627 Overnight

Tang An froze for a moment, and did not understand what Li Fan meant.

"You talk about you, you are not on the road!"

Li Fan said solemnly, "Dan Tang, I started the dartboard! You asked me to help you guard, always pay me? Don't give money, you want me to work for nothing?"

Li Fan's words made Tang An speechless.

Nima, he seems to be making sense!

Tang An was embarrassed, Li Fan said again, "But since everyone is cooperating for the first time, I should show some sincerity and make friends first! So let me give you a 50% discount. This dart will cost half the price. One hundred thousand, how do you think? "

Tang An doesn't know why at this moment, especially want to cry, probably because of distressing money ...

"Brother, money is a bastard, let's make it again without it!"

Li Fan comforted Tang An, "This person, when it is time to spend money, you must spend it! For example, you can hire a dart master. Then what is my identity, I created" Seven Chivalrous Fist "and ranked God scores eighth! And myself, look at it, but now it is the eighty-eight celebrity masters! How many are you in the snow dance and the alliance leader? "

"Um ... more than a hundred ..."

Although Luo Xuewu's ranking is not high, the overall strength is very strong.

In particular, she has a strong personal charm, surrounded by many experts, and there are many top 100 people.

This ranking has a certain reference value, but it does not follow exactly the above.

However, Li Fan was very young, and he had already shot a single horse and made it into the top one hundred. The others are real, Sima Fang and Yin Wuchao are his stepping stones.

"You say that I am a master of this level. You only need one hundred thousand yuan to assist in boxing once. Is it expensive?"

"Not expensive ..."

Tang An ghost sent the **** to the ground, and went on talking, and regretted it after talking, just wanted to draw his own mouth.

"Yes, just look at it, I know that you are a sensible person!"

Li Fan smiled happily, Tang An increasingly wanted to slap his face.

"Here, these 100,000 yuan ... is not a big number for me to rely on Jian Xiaoqing."

Tang An gritted his teeth and said, "As long as President Li's head can help us through this difficult time, 100,000 yuan, I'll offer it!"

How can such a big league lose money!

Li Fan grinned a little, his heart got a little bit more. As long as Li Weiyi ’s kid does n’t go, Li Fan has confidence in dealing with demons.

"Then rely on Mr. Li's head."

Tang An arched his hand at Li Fan, and Li Fan seemed to casually say something.

"Xiao Tang, I have here the famous Beidou, Feilong, Yanjing Eleven Riders, and our extraordinary four strong men. Although their prices are not as high as mine, they are also masters. ? "

Tang An's mouth twitched obviously.

"That ... Also, let's forget it ... Your dartboard is indeed a lot of masters, but you alone are enough."

"Dan Tang, don't hurry to refuse! You see, this is the case. In order to meet the various needs of customers, we have specially developed several packages for you to choose from."

Li Fan said with a smile, "Among them is the most luxurious emperor package, choose four Yanjing eleven rides, and two little kings, to **** you! This package price is three million whole, very concessions!"

The corners of Tang An's mouth twitched again.

Three million ... Although Yi Jian laughs and the wind is not bad, the money is not from the wind! It must be a lot of money to feed so many people. How can it be such a waste?

"This package may be a bit expensive. But it doesn't matter, we still have an economic package!"

Li Fan said, providing Tang An with a new plan, "I designated an Yanjing eleven ride, plus me, a total of two people, the package price, 150,000, look what?"

This economy and the emperor package, the gap is a little too big!

Tang An had a feeling of wanting to collapse.

"That ... Li Li dart head ... Li Shaoxia ..."

Tang An couldn't help but ask, "How can you ... you are also Murong's son-in-law ... how can you be short of money?"

"What is this nonsense!"

As soon as Li Fan heard it, he was unwilling. "How much money the Murong family has, even if there is a vault, it has nothing to do with me! My own money, I earn it myself, is there any shame?"

"No, no, Li Shaoxia's vigor is Ling Ling, it is really a model among my young heroes, and it is worth learning."

Tang An hurriedly arched and shot Li Fan's horse ass.

"It would be great if the young people now have the aspirations of Li Shaoxia. Unfortunately, today's children want to take less detours, and men can't wait to marry Bai Fumei immediately!"

"I'm different from them."

Li Fan also heard the smell of Tang An's flattering, this guy, the fart is too strong.

"Li Shaoxia, we're going to ride horses from here."

The two have arrived on the Luoma Ancient Road, and there are rules in their rivers and lakes. Anyone from the rivers and lakes must ride on the horse when they reach the Luoma Ancient Road!

Murong Ying has prepared two sweaty BMWs for the two.


Li Fan has matured a lot. Unlike the ignorant teenager who just practiced that year, he would not be pleased to see anyone, and he wants to break the rules.

"It's a long way from Kunlun Mountain."

Tang An reminded Li Fan, "Li Shaoxia, let's go on overnight."

"Okay, let's go."

Li Fan and Tang An traveled all the way, riding a sweaty BMW for three days and nights, and finally came to the ancient road near Kunlun Mountain.

"Go over two more mountains and you will see Kunlun Mountain."

Tang An stretched out a hand, and was somewhat relieved. "If the Lord of the Alliance knows you are here, you don't know what will happen."

If anything, she didn't know me, Li Fan muttered.

"I'm going to find a fellow who resembles Yi Jian Xiao Qingfeng, Li Shaoxia, you go to the inn in front of the hotel, I'll find you later.

Tang An arched his hand and said.


Li Fan was also a little lacking. "Then I'll go to the hotel. Come to me later."

He rode on a fast horse and came to the inn alone. Immediately, a second child came out and took the good horse to feed forage.

Li Fan walked into the inn and saw the shopkeeper standing at the front desk, drowsy.

"Boss, come to a better room."

"There is only one out of the house, do you want to."

The boss ignored it.

"Oh, let me change."

Li Fan is a little angry, rub it, when his home is the palace, talking is too uncomfortable! How can you treat customers this way?

"Ha, look for it!"

The shopkeeper grinned, "This is ten miles away, and they are full. Recently, Yi Jian laughed and the breeze started to accept new people. There were too many people."


Li Fan frowned slightly, at this time there was a person shouting, "Get out of the room, get out of the room, I want it!"

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