers to the people around him, "Come and come, Dao let you do the trick first."

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