My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 384: Breakthrough

Chapter 384: A Breakthrough in the World

"Engong! Pick me up!"

Guan Wenbao said, stepping forward suddenly, at the same time, the Yueyue knife in his hand was cut off towards Li Fan!

Guan Wenbao's swordsmanship was very heavy. If Li Fan only pointed with his sword, he could not completely block it.

However, Li Fan did not intend to continue using Murong's sword technique. When Guan Wenbao's sword fell, Li Fan suddenly jumped up.

His figure jumped more than five meters high in the air, and at the same time reached out a move, a long sword on the side of the weapon rack flew over and fell into his palm!

The crowd glared in unison, even Yin Wuchao was a little nervous. This kid ... won't he sell now?

Sure enough, Li Fan was in the air and suddenly fell down, and the long sword stabbed down to Guan Wenbao's head. This sword is very powerful, as if piercing the air.

Guan Wenbao immediately lifted the Yueyue knife and swept away suddenly, trying to block Li Fan's sword. But Li Fan's sword front pressed on Guan Wenbao's sword, and his body bounced gently, then stabbed again.

Guan Wenbao waved the Yueyue Knife, relying on his strength and wide blade, and bounced Li Fan again.

And Li Fan was not panic, pressed down the blade, and bounced into the air again. When Li Fan fell this time, the long sword trembled and turned into five sword images, stabbing at Guan Wenbao together!

Learn and deepen! This is the power of the law heaven and earth!

Li Fan turned five swords into one sword, and Guan Wenbao couldn't stop it with the blade. But he remembered the iron bridge and fell to the ground stiffly. At the same time, the sole of the foot kicked on the ground and slid back three or four meters away, avoiding Li Fan's sword.

"Bang, bang!"

Five sword marks were left on the ground, all of which were stabbed by Li Fan.

Li Fan's sword skills are shocking. Chen Junhua has never shown this trick in front of outsiders, Li Fan definitely just learned! Even if there is such a genius, you can learn other people's moves just after watching it.

It's kind of ... too perverted.

Chen Junhua also did not even blink, and looked at Li Fan in shock. He improved his swordsmanship!

Li Fanjian stood on the ground and overtook Guan Wenbao. At the same time, the sword was swept continuously, and Guan Wenbao, who had been retreated and fought, waved away with the moon knife. I have to say that Guan Wenbao's arm strength is really amazing. Such a heavy moon knife is nothing in his hands!

Guan Wenbao's speed of wielding the moon knife was faster than Li Fan and relaxed!

"The mad dragon goes to sea!"

The descendants of the Guan family suddenly pumped a cold child, stepped on their feet, and suddenly stood up, then the Yueyue knife in their hands darted up towards Li Fan, raising a red flame!

This is Guan Wenbao's mastery, and he now comes without any effort!

Li Fan's body flipped up in the air, and the sword in his hand kept picking on Guan Wenbao's moon-knife, thereby avoiding the skill of switching Wenbao!

He is more flexible than Chen Junhua in the air!

After Li Fan avoided Guan Wenbao's moves, his body suddenly spun up, driving the sword's energy, and fell towards Guan Wenbao!

This is also a trick that Chen Junhua has used before.

Now that Li Fanshi is on display, it seems that a tornado has fallen from the sky, making Guan Wenbao somewhat moved.

But Laoguan has been fighting for hundreds of years and has always been focusing on his own training. In the face of Li Fan falling from the sky, he directly waved his own sword, a force to split Huashan!

"Breaking new ground!"

The blade has a huge power, as if it can split the world! Li Fan's sword was cut directly into two sections by Guan Wenbao's sword. At the same time, the sword broke into Li Fan's body, making Li Fan have to put away the sword and stand in front of himself!


Li Fan's body was chopped out by Guan Wenbao. He flew to the edge of the ring, his body dropped, and his feet struck two footprints on the ground!

The sword in his hand broke into two sections with a bang.

Guan Wenbao's sword just smashed Li Fan's sword!


Li Fan had to compliment him, "Laoguan, you are getting more and more peeing with this moon knife."

"After all, if you don't work hard, you will be thrown away by Egong."

Guan Wenbao explained, "Engong is also asked to come up with real strength and fight with me."

"Just fight with you with my chivalry."

Li Fan is not good at putting out his true strength. After all, if he shows his full strength, I am afraid that the battle will soon end.

"Thank you, Gong!"

Guan Wenbao was happy now. For him, Li Fan's Qixiaquan was really strong!

"Old pass, pay attention."

Li Fan said, stretched out his hands and placed them in front of him, raising his right foot at the same time, with a hint of electric light on his feet.

Lightning Deer!

This is Li Fan's ready gesture for Guan Wenbao. At this moment, he has a smell of immortal bones.

Li Fan's horns swayed with the wind, and his golden rooster was there independently, but he was motionless like a sculpture.

But Li Fan, like this, gave Guan Wenbao a great deal of pressure.

Guan Wenbao took a deep breath and calmed himself down as much as possible. The sound of heartbeat seemed to be very loud, as if ringing a bell, it kept ringing in Guan Wenbao's ear.

He and Li Fan stopped for ten minutes. The two did nothing and looked at each other so quietly. People around are a little impatient, but they all understand that this is a very critical moment. Whoever starts first will show weakness!

Guan Wenbao finally couldn't bear it anymore. He carried a huge moon knife and rushed forward towards Li Fan!

The knife fell fiercely towards Li Fan, and brought a strong sword, if it fell on Li Fan, I am afraid that Li Fan would also be cut into two pieces!

However, Li Fan suddenly stretched out his hands, held the knife bar of the moon knife, and kicked him at the same time!

Ben Lei feet!

Li Fan's feet were on Guan Wenbao's shoulder, Guan Wenbao was kicked and flew out, and a burst of electric light burst out on his shoulder!

He felt a little numb in his body, and apparently Li Fan's attack made him feel paralyzed.

Although Li Fan's electric light is not as strong as the real voltage, it can paralyze other people and play a certain controlling role.

But Guan Wenbao was strong and soon recovered. He waved his Yueyue knife again, bringing a strong air current, sweeping on Li Fan's body, trying to make Li Fan lose his balance. However, Li Fan is still the golden chicken's independent posture, but his body is not moving like a mountain, as if this air flow does not affect Li Fan at all.

"Engong, I'll do my best!"

Guan Wenbao said, his body burst into a strong spirit, and every foot on the ground would leave deep footprints.


Guan Wenbao held up his moon-moon knife, the red flame on the knife body!

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