My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 626: Don't talk about human relationships

626 Don't talk about human relationships

Ouyang Lei raised his right hand, and a red light flashed on his palm.

In the last battle, he suffered a big loss on Li Fan, and he still remembers it! This Li Fan, he must die!

Whether for a task or for yourself, you can't keep this person!

"With me, you can't think of it."

Yu Xi stood up silently, facing back to Ouyang Lei, and put a hand on his black knife.

"Li Fan's name is hung high on the black list!"

Ouyang Lei said, "Do you still want to protect him?"

"Black guard, you can act as you wish."

Yu Xi was very firm, "You can't change my beliefs with just a few words."

"Huh! Jin Yiwei's four black guards have always been different."

Ouyang Lei looked at Yu Xi with a cold light in his eyes. "But I'm not sorry for you because you are colleagues. But today, don't force me to kill."

"Just try it."

Yu Xi said, slowly turning around, looking at Ouyang Lei, and then gently pressing a finger on his blindfold, slowly pushing upwards.

"Are you crazy?"

Ouyang Lei was startled, "You want to unblock [sin]? Are you afraid of short life ten years?"

"In order to protect Li Fan, what if you break your body?"

Yu Xi smiled. Her smile seemed to have a different taste in the moonlight.

Her dress slowly fluttered along with the night breeze, and a black knife had come out of the sheath and dropped to her side.

And in her body, there was a black qi, which was slowly emerging.

Behind Yu Xi, there seems to be a black demon head. The depressed momentum is shrouded in people, making people breathless!

Cold sweat percolated from Ou Yanglei's forehead.

Yu Xi is a heartless knife, one of the four black guards. But among the black guards, her strength seems to be the lowest.

But Heiwei, the most unique existence of this Jinyiwei. How could Yu Xi climb to this position if he didn't press the box?

Yu Xi, unlike everyone else, was said to have been adopted by a mysterious high-ranking member of Jin Yiwei from an early age.

The general Jin Yiwei practiced "Xiao Wuxiang Shen Gong". This is an evil skill, which can be quickly accomplished, and it is extremely powerful! It is the undefeated foundation of Jin Yiwei!

But this "Little Wuxiang Shen Gong" is not something you can practice!

A Jinyiwei banner that has just started can only practice one or two levels. After raising to the general banner, you can practice three or four layers.

The next hundred households can practice five or six floors. Thousands of households are great, you can practice the seventh floor, and the commander can practice the eighth floor!

Only when the metropolis is unified can one cultivate the ninth layer of mind, which is the supreme existence.

But only the four **** guards know that on top of the metropolis, there is a more powerful mysterious character. No one knows his name, only his nickname is called Xiaoyudi.

He has supernatural powers and is practicing "Da Wu Xiang Shen Gong"!

This "Da Wu Xiang Shen Gong" is many times stronger than their practice! I heard that Yu Xi had been practicing this kung fu since he was a child. Since then, Yu Xi has regressed her skills, from a super master who stepped into the threshold of a generation of grand masters, back to the highest level.

But her magic skills are still there. Xiaoyudi made a special eyeball for her with the rare meteorite jade, which was embedded in her eyes and named [Sin]. With this eyeball, sealed her magic. If she needs, she can turn on this magic at any time. However, because the meridians were damaged, once she turned on the magic, she would lose ten years of life.

Sin, for Yu Xi, is a last resort!

Ouyang Lei himself did not expect that Yu Xi could do this for Li Fan!

This ... is no longer pure protection!

Yu Xi, ruthless knife, did she fall in love with Li Fan?

How ruthless is this ruthless knife? She found her biological parents that year, but both were fugitives from Jin Yiwei. Yu Xi said nothing and cut off the heads of the two.

"You ... calm down!"

Ouyang Lei felt the existence of [sin], her heartbeat accelerated, and her cold sweat increased.

Yu Xi stood there. Her lost eyes were a red gem at this time. Above the gemstone, the red light radiates, and the black atmosphere behind it is brought out, bringing an unprecedented pressure.

More black enthusiasm dangled around Yu Xi's black knife, making this black knife look longer, like a five-meter long giant blade!

"Ou Yanglei, can we go to war?"

Yu Xi took a step forward, and Ouyang Lei's heart jumped.

"Crazy, you are crazy!"

Ouyang Leiqi gritted his teeth, but he did not have the courage to step forward!

"I won't give up!"

Ouyang Lei put away the red light on his palm and said, "Jin Yiwei will not give up! Yu Xi, think about how to explain it!"

After speaking, Ouyang Lei made a leap, stepping on light work, and soon disappeared into the night.

Yu Xi's body was also slowly spreading, and bloodshot was hanging around her mouth. Yu Xi casually wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth, then put the black knife back into the scabbard and continued to sit cross-legged on the roof.

The moon is beautiful.

As soon as Li Fan woke up, it was already bright the next day. He hasn't slept so comfortably for many days, and this time he really slept happily.

Tie Zhu had packed his luggage for him, and then personally took Li Fan and Tang An to the car outside the door.

"Where is Murong Ying?"

Li Fan found that Sister Murong was not there, so she asked.

"Miss Miss went out early."

Tie Zhu replied, "She took the gold and silver swordsmen back to Murong Villa. I heard that she was going to take people and play a demon division."

"Oh, like this……"

Li Fanxin said, this Murong Ying has always been like this. Although he said that he didn't want to help, he rescued Zhao and went to the demon cult to help Li Fan reduce the pressure.

"It is indeed the leader of Murong. It is really thoughtful!"

Tang An was so clever, and understood Murong Ying's intentions, and hurriedly patted the ass.

Don't care if everyone else can hear you, let's take a photo first!

"Where is Miss Er?"

Why didn't Xiao Ai's girl come?

"Miss Er hasn't woken up yet, she seems a little tired last night. Grandpa, do you want me to wake her up?"

"Oh, let her sleep more."

Li Fan waved his hand, he just asked, since he was sleeping, don't quarrel.

"Brother Tang, let's get on our way."

"Okay, the hard head of Li Dart! I've written down this sword with a smile against Qingfeng!"

"No matter, no matter!"

Li Fan laughed while sitting in the car, "What kind of humanity is not human, that's all right! Go back and give me the dart money."


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