My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 487: Flying knife master

487 Master Flying Knife

Murong Ying and Li Fan took them all the way back to city A.

Li Fan arranged Luo Xiaofeng in the company's small earth building, and he also specially found someone to build a small courtyard for him with bricks and tiles.

Murong Ying provided the mouthful of Shennong Ding, and Luo Xiaofeng got into it and didn't want to come out.

Among the rivers and lakes, the wind and clouds have been rising recently. Li Fan's mobile app updates the news in the rivers and lakes every day. Recently, the most talked about in rivers and lakes is that we alone teach.

This demon has been silent for a long time, it seems that the strength has been gathered, and in this river and lake began to set off waves. Each martial art was more or less affected by the devil, and the entire martial art was filled with a smell of gunpowder.

Murong Ying, who is the leader of the Wulin Alliance, is really busy now.

Not to mention signing various documents every day, but also to go out frequently. However, since the last incident of Murong Ying's imprisonment, Tie Zhu has been following her young lady, for fear that she is in danger.

In city a, it seems to be the two extremes, and it is very comfortable recently.

The Huang Yi Tuan is annihilated, and the remaining two forces are madly robbing the Huang Yi Tuan. This time Liu Yanan and Yang Ruining have completely torn their faces. From time to time, the vanguard and Chilong will wipe their guns and go out. But for Li Fan, it had no effect.

He goes to school every day, and occasionally goes to the company to see, and usually concentrates on martial arts at home.

"Brother, it's really not right."

When Li Fan rested at the dojo at home, he received a call from Huang Lei.

"Laoguan and Yan metamorphic have been out for a month and haven't returned!"

Huang Lei always has a bad hunch, "How long does it take for a task!"

"Can you contact them?"

Li Fan was told by Huang Lei that his heart was strange.

What will happen to these two people?

"Unreachable ... they both left their phones at home to prevent malicious tracking."

"I see ... I'll send someone to inquire about them."

Li Fan hung up the phone and called Ling Tian again.

"Do you say them both?"

For the first time, Ling Tian failed to meet Li Fan's requirements. "I do have some sources in black and white ... but things on the rivers and lakes ... I don't understand. But you have good resources around Why come to me? "

"I know……"

Li Fan knew who Ling Tian was talking about, but asked him to ask Murong Ying cheekily.

"Wipe, it's this time, what more shame!"

Li Fan secretly blame himself, his brother's whereabouts are unknown, he still cares about face issues?

He patted his face, then stood up.

Wearing a loose military uniform, Li Fan turned around and walked out of the dojo to the study on the second floor.

Gold and silver swordsmen, like the door gods, guarded at the door of the study. Li Fan was about to go forward, but the two of them pulled out their swords together, staring at Li Fan with jealous eyes.

"What do you two mean?"

Li Fan frowned.

"No outsider can enter without the summons of the master."

The gold and silver swordsman said very politely.


Li Fan sneered, "I'm in my own house, where do I go, but I can't be controlled by you?"

"You are free in the other rooms, but not here."

The gold and silver swordsmen were resolute, and the silver swordsman added, "And, don't forget, this is the owner's home, not yours."

"You are great."

Li Fan gave a thumbs up. The buddy spoke absolutely to stir up his anger!

"go back."

Jin Jianke's long sword pointed at Li Fan.

"Otherwise it's not good for you."

"What if I have to go in?"

Li Fan asked.

"No matter who you are, it's a corpse in the next second."

The Silver Swordsman may have spoken with Murong Ying and domineering, but also completely annoyed Li Fan.

"Step aside."

Li Fan took a step forward, while the sword of the gold and silver swordsman stabbed at Li Fan at the same time.

But Li Fan stretched out his hands and grabbed a sword on each side!

Although the sword qi of the gold and silver swordsman is sharp, he can't break Li Fan's body!

"Get away."

With a push of Li Fan's hand, the hilt of the sword hit the chest of the gold and silver swordsman, poking at one of their points.

The blood of the two was blocked immediately, they were half-knelt on the ground at the same time, their bodies could not move for a long time.

"Be stronger next time, come and play with me again."

Li Fan said, in the eyes of the two unwilling, he walked into Murong Ying's study.

Although it is a study, for Murong Ying, here is no different from the office. She works here every day, she's so busy. And Tie Zhu was in the kitchen, making some supplements for her young lady to eat.

At this time, Murong Ying was lying on her own table, seemingly taking a nap.

Although Li Fan was still a little bit angry, but now seeing Murong Ying, the anger was gone.

This girl must be exhausted.

As if she was asleep, it was quite quiet. If only she could do this all the time, she should be more obedient!

Li Fan couldn't help but reach out, trying to touch Murong Ying's hair.

But at this moment, the hair on Li Fan's hand suddenly shuddered, and he subconsciously retracted his right hand.


A red flying knife was stuck on the wall next to him. If Li Fan didn't close it in time, I'm afraid his palm has been penetrated!


Li Fan looked back at once, but Murong Ying seemed too tired, she was still asleep, but she was not awakened.

Mainly on the flying knife just now, there was no murderous force against Murong Ying. Otherwise, she will wake up in time even if she is asleep!

The room was empty, with only one window open.

"Oh, do you want to play, I will accompany you."

Li Fan walked to the window, his knees bent, and the whole person jumped out of the window!

The opposite side immediately shot over three flying knives in the shape of a pin, and went straight to Li Fan and shot over!

But it's hard to beat Li Fan. His body spun up in the air, **** bounced, and the three flying knives were blown out!

And there were two flying knives, sliding out of the arc in the air, one up and one down, one left and one right, shot towards Li Fan.

Li Fan wasn't panic, his body shook in the air, even stepping on two flying knives, stepping on them, and flying towards the top of the building opposite.


There are three flying knives again, this time directly straight, just like driving a train, head straight to Li Fan's door!

Li Fan couldn't help but pay tribute, anyway, the person opposite was a master of flying swords!

With these three flying knives, he didn't have the confidence to bounce!

The force on each flying knife is amazing, you can shoot yourself back and forth several times!

It seems that the other person really wanted to take his own life!

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