Chapter 437: Assassin

City a, finally back.

Li Fan took Xia Yi off the train and stood on a familiar platform.

"Is this your hometown?"

Xia Yan looked around like a curious baby.

The hometown where Xiaoshi grew up, Xia Ye thought it was a remote small town focusing on martial arts. I didn't expect it would be such a lively city.

Although the weather is a little bit cold, both of them have authentic Qi body protection and don't feel too cold.

After getting off the train, Li Fan first called Huang Lei. Lei Zi had been clamoring before and wanted to come to the station to meet her. But the station is too big, this girl doesn't know where to go. Maybe some obese woman met and followed her.

This unreliable, it was a mistake for him to pick himself up.

Li Fan wanted to make a call and let Ling Tian come to pick him up. But at this moment, a thin man grabbed Xia Qian's luggage and turned and ran into the crowd.

"Thief! Stand still!"

Xia Yan did not hesitate, chasing the thief and ran out.

This girl! He also said to be cautious! Although Li Fan lacks experience in rivers and lakes, he already has some experience in this area!

He hurried to follow Xia Yang and walked among the people.

The thief knows the road and runs fast! But Xia Yun's speed is also very fast. After all, he can easily follow him, no matter how the thief runs.

Running out without knowing how far, Xia Ling followed the thief and ran into a small alley with no one.

On the sides of the hutong, there were a few smoking men on the side of the hutong. When Xia Ling ran in, the thief stopped, and some of the men also stood up. At the same time, they picked up the axe from the bottom of the **** and held it in their hands.

Two of them, Xia Wei, are very familiar, it is the two guys who insulted themselves on the train before.

The guy with his wrists and chin removed was still lying down and drooling, but looking at Xia Ye, he was full of hatred.

Xia Xuan looked a little disdainful, and looked at these big men with an axe, and said coyly.

"Only a few of you, do you want to plot me?"

Xia Yan subconsciously touched his long sword, but found that the sword was not around his waist. Then she remembered that her sword had been checked away by the younger brother.

"Little girl, knowing you'll do some work."

A big man with a scar on his face sneered, "But you dare to touch my brother who is a demon of the world. I must not make you feel better today."

The man was strong and burly, with dark skin and a stubble.

He licked his ax like a b, but his tongue accidentally stuck on it. This uncle's heart panicked. If I found myself, where would my brother's face go?

The **** in the heart of the melee raged fiercely, tearing the axe fiercely, a piece of skin on his tongue was immediately torn off, and blood ran down his mouth.

The tears moved by the two brothers of Xia Xiayi were full of tears. The elder brother was so interesting. For the two of them, their tongues were bitten!

This is the real elder brother, good elder brother, the elder brother who should follow his whole life!

The ascendant devil could not care about wiping his own blood. He glared at Xia Ye in front of him, and sneered threateningly in his mouth.

With this smile, his teeth were all red, and he was even stingier.


Xia Xuan immediately raised the powder fist, hit the face of the melee demon king, and choked down the cheek beaten by the melee devil, making him scream in pain.

"Grass your father! I haven't said anything yet!"

The mixed-world devil stepped back two steps, covering his face, with blood constantly flowing on it, paining him to die or live.

"I'm going to strip your skin!"

The ascendant demon king jumped, and the little brothers behind him were still smoking cigarettes.

"Suck you! Not yet!"

The mixed-world devil yelled, and these younger brothers suddenly realized that they were holding an axe and yelling at Xia Yang!

But Xia Ye is also a trainer, even if there is no sword in her body, she still has some vitality to protect her body!

She fisted and kicked out a few little punks near her.

"You gangsters! Do you usually use your strength one by one on a woman's belly?"

The scolding scold of the monarchy, "A bunch of stupid people! What are you eating!"

He himself also took out an axe and rushed towards Xia Yan.

But Xia Yuan is not a good stubble. Although the little girl is short, she has a good ability. She easily jumped to a height of two meters and slapped her feet against the melee demon king, sitting on the ground with the buttocks of the melee demon king, with two footprints on her face.

"Little girl, I'm gonna crash you!"

Sudden Demon King suddenly took a five-round hair from the gap in the wall next to him, held it in his hand, and aimed his gun at Xia Yan.

Xia Ling apparently didn't understand what it was. She tilted her head and looked at the demon king.

"What's the use of a burning stick?"

"Guess, little girl!"

The ascendant devil smiled, then raised his hand and pulled the trigger!

But at this moment, Li Fan suddenly appeared, and he was holding in his hand the door that he didn't know where to pull down, blocking Xia Yi.


A huge pile of shrapnel was immediately embedded in the door.

Xia Yuan was startled.

"What is this? Is it a hidden weapon?"

Xia Yan asked quickly.

"No, this thing is a hundred times more vicious than a hidden weapon."

Li Fan stared at the opposite mule devil, and the mule devil pulled the trigger and wanted to continue shooting. But the quality of the five bursts didn't seem to be good, and the trigger was stuck.

"Slap you!"

The ascendant demon king did not have any fear, came forward fiercely, raised his butt, and smashed directly into Li Fan.


The **** slammed on the door of the car desperately, the demon king had a brute force, and took a step back to hit Li Fan.

Good guy, Li Fan couldn't help but exclaim. How much energy this guy can shake himself back!

Seeing his appearance, Li Fan looks strong and doesn't look like an ordinary little bastard.

Moreover, after being hit by so many tricks by Xia Yi, he can still make a living, and his body is estimated to have practiced hard qigong.

"Have you carried a gun?"

"Yes, I can **** your pussy!"

The ascendant devil said, roaring, and the **** in his hand was severely knocked down again.

Li Fan raised the door and slammed into the body of the demon king, directly knocking it out.


The ascendant demon king got up again, wiped off the blood on his head, and looked at Li Fan fiercely.

"Little sister, take it and protect yourself."

Li Fan was worried that someone would put a cold gun, so he plugged the car door in Xia Yi's hands, clapped his hands, walked two steps forward, and stood in front of the devil.

"Master fights with you!"

The ascendant demon threw the gun stock in his hand, and grabbed his hands directly on Li Fan's shoulder. He even lifted Li Fan so hard!

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