My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 383: Murong Sword

Chapter 383: Murong Sword

If Chen Junhua's stab is only with the gossip palm, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist! Although Chen Junhua did not speak on the surface, it was estimated that she was not convinced. This was forcing Li Fan to use the original moves.

"it is good!"

Li Fan is also looking up, since the other party has come out with real strength, he should not hide.

He suddenly roared, his body filled with qi, and then his hands slammed on the blade of Chen Junhua!

Go empty-handed!

To outsiders, Li Fan seems dead! Such a terrible sword atmosphere, he went to pick it up empty-handed! However, Li Fan was so confident that he patted his hands as if Hong Zhong was ringing, but the sword that was shot kept buzzing!

Some bloodstains appeared on his arm, apparently injured by Chen Junhua's sword qi. But both arms remained under the protection of Qi.

At the same time, Chen Junhua's sword was also shot by Li Fan. A spirit of anger was like ripples, which continued to spread upwards along the blade of Chen Junhua, and soon shocked Chen Junhua's hand.

Chen Junhua cracked his tiger's mouth, but he shook his sword. At the same time, the spirit of the sword opened Li Fan's hands and forced Li Fan back two steps. He reversed a circle in the air himself, Jian Feng set a round and a half months, and chased Li Fan over!

No wonder it is a high apprentice of Huashan. Li Fan had to admire Chen Junhua's sword skills when he saw this sword.

Flexible and offensive.

Li Fan didn't dare to delay, he used the sky to simulate Murong Ying's moves!

Li Fan stretched out **** and bounced on that blade!


As if the sound of two swords colliding together, Chen Junhua's sword was bounced off, his body turned backwards, turned a few more times in the air, and then fell to the edge of the ring to stabilize his body.

And Li Fan also kicked back two steps, his fingers trembled slightly, and there was still anger on it.

Yin Wuchao couldn't sit still for the first time, and stood up!

Murong swordsmanship! This is Murong Ying's swordsmanship! As a sword sage, Murong Ying can use her finger as a sword! Unexpectedly, this boy still learned the skills of his fiancee! And the show is not bad!

But the only flaw is that this Murong swordsmanship was exhibited in Li Fanshi. One less cleverness, but one more domineering!

Li Fan retreated Chen Junhua with his sword, and he was regretful. You can't simulate Murong Sakura's cherry sword spirit, if it can be simulated, it would be great!

"Sister's sword!"

Murong Ai also slaps a small hand off the stage, "Brother-in-law is awesome, even this trick has been learned! In this way, then Huashan's kid must admit defeat!"

She underestimated Chen Junhua's determination.

Chen Junhua kept his feet steady, raised his sword again, and pointed at Li Fan, his eyes became firmer.

Li Fan used Murong Ying's sword technique, which made him feel excited for the first time!

This is the sword of the martial arts leader! Also swordsman swordsmanship!

Maybe she can't beat Murong Ying, but can't her fiance be beaten? Chen Junhua adjusted his breathing, then jumped up again, carrying a sword, and attacked Li Fan again in the air!

And Li Fan stretched out two hands, only holding his sword fingers, blocked Chen Junhua's attack again and again.

No matter how hard Chen Junhua tried, he couldn't break Li Fan's defense. Compared with his previous competition with Ke Chunze, it seems to be upside down. It is the Huashan boy who is constantly busy attacking this time.

Li Fan was impatient and blocked Chen Junhua's attack time and time again. And Chen Junhua's methodical attack suddenly showed a flaw, which was caught by Li Fan.

He flicked **** and directly hit Chen Junhua's sword, leaving the empty door wide open in front of him!

"Papa Bear Pile Driver!"

Li Fan grabbed Chen Junhua's collar with his other hand and dragged him out of the air, slamming him in front of him!


The ground trembled, and a pit appeared on the platform, and Chen Junhua lay inside. He had just hit his head on the ground, and was still a little dizzy.

Li Fan has been merciless, otherwise a series of papa bear pile drivers will be used, and Chen Junhua will be seriously injured if he does not die!

It was only for comparison, Li Fan didn't have to fight.

Chen Junhua eased his mind and wanted to get up, but Li Fan had stretched out his feet and reached his chest.

As long as Li Fan works hard, Chen Junhua's heart will be hit hard!

"You have lost."

Li Fan reminded Chen Junhua. Chen Junhua thought about it, stretched out his hands, and arched his hand at Li Fan, and gave up very happy.

Chen Junhua's fans are very sad, but they are a bit lucky. Fortunately, Chen Junhua lost. If he won, wouldn't he want to marry the Golden Eagle fortune?

Yin Wuchao also seemed to be a bit unsteady. His biggest dependency, Chen Junhua lost! There are two people left, one who does not know the details of himself, and the other is Li Fan's brother. If he releases water, Li Fan's winning face will be very big!

"Okay, who's next?"

Li Fan asked, in fact, every time he tried, he did not use all his strength, but suppressed his strength on the basis of the same level as his opponent. Otherwise, using internal force to suppress the other side is meaningless.

"Grace, it's me."

Guan Wenbao said, when he stepped on the foot, the whole person rose into the air and fell in front of Li Fan.

He waved the moon-knife in his hand, causing a gale.

"Engong, I will use all my strength to fight you."

Guan Wenbao is a very rigid person, and he takes each battle very seriously.

Li Fan never thought about letting him release water. This is an exhibition match. He just used this opportunity to show the true style of the extraordinary dart game!

Yin Wuchao stretched his brow. Since Guan Wenbao is going to do his best, there is no problem. His strength seems to be good. In the end, after being a famous person, he is righteous and will not engage in water draining.

"Relieve your weight."

Li Fan reminded, "There was no riding on Lisa and fighting off horses, you have no trump cards."

"Engong said."

Guan Wenbao said, untied his wrists, legs, and waist.

These things were thrown to the ground, cracked the floor, and the people below were stunned!

Dude, did the young man in Guanjia always take these things to fight? These things add up to more than a hundred kilograms, do you want to be so fierce!

"I haven't beaten you for a long time. Last time I was on Su Chen's boat."

That time, Guan Wenbao was forced by Liu Yannan to start a war with himself, and they were not happy at all.

But this time, the two can fight each other!

Li Fan put his hands up and looked at Guan Wenbao on the opposite side very carefully. He never ignored the strength of the old pass. He is now also suppressed at the level of entering the room, and is on the same starting line with Guan Wenbao, which is better than who's kung fu!


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