444 Vladivostok

The mixed devil stepped on a motorcycle, carrying Li Fan behind, and the two drove all the way in the direction of Vladivostok.

A bit boring along the way, Li Fan couldn't help asking a question.

"Mixed Devil, what's your real name?"

"It has something to do with you!"

As soon as the melee devil crooked, "I'm called melee devil!"

"It seems you dare not speak."

Li Fan shrugged. "I won't ask."

"Wipe, not afraid to say, but not to say!"

The devil's nose all crooked, "Lao Tzu's name doesn't sound good!"

"That's not necessarily true. Listen?"

"Did you know that curiosity killed the cat!"

"Great, thankfully I'm not a cat."

The mule devil is very speechless, "In short, just call me a mule devil!"

This guy didn't say his name when he died, and Li Fan couldn't help it.

He thought about how to lie to this guy's real name. But at this moment, there was an engine sound behind him!


The sound of the rifle firing caused a series of flashes in the night.

The melee demon hurriedly lowered his body, exclaiming again and again, "Nima, they have caught up!"

"You drive in peace and give it to me later."

Li Fan said, his body bounced back into the air. He drew a black line in the air, drew a circle in the air, and then legs together in the air, a spirit monkey kicked the tree, and he was severely struck by a riding mercenary behind him, and gave him I flew out.

Li Fan stepped on the locomotive with his feet, and his body bounced again, jumping up again.

The mercenaries in the back did not dare to neglect any more, and they raised their rifles in succession and aimed at Li Fan in the air.

The bullet resembled the rain, and fired at Li Fan. But Li Fan let his body be wrapped with qi, and the whole person fell like a shell!

Swallowing the toad's defense makes Li Fan like wearing an invisible iron coat. He fell instantly, like a cannonball, directly hitting a suv.


The head of the SUV was immediately flattened by Li Fan, the buttocks of the entire car turned over, and all the mercenaries on it were flung out and fell to pieces.

And Li Fan landed on the ground, stepped on the light work, and caught up with another locomotive, grabbing one hand directly on the back seat of the motorcycle.

The mercenaries above wanted to shoot at Li Fan, but Li Fan's anger directly flew the bullet out.

He smiled at the mercenary, then raised his palm, and lifted the locomotive stiffly, throwing it far away!

Li Fan continued to attack in the dark, but he overturned all the followers. After five minutes, no one was chasing them.

When Li Fan sat back on the scooter's locomotive, the back of the scattered devil was a little hairy.

"You also said that you are not a demon ..."

A man named assassin is now scared by another boy ...

"In this world ... how many people like you are there?"


Where does Li Fan know how many people practice martial arts, but there are not many who are better than himself.

"What the **** did you bring ... to keep these polar bears chasing."

Ascendant Demon King could not help asking while riding a motorcycle.

"Some things you shouldn't ask."

Li Fan himself didn't know what to give, but he was hunted down by so many mercenaries. However, if it is easy to remove it, the other party will not find himself to **** it.

One million darts, this thing is definitely worth the money.

The two rode overnight, and the locomotive ran out of fuel before they arrived in Vladivostok.

Although this Russian square is not very large, there are many people. A lot of old Maozi and Chinese people gather here, and the darts that Li Fan wants to send must be completed here.

The reason why so many people choose this place is probably to hide their eyes.

Li Fan put on a plain black plush jacket, a red scarf, and a Russian plush hat on his head. If you don't look at your face, it is no different from a Russian boy.

Li Fan carried a mysterious box on his body, and he was waiting for someone to hand over to him. The opponent will also wear a red scarf, just like himself.

After completing the task, this task was completed.

The demon king is squatting in the corner bored, drinking authentic vodka.

Obviously he has already reached the place, but this guy is still following himself, seems to want to see the lively look. After all, Li Fan was also curious about what Li Fan was handing over.

What the **** is it, the infamous polar bear can provoke so many troops to snatch.

Unlike Huaxia, in a place like Russia, it is simply a paradise for some mercenaries. Many mercenaries are based here, and polar bears are even more so.

The demon king chews the red intestine while watching the surroundings, and then talks to Li Fan through a temporarily bought headset.

"Your people don't seem to be coming."

He glanced at the clock. "It's been an hour."

"Probably something happened on the road, I will wait for him."

"You are really stubborn."

The assassin took a big sip of vodka, "Is this the devil?"

"That's the principle. We do business in principle."

Li Fan firmly said that this made the mixed-world devil a bit speechless.

"On the smuggling line, there is never any principle. Money is the only criterion."

"I'm different from you."

"Just pull jb and pour down. There is no clean money in this business, it is a virtue!"

The melee devil yelled, "Demon pretend to be an angel!"

"You know a diao!"

Li Fan doesn't want to talk about the demon king. If he is not familiar with this place, Li Fan would not bother to let him watch the fun.

"Little angel, did you notice?"

"What did you notice?"

Li Fan doesn't know what this guy is making.

"Noticing that there are fewer and fewer people here?"

"Are you nervous?"

Li Fanxin said that this crazy man's brain may be abnormal again.

With so many people in this square, we can't count them at all. How did Ya know that there are fewer and fewer people.

"Ha, anyway, it will be lively."

The ascendant devil said, "I'll go a little farther to watch the excitement, and you can ask for blessing alone."

"Get out of here!"

Li Fan watched the ascendant demon king walk out of the crowd, and was too lazy to ignore him. This guy is no different than a neurosis!

Li Fan stood in the crowd and continued to wait for the arrival of the other party.

But half an hour passed, at least half of the people in the square were missing!

Li Fan finally had some alertness, but at this time, a black iron can was suddenly thrown at Li Fan's feet.


The white smoke suddenly sprayed out and hit Li Fan's nose!

A pungent and pungent smell brought Li Fan close to collapse, and the rest of the square took off their coats to reveal the polar bear's uniform inside!

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