My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 488: Chaotic world

Chapter 488: The Chaos World

Li Fan is in the air, and some of them are in a weak position to deal with these three penetrating flying knives.

But Li Fan quickly adjusted his state, he took a deep breath and entered the state of Lightning Deer!

Li Fan's body was spinning in the air, kicking out three Ben Lei's feet in succession, three flashes of light flashed in the air, three daggers were kicked open by one foot by one foot!


The three daggers were nailed to the opposite wall, and the knife handles were embedded in them.

But before Li Fan was proud, he didn't know when a flying knife appeared in front of his brows!

This flying knife was silent. When Li Fan dealt with the three flying knives, he had already reached him!

If it weren't for Li Fan's sight of bullet time, I'm afraid this flying knife has pierced his brows!

But almost between the electric light and flint, Li Fan's true energy condensed at a high speed and emerged from his body quickly!

A vague figure stood up from behind him, stretched out a real palm, and snapped the flying knife from Li Fan's brows!

The infuriated figure appeared for almost a second and then dissipated.

The flying knife that had sneaked in also lost its attack power and fell towards the ground.

But Li Fan responded quickly, he lifted a foot, and dangled on the flying knife. The flying knife draws an arc in the air and stabs at the figure on the top of the building!


The flying knife hit another flying knife and both crashed into the air.

But Li Fan also fought for time. His body flickered in the air and fell to the top of the building opposite.

A handsome white-faced boy, wearing a white trench coat, was standing there, with a bandage on his right arm, and three flying knives in his hands.

"Sorry, I've come to you."

Li Fan stood in front of the white-faced niche, staring at him. This person looks like Yan Kai, who is obviously a man, but quite handsome. His hair was silver-white, and he pierced his tail with a ponytail. He had a black mask on his face, with a black dragon printed on it.

Looking at this guy, it looks a bit like a secondary disease.

"Ran to the doorstep of someone else's house, do you want to report your name first?"

"Well, there is nothing to say to such a shameless man!"

The other's voice was a little rough, and he glared at Li Fan as if he was hostile.

"Which organization are you from, can you always say something?"

Li Fan asked, "Jin Yiwei? Vanguard? Golden Eagle Fort? Storm? Demon?"

Li Fan couldn't help talking about it after talking, Nima, there seemed to be too many offending organizations!

"Guess it!"

The white-faced man released his hand and threw out two flying knives, but Li Fan's figure did not know when he would disappear in front of him.

Almost a breath of time, Li Fan was standing next to him, a finger resting on his temple.

"If I were you, talk calmly."

Li Fan advised.

"Even if I die, I will take you to Huangquan!"

The white-faced man said, pulling open his trench coat, with several rows of flying knives hanging inside!

I rub, this person, he will not be arrested as a ****?

"Then you take a step first."

Li Fan was about to die, and a figure suddenly fell down, holding out Li Fan's arm.

Familiar fragrance.

"What are you doing?"

Li Fan looked at Murong Ying with dissatisfaction. "Are you going to grab someone?"

"What kind of head to grab, yourself."

Murong Ying gave Li Fan a white look, then she was gentle, and said to the white-faced man, "Why are you here?"


Li Fan froze for a moment.

This is different from the organization he imagined!

There were two things that made Li Fan care at once, one was the identity of the man, and the other was some kind of kung fu that he just showed during the crisis.

What seems to be condensed in a moment ... Is it true? No ... it seems to be a state of swallowing toads.

But this state seems to be more powerful than the usual day toad. It was such an instantaneous thing that it really made Li Fan a little confused.

"Miss, please marry me!"

The man actually kneeled down directly at Murong Ying, and said very sincerely, "Please be my woman! Let me be by your side!"


Murong Ying was apparently speechless, and Li Fan was taken aback.

I rub, what's the matter, why did you propose to Murong Ying?

"Are you wrong?"

Li Fan frowned and stopped in front of Murong Ying, "Murong Ying is my woman!"

"Huh, but you can't protect your woman well."

The white-faced man mocked, "Otherwise she would not be in prison!"

"It has nothing to do with Li Fan."

Murong Ying also defended Li Fan for a moment, "He was not there."

"That's what he didn't do to a husband!"

The white-faced man continued to say toughly, "If it were me, I would protect the young lady by the minute! I have exercised myself since I was a child. I want to marry the young lady and become the protector of the young lady!"

"Can I beat him ..."

Li Fan asked.

"Well, don't bother!"

Murong Ying had a headache. "There have been enough things lately. Don't bother me with both of you."

"I've grabbed my wife. Can I still catch fire?"

Li Fan squeezed his fist, and his joint made the sound of Kabang Kabang.

The white-faced man grabbed the flying knife with both hands and was always ready to fight.

"Calm down, Li Fan, Tian Tian is a woman."

"Women can't do it ... eh?"

Li Fan froze again, is she a woman again?

And Murong Ying had reached out and pulled off the white-faced man's mask, and sure enough, a beautiful face of a woman came out. No wonder it looks like a woman, it turns out to be a woman!

"Miss, it doesn't matter to women!"

It seems that the woman's voice returned to normal after the mask was removed.

"I've been studying with men as a kid, and I'll protect you like a man!"

Kungfu of speaking, iron pillar stood by the window and shouted at them.

"Miss, aunt, dinner is ready!"

"Ah ... Master Tie Zhu ..."

The woman was envious when she saw Tie Zhu, "I will definitely target Master Tie Zhu ..."

"I rub ... you can pull it down!"

Li Fan almost collapsed, and someone like Tie Zhu would definitely not stand it!

What a marvelous worldview, even aiming at the iron pillar!

"Li Fan, to introduce you, the Yin family is a family member of my Murong family for generations. This Yin Tiantian is one of my loyal family members. By the way, it was her who sent me to protect you last time. "

Li Fan is a bit confused ... Nima, such a tomboy, is called sweet! The other character was so soft, but it was called Tie Zhu.

Is this world swollen?

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