My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 445: Blood battle square

445 Blood War Plaza

Li Fan finally believed that the neurosis of the assassin did not lie to him!

These mercenaries are waiting for themselves! They are ambushing themselves!

But just some ordinary mercenaries, even if there are more, Li Fan is not afraid. These mercenaries, the rifle in their hands could not help themselves ... but seeing a bazooka carried in the mercenaries' hands, Li Fan was speechless.

Nima ... Even if you are more powerful, you can't fight the bazooka with your body!

Li Fan glanced from side to side, he was surrounded by mercenaries!

The mercenary carrying the bazooka had aimed at Li Fan and was ready to pull the trigger!

The impact of the beach explosion cannot be carried by myself!

Li Fan was worrying, and a gunshot sounded in the ground, the rocket soldier's head blossomed immediately!


"Be careful!"

The mercenaries roared, and Li Fan captured the trajectory in an instant. He glanced up at the tower in the distance. The demon king carried a sniper rifle and poured a vodka.

This guy actually helped himself!

But more mercenaries ran into the square from around, carrying rifles in each hand. They couldn't help but say, they started firing at Li Fan!

Obviously, these mercenaries did not want to leave Li Fan's life at all. They only cared about what Li Fan was carrying!

Li Fan didn't hesitate anymore, he took out his own pressure box!

Swallow toad!

Li Fan stretched out his hands and lifted up!

There were more than a hundred mercenaries around, and their rifles were lifted by Li Fan's anger and pushed into the air.

These mercenaries are a little silly, this is the first time this has happened!

And Li Fan had already rushed out, he pulled out a dagger directly from his backpack. This dagger is only one slap long, but when Li Fan threw it, the organs inside popped up, and the sword grew a bit and became more than a metre.

Li Fan's true energy was infused into the sword. He ran the ape-faced Buddha's celestial sphere, simulating the sword spirit of the Murong family.

Li Fan flicked the sword, and wielded a sword gas, chopping the bodies of the three mercenaries in front of him!

This is just the beginning, the **** beginning.

Li Fan rushed into the crowd, desperately fighting. The sword in his hand, as if half a month, swept out of the sword, sweeping around again and again, harvesting the lives of those mercenaries!

This sword was specially made by a blacksmith in the town when Li Fan was in the town below Huashan. This sword is made of alloy and has a telescopic blade for easy carrying. After infusing Qi, this has become Li Fan's magic weapon!

Relying on this sword, Li Fan kept killing in the crowd, allowing more mercenaries to see God.

But at this time, an armored vehicle drove over, carrying heavy machine guns on it, and continuously firing at Li Fan!

Li Fan has a sword in his hand, he keeps waving his sword, and blows out the bullets that hit him in front of him!

No matter how dense the bullet rain is, you cannot break through Li Fan's defense of a sword! Although the bullet speed is fast, Li Fan's unique ability allows him to overcome this.

The moment Li Fanzhen replaced the bullet chain of the armored vehicle, Li Fan suddenly waved the sword in his hand and made a big split!

The earth seemed to be torn! A sword air flew upright and chopped directly on the armored vehicle!

A deep trench was left on the armored vehicle, and the machine gun on it was cut off.

Li Fan jumped more than ten meters away and landed on the armored vehicle. His sword stabbed into the top of the armored vehicle severely.

The blood flew out, Li Fan pulled out his sword, his body was covered with blood, and everyone around him was afraid!

"He's a demon ..."

For the second time, the assassin feels creepy.

The polar bear mercenaries were almost wiped out of a battalion ... and all that was done was just one person! No, no ... it's a demon!

Just as Li Fan killed the Quartet, four mercenaries suddenly came from the side. All four mercenaries are wearing heavy metal armor, which is newly developed exoskeleton armor, which can greatly enhance the combat ability of individual soldiers!

One of the mech mercenaries had already walked in front of Li Fan. He waved the robotic arm and flew Li Fan's body like a fly! Li Fan bumped into a SUV in the back and squashed it.

"Lost, conqueror."

The demon king saw these exoskeleton individual combat equipment and couldn't help but look at it, "It's really **** good! This stuff has been made out!"

Conqueror, this is an extremely expensive individual combat system! A set of this equipment, at least $ 5 million to get it!

So active, even at the expense of heavy money, what is the polar bear coming from?

The assassin's eyes fell on Li Fan's protective backpack again, and at this moment Li Fan was preparing to fight with these four conquerors!

Each of the four conquerors ejected two sharp blades from their wrists, stepped on the tracks under their feet, and quickly came towards Li Fan! A conqueror had rushed in front of Li Fan, and two sharp blades swept quickly. And Li Fan jumped away from the deadly attack. At the same time, he fell on top of the conqueror's head and pierced the opponent's helmet with a sword. Then, Li Fan lifted a foot, flew over the conqueror's body, and knocked over another conqueror behind.

Two other conquerors arrived in front of Li Fan, and Li Fan fell to the ground and grabbed the arm shot by the conqueror with both hands, lifted him from the top of his head, and slammed in front of him. On the ground!

The last conqueror, Li Fan stiffly broke his arms and took it a little bit **.

Just by Li Fan, he killed four conquerors!

Such strength is truly comparable to the demons in the hearts of mercenaries!

But when Li Fan was a little relaxed, he didn't know when to drive two armored vehicles next to him. A large loudspeaker is mounted on each armored vehicle.

The noise erupted and hit Li Fan's ears, causing Li Fan to almost vomit and bleed. The internal organs were tumbling and the ears were screaming, as if the whole person was about to collapse!

The powerful sound directly attacks Li Fan's organs, as if Li Fan will be torn in the next second!

Li Fan was extremely distressed. He half-knelt on the ground and supported his body with a sword!

It seems that in the next second, Li Fan will become a pile of minced meat!

The mercenaries around them pulled out the pistols around their waists and aimed Li Fan again. As long as they pull the trigger, even if Li Fan is not killed by the sound of waves, he will be hit by a bullet into a sieve!

The mixed-world devil frowned. This kind of battle, Nima Li Fan can never survive! The excitement is probably over here, and it's time to run early!

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