My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 486: Super pharmacist

486 Super Pharmacist

"It's impossible ..."

Lao Mo felt like he was hit a lot today!

As if the whole world had changed!

All of this ... a little contrary to his common sense!

"Old man, come and take my punch!"

Li Fan is very upset, this old guy should control himself to be a puppet! The name of Xiao Bawang is not vain. Li Fan's most annoying thing is that someone controls him!

He stepped forward directly, took a punch, and hit the old man's face fiercely.


Lao Mo's body flew straight out, spinning in the air a few laps, and finally smashing the back wall, and fell from the second floor to the ground outside!

Lao Mo's legs are disabled. Without a wheelchair, he has almost no mobility!

At this time he was lying in the sand embarrassedly, and he woke up in pain.

"You're here to grab my head again!"

Murong Ying was very upset and glared at Li Fan.

"Nonsense, I didn't kill him again!"

Li Fan hurried to correct Murong Ying's point of view, "Is it good to help you once, God assists!"


Mu Rongying flung her sleeves, and fluttered down the broken wall, looking at the old secret agent of the island country lying on the ground.

"The fledgling plan, who else besides you?"

Murong Ying is a little worried about this fledgling plan, which doesn't sound like a good thing.

"Hahaha, let me tell you!"

Although Lao Mo was a bit desperate, his faith in the Emperor was not extinguished.

"That person you support ... is the stupidest race in the world ... the wings of our fledglings will definitely spread their wings again and again! Our Emperor's iron hoof will definitely step on your land again!"

Murong Ying's high heels stepped on his forehead and pierced his brows.

"That being the case, it's useless to stay with you."

"I wipe, you just killed him like this?"

Li Fan followed and saw the old man's body lying on the ground, he couldn't help asking.

"Torture more, and let him name the list of fledgling plans!"

"These people are brain dead."

Murong Ying said simply, "Like those dead men of the Devil, their mouths are very strict. Even if they die, they will not tell their secrets."


Li Fan sighed, but unfortunately he was so angry, otherwise he could grow up a bit.

Although this old man has his legs slumped, he is indeed a master of climax. In addition to twelve masters, if he enters the arena, he can indeed stir up a lot of blood and rain.

But it happened, he was unlucky and met Murong Ying!

"Luo Xiaofeng, there is such a large collaborator in Yaowang Village, you don't even know?"

Li Fan couldn't help but vomit to Dr. Luo.

"Well, all of us are ignorant of the world ..."

Luo Xiaofeng hurriedly explained, "Every day I am busy refining medicine and refining alchemy. As for things outside the valley, it has nothing to do with us."

He continued, "Yaowang Village is only responsible for some of our livelihoods, such as giving us some vegetables and meat. We don't care about other things."

"It's really dangerous to say ..."

Li Fan said with emotion, "If he does something in Yaowang Valley ... I'm afraid that this place where Chinese treasures are treasured will be gone."

"No one can control Yaowanggu!"

Luo Xiaofeng said very confidently, "Yuwanggu is a unique existence. No matter who it is, we can't control our medicine!"

"But there is a man, he wants to control."

Murong Ying looked into the distance, her eyes seemed slightly worried, "If Li Weiyi really became emperor of the martial arts, I am afraid that no martial artist in the rivers and lakes could escape his magic claw."

"Leader, why don't you become this emperor of Wulin?"

Luo Xiaofeng was not acquainted with the world and knew nothing about these things, so he asked a word that made Murong Ying very embarrassed.

"It's not feudal society anymore."

Murong Ying reminded Luo Xiaofeng, "The rivers and lakes do not need the emperor."

"Gold and silver swordsman is back."

Li Fan saw a white pick-up truck slowly approaching, the Golden Swordsman was driving, and the Silver Swordsman stood on the back of the dump.

"I'm going ... this car is a bit too advanced!"

"It would be nice to have a seat."

Murong Ying said, stepping on her foot, the whole person rolled over in the air, and then landed on the dump of the truck steadily.

"Master, please sit in the car."

The Silver Swordsman rushed to his knees in front of Murong Ying and asked respectfully.

"It's okay, the scenery is nice outside."

Murong Ying didn't care about it. She stood in the car, and went to lie against them.

"Let's go, all the owners ride in this kind of car, not to mention our little sisters!"

Li Fan laughed at himself, while Bodhi added a sentence beside him.

"If even masters like Master Li are only tadpoles, aren't we ants-like?"

"Buddha said, all beings wait!"

Li Fan reminded Bodhi.

"Li Shizhu is right, it's a little monk!"

The monk immediately changed his mouth, and Li Fan laughed again.

"No, no, Bodhi, you haven't waited for all the lives! Why do you usually only spend female donors, why not spend time with male donors?"

"Amitabha ... good and good ..."

Bodhi's pale face was obviously frightened by what Li Fan said.

And this made him unable to refute, it was just a jab!

"Neither of you can fight, who can pull Luo Xiaofeng up?"

Murong Ying reminded them.

Luo Xiaofeng, who also just said that he has the ability to protect himself, was crawling in the back of the car with the arms and legs, but he was very clumsy and couldn't get up.

In the end, Li Fan couldn't bear it and reached out and dragged him.

"thanks, thanks……"

Luo Xiaofeng sat in the car with his hips rubbing the cold sweat on his forehead.

This Luo Xiaofeng is a bit fat and obviously lacks exercise on weekdays. These pharmacists are probably sitting in front of the alchemy furnace every day, and they practice alchemy day and night. They don't care about sports.

"Looks like Dr. Luo needs a bodyguard."

Li Fan looked at Luo Xiaofeng and couldn't help but want to joke at him.

"Li Fan, you have to be nice to Luo Xiaofeng."

"Huh? Why?"

Sometimes Murong Ying always likes to make decisions for others, which makes Li Fan a bit unconscious.

"Don't forget, you play the darts."

Murong Ying reminded Li Fan, "Which dart is not eating at the knife edge, there is a pharmacist, which is only good for your dart."

She looked at Li Fan's surprised look, paused, and said, "And ... the pharmacist of Yaowanggu is a sought-after product among the rivers and lakes ... even the four leagues of the rivers and lakes made the pharmacist a guest "What you have is what all the big names in the rivers and lakes want!"


I wish the students in the senior year of college entrance examination a smooth ~

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