433 Luoma Ancient Road

As the saying goes, eating for a while, growing a wisdom, Liu Zhu's appearance can be regarded as a wake up call.

"Little brother, we went down the mountain overnight."

Xia Ling took out a roll of luggage.

"Are you going now?"

Li Fan is a bit strange. According to the truth, he is weak and Huashan should take a rest.

"There are some elders in Huashan ... very difficult."

Xia Yan shrugged his shoulders. "The head of the office is also difficult to handle, so he said that let us wait for you to wake up and send you away overnight. In this case, the elders can't plug in anything."

"It's embarrassing."

Li Fan sighed, which had to be sneaked down the mountain. However, Tang Yao also regarded himself as a face. After all, he just went to the graveyard of his ancestors to make a noise.

The ancestors of Huashan are regarded as frustrated by their own ... It is benevolent to let yourself go down the mountain like this.

"Let's go down the mountain with a golden kite, this is the fastest."

"Golden kite? What's that?"

Li Fan heard another fresh word.

"You know what it feels like, and you'll love it."

Xia Xuan pulled Li Fan and dragged him out of bed.

The three came all the way near the stargazing platform, looking down the cliff, the endless beauty.

"Did you see that small town?"

Xia Xun reached out and Li Fan nodded. Under the distant mountain, there is indeed a beautiful small town.

"I see."

"Well, we'll go there in a minute."

Xia Ye was a little excited, and apparently she had never been down the mountain, and she was very fresh about everything.

"Brother Li, I can only deliver here."

Chen Junhua arched his hand at Li Fan. "No matter what Brother Li will do in the future, I will come to help punches whenever I ask!"

"it is good."

Li Fan nodded, and was still curious about what to do.

And Xia Yan has no idea where to drag a huge kite, which is in the shape of a golden kite.

"Tofu day ... wouldn't it just let me sit here?"


Xia Yan smiled and assured Li Fan, "I will definitely protect you."

"A man, why can't it be a woman to protect her?"

Li Fan was very upset, when did he fall to such a point.

"I'm a little weak, but I'm not too close."

He proudly said, "Even if I don't need this kite, I can go down into that town without any problems."

"Okay, okay, my little master is the best. But still be calm now. The head has told me to go out and be careful, so it's better to be cautious."

Xia Xun's words made Li Fan very ashamed, and scolded the next door, something a little girl knew, and she was so careless.

The next time I let myself meet Liu Zhu, I must hang him to smoke!

"Little brother, let me tie it for you first."

Xia Xun was like a good wife and mother who loved to take care of people. She carefully arranged the ropes for Li Fan and tied him to the huge golden kite.

And Xia Yan tied herself up too, and the two people were close together, almost just turning around and being able to kiss that kind.

"Lift up your work, make yourself as light as a feather, and then follow the kite."

Xia Yan said, stepping on his feet, the two men's bodies immediately descended towards the mountain.

The kite well supported the bodies of the two. With the help of the wind, the bodies of the two were held up and fell down the mountain towards the small town.

This makes Li Fan really have a feeling of riding the wind, the pleasure is much more comfortable than light work!

The sun just rose to the east, and the sun was shining on the two of them. Li Fan really had an illusion. He seemed to be driving in the clouds.

so comfy……

Li Fan took a deep breath, while Xia Ling smiled happily beside him.

"How's it going, Xiaoshi, are you happy?"

Xia Yan laughed like a silver bell, leaving traces of youth in the air.

"That's good ... But sister, Huashan's four elephant swords are all lost, aren't you worried?"

"How can I worry about these things?"

Xia Xie didn't have the slightest sadness. "These things will naturally be given to the head of the team to have a headache. I just went down the mountain and enjoyed this wonderful new life!"

"The foot of the mountain may not be better than Huashan."

"But it's bigger than Huashan, right?"

"This is ..."

Sometimes Xia Yi speaks quite philosophically, leaving Li Fan speechless.

It didn't take long for the two of them to fall down the mountain.

And while Li Fan was in a coma, Murong Ying was leaving her home.

Luoma Ancient Road, this is a very special road that exists in Huaxia!

The Llama Trail retains the oldest tradition, with ancient buildings on both sides of the road. And this Llama Road runs from north to south, it belongs to the entire martial arts. Externally, it belongs to the tourism bureau.

Many people and tourists like to visit this ancient Llama Road and enjoy the scenery of ancient times. Take a picture or live here, even if it's expensive.

At this time, Murong Ying and several guards in her family rode on the Loma Road, followed by a young disciple of Wudang Mountain.

Their trip is precisely to go to Wudang.

"Let's stay here first."

It was late, and Murong Ying grabbed the stable and looked at a nearby inn and said.

"Okay, we've worked **** our leader along the way."

The disciples of Wudang dismounted, respectfully and respectfully gave a gift to Murong Ying.

"I should do against demons."

Murong Ying waved her hand and walked into the inn.

Demonism has been moving too much for a while, and it has disturbed the entire martial arts. Golden Eagle Fort, Huashan, this is not much, I heard that the only one of the demon cult leader, Li Wei, also returned a post to Wudang, saying that he wanted to visit today.

Although Wudang and Shaolin are still the chief sects of rivers and lakes, the head of Wudang still informed Murong Ying about this.

After all, Wudang and Shaolin's two factions are regarded as Murong Ying's left arm and right arm. Their two parties Murong Ying gave the greatest support.

The first floor of the inn is also a small restaurant. There are a few people in the rivers and lakes, as well as some fashionable tourists.

These tourists will not doubt the martial arts people here, at most they think these people are the actors who are hired by Luoma Ancient Road.

Just like Americans enjoy their own Disney theme parks, this Luoma Road is also the largest theme park in China. Not only domestic tourists, foreign tourists will also travel here and enjoy the fun brought by this long old road!

After Murong Ying booked the room, she sat in front of a table.

The two guards stood beside Murong Ying, and the disciples of Wudang were invited to sit opposite Murong Ying.

"The demon leader is kicked into the iron plate this time."

Wudang's disciples seemed a little excited, "It's not just the leader of Murong. This time even the abbot of Shaolin is here. The three giants, I think that the only one who can't eat Li can take it away!"

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