My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 434: Gold and Silver Swordsman

Chapter 434: Gold and Silver Swordsman

Murong Ying frowned.

"The leader of the inorganic child is also a master, and the skill is not inferior to me. How could he be so active this time, and invited me and Master Shaolin Yuxu?"

In the martial arts, face is always the first! Although the innocent child Taoist is bland in nature, as a big martial arts leader, he is also a man of good looks. There is only one master of the cult who finds him, and he should be able to deal with it himself.

But now I have invited two masters of the same level in a row, which is a bit unexpected for Murong Ying.

If you only invited yourself, Murong Ying could understand a little bit.

"It's true, our heads have embraced us recently."

The young Wudang disciples said with some concern, "The elders used a lot of elixir, and they couldn't make the head better."

"The captain is a child of 130 years old ..."

Murong Ying was very speechless. "Although Wudang has a quiet environment, you should take him to the hospital to see."

"People outside the country, how can you go to a place like a hospital. And we don't believe the Western barbarians."

Wudang disciples explained, "Not to mention that Wudang also has its own medical museum, and more elders who are proficient in Huang Lao's art."

"It's stubborn."

Murong Ying sighed.

Traditional Chinese medicine has its own truth, and Western medicine naturally has its way of existence.

One cannot blindly believe only one thing, Murong Ying thinks so.

"I hope the headless child is safe and healthy."

"Thanks to the blessing of the leader Murong, he will surely get better."

The two ordered something to eat, and Murong Ying apparently had no intention of eating.

"Lead Murong, riding a horse all day long, why not eat something?"

"I have a habit. Someone stares at me. I can't get used to it."

"Ah ... Although the leader of Murong Meng Huarong Moon looks, I did not stare at you ..."

The little priest talked quite sweetly, but Murong Ying looked at her, "I didn't say you, someone else looked at me."

"Is that the two barbarians who took pictures randomly?"

The young priest's eyes fell on the two blond lovers and tourists next to him. While they were eating, they were constantly shooting with the camera. Obviously, they were also interested in Oriental beauties like Murong Ying, and the camera frequently took care of her.

"Just two tourists."

Murong Ying picked up the tea cup, sniffed gently, and took a sip in her mouth. "This tea is good, although it is bitter, but it has a bitter taste."

"Well, why did the confederate say this? The tea in such a small place is some inferior goods. Why is it good to say?"

"If it's not good, why don't the man next to me hold the teacup all the time?"

In a word of Murong Ying, three tourists in casual clothes drinking tea at a table next to them suddenly pulled out three cold steel knives from under the table.

"The routine is really too old."

Murong Ying sighed, "Can't you change something new?"

The three swordsmen rushed towards Murong Ying, and the young Wudang disciples were immediately shocked, and they would stand up and fight with them!

While Murong Ying held his hand, the two guards standing behind Murong Ying moved.

The two guards looked exactly the same, except that one had golden earrings and the other had silver.

The two of them reached out at the same time, and the sword behind them slammed out of the sheath.

The two men brushed their fingers together, two swords, one gold and one silver, flew out lightningly, and swept across the throats of three swordsmen.

The three knives immediately fell into a pool of blood, and two foreign tourists were still clapping.

"Wei Rui Good! The performance is wonderful! Wei Rui Good!"

"Gold and silver swordsman really deserves its reputation!"

The Taoist said very enviously, "Everyone said that the gold and silver swordsmen around the leader of Murong Alliance are unparalleled in the world! Today I finally saw it!"

"It's not unique. They are two people after all."

Murong Ying said lightly, "These three people are running dogs of the devil, and there are many eyeliners along the way."

"Looks like we know everything."

The Taoist was very angry. "If these demon dogs fall into my hands, set a sword and wear a cool heart!"

"You don't have to be so excited, some small fish and shrimp. You are the clear man, Dao, or you want to make as few sins as possible."

Murong Ying said, "You are different from him. He was born a killer."

The gold and silver swordsman stood there, silent, like a robot.

"My lord ... something ... can you ask me ..."

Wudang's young priest seemed a little shy.

"But it doesn't matter."

"The gold and silver swordsman used it, but the long-lost yin and yang two swords?"


Murong Ying did not shy away, "but this yin and yang two swords have unique conditions, and only twins who can communicate with each other can practice."

"Yeah, I've only heard it in legend. I've never seen it before."

The Taoist nodded, and Murong Ying said, "You don't need to be envious. Wudang's Taiji sword is also a peerless swordsmanship. If you practice well, you can walk sideways in the rivers and lakes."

"You don't have to walk sideways. I just like to practice swords."

The little priest touched his sword, with an obsession in his eyes.

This obsession, Murong Ying has only seen in his fiance.

This little priest may be a personal character in the future.

"Let's have a good rest tonight, and we will set off early tomorrow morning."

"What about these three people?"

"The people here will help us."

Murong Ying laughed. "This is the ancient Loma Road."

When Murong Ying rushed to Wudang, Li Fan and Xia Yan also came to the town under Huashan.

"Is this the world?"

Xia Xun looked excitedly at everything around it, modern houses, cars, all these things, and Xia Xuan was full of shock!

"Sister, we just came down from Huashan, not from heaven."

Li Fan was very speechless. "It's not called human here, it's called the normal human world."

"Ah, it's not the same as Huashan anyway."

Xia Ling was lying on the window of a lingerie shop with joy on his face, "This is underwear! We don't have it in Huashan, it's just a breast cloth!"

Li Fan's old face flushed, and Xia Yang, the curious baby, was brought back.

"Sister ... I will teach you these slowly."

"Little brother, I want to buy underwear!"


Li Fan looked at Xia Xun eagerly and looked in despair, but had no choice but to nod and agree.

Li Fan, led by Xing Ye, walked into this underwear store. Obviously it is a small town, but the brand of underwear is quite good. It is probably because it is a tourist resort.

The shopping guide looked at Li Fan and Xia Yi wearing so simple, showing disgusted eyes.

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