432 Minjiang Lake Experience

The roar of Yin Wuchao seemed to echo Li Fan's ear.

The two finally escaped from the bottom of the well, and Li Fan took a deep breath.

"Ah, for the first time I feel the air outside is so sweet ..."

Li Fan was very emotional, and Liu Zhu placed the wooden box on the ground.

"You are better than me. I don't want to grab you. But next time, I will get it back."

"You're quite smart. As a demon, you're something I like."

As soon as Li Fan reached out, the wooden box flew from the ground to Li Fan's hands.

"Well, don't you want to monopolize this mind too!"

Liu Zhu pouted, "a hypocrite."

"Since this was sealed by Huashan itself, let Huashan decide it."

Li Fan did not have the idea of ​​this mentality. The "Nine Buddhas Classics" already has two pages, and he can still practice the magic. If you practice more, it may not do you any good.

And what Li Fan wants to practice most is his own "Seven Chivalrous Powers"! Xingluo's magical work is very bad, but after all, it was a magical work created by his predecessor, Liu Jinchan! In the future, the effort of "Seven Chivalrous Forces" will surely spread in the rivers and lakes, which is the goal of Li Fan.

"Don't you care about this exercise?"

Liu Zhu looked at Li Fan in surprise, and at the same time she moved a boulder and pressed it on the wellhead to stop Yin Wuchao for a while.

"The martial arts of others, I just want to know."

Li Fan told Liu Zhu very straightforwardly, "I'm different from you. You have learned so much effort, but none of you are proficient. And I just want to learn more about the world's wonderful skills, and find ways to help me martial arts!

"Your martial arts? Seven Chivalrous Fist?"

Xiaoba Wang's "Seven Chivalrous Fist" has been heard in the arena.

"Your kung fu is good, but I think it is far worse than the" Nine Buddhas "!"

"I will change you, and I will change the world!"

"Anyway, it's already entrusted to you, you take care of it yourself."

Liu Zhu turned to leave, but Li Fan shouted at him.

"Wait a minute, I need to check my mind first ..."

Li Fan opened the box, and a mist came inside. Li Fan was suffocated enough, feeling a weak body for a while.

"It's a mystery, but not so much."

Liu Zhu squeezed his eyes at Li Fan, "You will faint for a while."

"Damn ... what are you doing!"

Li Fan pressed a sword with his hand, barely holding his body.

"What to do."

Liu Zhu released a firework, the spark blooming in the air.

"I hope Huashan will treat you well, Xiao Bawang."

Liu Zhu said, stepping on his feet and leaving Li Fan's sight in a blink of an eye.

"Day Uncle ..."

Li Fan cursed, and dozens of Huashan disciples have appeared around him, even Tang Yao and Chen Junhua have come, watching Li Fan standing in the funeral sword pool.

Li Fan saw doubts from the eyes of Chen Junhua.

But Li Fan had no time to explain, he couldn't hold it anymore, and he fell into darkness.

In Li Fan's dream, he saw a man standing in front of him.

This man is just a back view, and there are countless masters standing opposite him.

He laughed aloud, and repelled all the masters with one palm!

Li Fan suddenly woke up!

Xia Xun was sitting beside his bed, drowsy.

And a Huashan disciple was also beside him. When he saw Li Fan woke up, he pulled out the sword directly, and the sword front was pressed on Li Fan's neck.

"Second Brother! What are you doing!"

Xia Ling turned back suddenly, exclaimed.

"I need to press him!"

The two older brothers said coldly, "He stole the Sixiang Sword and the Nine Buddhas Classics!"

Although Li Fan just woke up and his body was a little weak, he already understood it.

It seems that in the end, he was still calculated by Liu Zhu.

"Hahaha ..."

Li Fan suddenly laughed, the second elder brother immediately frowned, yelled.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at all of us stupid."

Li Fan was ridiculous, "I shouldn't be stupid, but you are stupid, I believe that a person who is lost by the soul will steal your sword and mind."

"Come less of this! The devil is confusing! I will cut your tongue now!"

The sword in the second brother's hand was about to be waved down, and at this time, Chen Junhua rushed to the door, opened the door, and flew the sword from the second brother.

"Second Brother, please show mercy!"

"Do I still have a chance to refuse?"

The second elder brother is very unhappy, this Chen Junhua, more and more people are out of sight!

"Sorry, Brother Er, the rush is in a hurry, please forgive me. But the head said it must not hurt Brother Li's life."

Chen Junhua also withdrew his sword and apologized to Brother Er.

"This person stole my Huashan Chongbao, what else is there to say! If you don't kill him, you will be bullied!"

"Brother, you've spoken."

Chen Junhua said, "The truth is unknown now, I only knew after asking Brother Li."

"Yes, my little master won't do that kind of thing!"

Xia Ye nodded again and again, and the second elder brother gave them an angry look.

"Your heart is no longer in Huashan."

After that, the second elder brother pushed out the door.

"He is very sincere to Huashan, but he is a little bit anxious, please brother Li not to be angry with him."

Chen Junhua looked at Li Fan with apology.

"No, what qualifications do I have to be angry, after all, I am a fool myself."

Li Fan has blamed herself more than once, no wonder Murong Ying always said that he had insufficient experience in rivers and lakes.

"Little master ... did you really go to the forbidden area?"

Xia Xun sat beside Li Fan's bed, still couldn't help asking.

"I went, but I went in after a demon."

Li Fan asked, "Is there no one else in the forbidden area?"

"A demon?"

Chen Junhua shook his head. "No trace."

"The demon has long gone, and I'm talking about another."

"Another? Is there anyone else?"

Chen Junhua was convinced of Li Fan.

"Yes, this person still has some name, speak out afraid of you not believe."

"Brother Li, but it doesn't matter."

"Remember how we met?"

Li Fan's words made Chen Junhua silent.

"If it's him ... don't mention it."

Chen Junhua later said, "We haven't seen him below, and no one will believe it."

"I know, so just talk to you and mock my own stupidity."

"People in the devil are treacherous and cunning. The next time I meet them, Brother Li can just kill them."

Chen Junhua told Li Fan.

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand a single sentence ..."

Xia Ling felt a little bit aggressive.

"Nothing, little sister, go talk to Master. Brother Li is awake, and it really has nothing to do with Brother Li."

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