My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 647: Say who knows

647 Who says who knows

"Hum, I will find him!"

Song Minya waved, "Go searching nearby, he must be nearby!"


The two men went out of the ruined temple with Song Yanya and went outside to search.

Liu Zhu jumped up immediately, fell on the plaque, and found that Li Fan was indeed not here.

"I'm here."

Li Fan jumped out from behind a piece of broken wood and fell gently in front of Liu Zhu.


Liu Zhu was a little surprised. "Have you recovered?"

"A little recovery."

When Li Fan was talking, a little scorpion with a red tail secretly hid inside his collar.

Fire-tailed scorpion, this is one of the passions and six desires of Li Fan. Li Fan just relied on this little scorpion to slowly untie his soft muscles.

Although it hasn't been solved yet, at least it has been solved.

"You ... really amazing ..."

Liu Zhu looked at Li Fan incredible, "You made me look."

"It surprises you more."

Li Fan said, "I don't think your nature is bad. It is better to follow me. Join me in the extraordinary darts, so don't follow the magic.

"This ... I'm afraid it won't work ..."

Liu Zhu smiled bitterly, "I am teaching alone, and it is absolutely necessary."

"Where there are so many compelling reasons, Wudoujia should go against the sky."

"If so, that's fine."

Liu Zhu shook her head. "However, you do n’t understand my business."

"You don't tell me, how do I understand."

"Huh, anyway, you just don't understand ..."

Liu Zhu was still screwed up, but Li Fan suddenly became excited and pulled Liu Zhu. . "


Liu Zhu froze, what kind of ghost is Li Fan?

"Well, that's it."

Li Fan also came in whatever suit he wanted. He grabbed Liu Zhu and knelt directly in front of the mountain statue.

"The mountain **** is the proof. I, Li Fan and Liu Zhu, are here today to worship as brothers."

Talking, Li Fan also pulled out his hero sword and cut his finger directly.

"No, no wine ..."

"Are there no milk!"

Li Fan pulled the milk jar and dripped blood into it.

"Sink ..."

Liu Zhu wants to vomit, especially. Can this thing replace wine?

But Li Fanxing was so high that Liu Zhu couldn't resist it.

After the two had drank the **** milk, they were drinking gimmicks. The two dug their heads to the ground, and they really took the mountain **** as a proof, and heaven and earth as a lesson.

"Well, we will be brothers in the future. How old are you?"

Li Fan asked Liu Zhu. Liu Zhu rolled her eyes and said that you did n’t even know how old I was.

"I am eighteen this year."

Liu Zhu said his own age, Li Fan muttered, "Well, younger than me, then I will be your elder brother, you will be my younger brother."


It seemed like he was being taken advantage of, and Liu Zhu was a little unhappy.

"Will you be the elder brother?"

"Still brother ..."

Liu Zhu still recognized.


Li Fan seemed a little happy, "Since you are my younger brother, don't pit me in the future."

"I'm in your heart, do you pit yourself?"

"You are."

Li Fan really wanted to vomit, but held back, after all, there were too many slots.

"Four Elephant Swords, keep them."

Li Fan glanced at the four elephant sword and left Liu Zhu to defend himself.

"In the future ... if we meet on the battlefield, will we also be brothers?"

Liu Zhu also knows that Li Fan just emerged on a whim. He recognized himself as a brother, but after all he was a demon, can he really have that kind of brotherhood?

"I treat you as a brother."

Li Fan patted Liu Zhu's shoulder. "I also hope that you can think about me every time you do something bad. I hope that you can be more strict and have a standard in your heart."

"So, do you consider me a brother just to restrict me?"

"To save you."

Li Fan said frankly, "I don't want you to go further and further."

"You really ... don't understand anything ..."

Liu Zhu sighed, "You and I will be here today, and I should go now. You will only be in trouble if you follow me."

"Everyone knows I'm with you now, and there will be many people going after you."

Li Fan could not help asking.

"Isn't that what a kid should do?"

Liu Zhu squeezed his eyes against Li Fan, then pushed the door, carrying the four elephant sword, and went out against the snow.

Li Fan looked at Liu Zhu, and he really didn't know what to say.

Does he really consider himself a big brother?

Li Fan also needs recuperation now. He suddenly jumped up, fell on the plaque, sat cross-legged, rounded his hands, and let his vitality move.

Fire tail scorpion also walked on Li Fan's body and began to detoxify him.

A two-pronged approach, Li Fan began to quickly recover his strength.

Those who rely on the sword are looking for themselves, and the demons are also looking for themselves, and it is important to quickly restore their strength.

When Li Fan was practicing, Liu Zhu also stood outside, facing the snow.

On Kunlun Mountain, the people who leaned on the sword did not know why, and no longer searched Li Fan.

But the demons still wandered on Kunlun Mountain, searching for Li Fan in the carpet style.

As soon as Liu Zhu went out, Song Xuanya appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"Where is Li Fan?"

Song Yanya asked again.

"how could I know."

Liu Zhu started pretending to be stupid, "Where is Li Fan, isn't it Song Hufa's clue?"

"Of course, so now I'm asking you!"

Song Minya is not a fool, she just stares at Liu Zhu, "You should know, the price of betraying the egoism?

"When did I betray the egoism?"

Liu Zhu did not admit it at all, "Song Hufa, are you targeting me?"

"Come on this."

Song Yanya was convinced of her own judgment, "Where did you hide him! Honestly, you still have a chance!"

"Song Hufa, speak with evidence."

Liu Zhu said, "Look, I'm here. Would you like to search?"

"Don't think that you can be arbitrarily done by the leader."

"I teach for my sole cause, and the leader only understands my work."

Liu Zhu said frankly, "I'm not like someone. Others wipe her ass, she doesn't appreciate it."

"You talking about me?"

Song Yanya made a killing in her eyes.

"Who said who, who knows for themselves. If you're fine, can you stop the road, I'll wait to go back for a hot bath."

Liu Zhu was expressionless.

"I have sent people around the mountain temple."

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