My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 438: Huang Lei's new car

438 Huang Lei's New Car

The strength of this mixed-world devil is indeed not small!

Li Fan was lifted into the air without panic, but he stretched out a hand and grabbed it on the shoulders of the devil.

The blue tendons on the face of the melee demon exploded. He exhausted his whole body, but his arms could not move at all!

"Strength is good, but a little bit of force is needed."

Li Fan said with a smile.

"I want your uncle! Why do you!"

The assassin's devil jumped up and smashed Li Fan into the ground together!

Li Fan held one hand on the ground, and thus stabilized his body.

The body of the melee demon king is almost perpendicular to the ground, and the weight of the two is supported by one arm of Li Fan, without falling on the ground.


The melee devil is a little broken, who is this guy!

"You can't beat me."

After Li Fan finished speaking, his body was turned upside down, taking the body of the demon king, and in turn slammed him on the ground.

"Who are you affiliated with? Vanguard? Yellow Corps? Or some mercenary organization?"

Li Fan stepped on the neck of the devil with one foot, and asked coldly.

"Go back and ask your mother!"

The melee devil grinned and blood.

"It looks like you belong to the King of Kings."

Li Fan's soles were about to break the guy's neck, but Xia Ying pulled him back again.

"Little master ... don't kill ..."

"Sister, this is real society."

Li Fan warned Xia Xie, "Before you let them go, they didn't take your love, instead they led you into this trap, and now even want to take your life!"

"But they shouldn't die, you see, am I okay?"

Xia Xun patted his chest, "No injuries!"

"These people are our enemies, and we have a saying today, treat the enemies as cold as winter!"

"But we are martial arts. Winter is not cold for us."

Xia Yan squeezed her eyes at Li Fan, then pursed her mouth again, "Anyway ... I don't like you killing people."

"Well, listen to you again."

Li Fan raised his feet, but in exchange for the roar of the demon king.

"Ye won't let you go! Ye will revenge you fiercely! Kill you!"

"Wait until you have the opportunity."

Li Fan kicked the mule devil to one side. This mule devil took two young boys who were stunned. Before leaving, he also left ruthless words to Li Fan.

"Never miss you!"

"Wait, leave your name first?"

"My grandfather is called the assassin!"

I rub it, is it a second disease? ?

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders, and he was too lazy to deal with them and sent them away.

"The hidden weapon was awesome just now."

Xia Ye looked a little excited, "Even if I have a sword, I can't stop it!"

"It's called a gun, a killing tool."

Li Fan reminded Xia Xie, "The next time you see this kind of thing, don't think of anything else, avoid it as soon as possible!"

"You know, look at you, just like a housekeeper."

Xia Yan smiled, "If you marry your wife in the future, you won't bother people anymore."

Li Fan looked at Xia Yuan very seriously, "How do you know that I haven't married?"

"Little Master is so naughty that no girl will look after you!"

Xia Yan said with a smile, making Li Fan very speechless.

"Sister Shi ... you know that I have the name" Little Overlord ", but don't you know that I have another name ..."

"What name?"

Li Fan just wanted to explain that suddenly a phone call interrupted him.

"My wise and elder brother! Where have you gone! The chrysanthemums I've been waiting for have cooled down!"

"go to hell!"

Li Fan almost vomited blood, "idiot! Where are you, I used to find you!"

"I'm on East Square!"

"Mom, stand there, don't move!"

Li Fan can also be regarded as Huang Lei, he led Xia Ye, and walked towards the East Square.

On the East Square, Huang Lei is standing in front of a white roadster, lighting a cigarette.

Suddenly Huang Lei saw Li Fan, and threw the fire into his hands with excitement.


Huang Lei looked at his racing gloves distressedly, and when he looked up, he saw a beautiful little girl beside Li Fan, her eyes straightened.

But that's it, after all, Huang Lei is a person with a heavier taste.

"Brother, why did you bring one back?"


Xia Yue heard this and turned her head.

"Well, what's nonsense, this is Hua Shan's disciple Xia Xie, she has a good swordsmanship. Be careful she chops your second child!"

"That won't work ..."

Huang Lei was nervous, "After all, that's my only strength ..."

"What is the second child?"

Xia Ling tilted her head and looked at Li Fan, waiting for an explanation.

"Um ... it's his brother."

Li Fan explained embarrassingly.

"But I don't know his brother. Why did he chop him?"

Xia Ye looked at Li Fan in puzzling. "And I don't kill anyone. Why should I say I chopped his brother?"

"Oh, Leizi, what about our car?"

Li Fan changed the subject.

Huang Lei hurriedly pointed behind him, "Here, brother! A traffic policeman just opened a stop for me, and I caught up after I ran into money."

"Why are you kidding me!"

Li Fan looked at Huang Lei, a Mazda mx-5 with at least eight hands. I don't know if the car can drive, especially if there are only two. How can three people drive?

"Can you still drive this car? This car has to be built in more than nine years?"

"Relax, brother, the tire I just changed!"

"Wipe your uncle, does this have anything to do with the tires?"

"Brother, don't look down on my little baby! Although she is a bit older, she is a classic sports car! You look at her shy figure, you look at her beautiful butt!"

"Why, do you want to **** her?"

Li Fan couldn't help but tease, "Leizi, you can have a strong taste, but you don't want to do a car?"

"I just want that King Kong diao!"

Huang Lei laughed, Li Fan wanted to pump him.

"Oh, brother, you can't blame me, I don't know you brought someone back!"

"It's okay, I can sit on the bottom of this thing!"

Xia Xun pointed at the trunk of the car. She was a martial artist, but she did not worry about sliding down.

"How about that? Sister ride, I can just run with the car."

Three people can be overloaded. They are honest people who obey the rules. How can they do such things that break the rules!

"How can this be done! Little Master can do it by car!"

Xia Yan shook his head again and again.

"It's up to me to arrange this. Sister, please get in the car!"

Li Fan opened the door very gentlely, Huang Lei was a little bit crying, Nima, elder brother, this is obviously my car!

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