648 Summit

Song Zhenya's words surprised Liu Zhu's heart.

"I have searched nearby and there is no trace of Li Fan. Therefore, I guess he should still be in the mountain temple."

Song Zheya looked at Liu Zhu and grinned, "Do you think you are smart? You want to use yourself as a bait to come out to attract everyone's attention, and then let Li Fan hide in the mountain temple and leave when it is safe. Although I couldn't find him, I knew he was at the Mountain Temple. I can send someone to burn the ruined temple! "

Liu Zhu frowned slightly, but it was only a moment before she had let go.

"up to you."

Liu Zhu turned around and left, seemingly unconscious.

Seeing Liu Zhu leaving so casually, Song Minya couldn't help whispering. Could it be that he was not with Li Fan?

"Protective method, burn?"

A demon's men stepped forward to ask.


As soon as Song Wanya waved, a group of disciple disciples surrounded the ruined temple, and at the same time pulled out bows and arrows. At the same time, these people wrapped the arrow in cotton and linen, dipped it in alcohol, ignited it with a torch, and then began to bow and shoot arrows towards the ruined temple!

Rockets landed on the ruined temple and lit the ruined temple.

Even though the snow was hanging, the fire used by the demon did not know what was added. The more it burned, the more it burned, and finally it burned, engulfing the entire ruined temple.

Liu Zhu had already gone a long way. She suddenly turned around and looked at the ruined temple that was glowing red, her heart tightening slightly.

Li Fan ... I have done everything I have to do, and the rest is up to you.

The flames burned for a long time, and finally the whole ruined temple collapsed into a pile of black coke, and the remaining temperature was still rising, intertwined with the red Mars, braving the heat.

Song Huaya held her arms, stood there, looked at it for a long time, and finally said.

"It seems that he is really not here ... even if it is, it should have been burned to death by the flame of my demons."

"Protect the law, what shall we do next?"

"Go back to the main hall first, and wait for the leader to give the next order."


Song Minya left with a group of worshippers. Shortly after they left, the pile of charcoal suddenly loosened, and was then knocked open. A palm wrapped in gold armor stretched out, followed by a man wearing gold armor. .

"Well, it's dirty."

Li Fan spit out two pieces of dirty water, then patted the dust on his body, stood up, and the golden armor on his body was spreading out a little bit.

"Go to the main hall, how can I do it without me?"

Li Fan looked at the far-reaching army of demons, and he followed silently.

Although Li Fan's strengths have not been restored, he has done a good job. There was no trace on the snow, so Li Fan chased behind the forces of the cult, and followed their steps.

These people have been marching hurriedly, and soon after they descended from Kunlun Mountain, then split into several waves, pretending to be employees of a company, boarded different buses, and then traveled separately.

However, it was not difficult for Li Fan. He looked at Song Huangya's where the car went, followed the car, and slid under the car with ease.

This place is indeed a little aggrieved, but in order to find the main hall of the demon religion, Li Fan can still bear the grievance.

Although there will be a terrible enemy in the main hall, Li Weiwei, but Li Fan does not know why, but he is a little looking forward.

To be able to fight against the masters, this is the wish of every martial artist!

Li Fan, is the man who has such a pursuit!

He followed the bus and drove for three days and nights. These three days and three nights, Li Fan did not enter the water, and did not eat rice. Although for ordinary martial arts fighters, eating is equivalent to replenishing energy, which is very important. But for Li Fan, he can hold back his hunger and only absorb energy from the surrounding air to temporarily supplement his nutritional needs.

But this is only temporary, Li Fan's limit is only five days.

After five days, Li Fan must eat and drink, otherwise his body will collapse.

Wudoujia's energy consumption is much greater than ordinary people.

This is the law of conservation of energy, the law of nature.

Three days later, Li Fan followed the bus and came to an urban area.

After three days of running the expressway, I don't know which city they came to. The city is a bit prosperous, and it is not a small town at first glance.

"Come in quickly, don't fret!"

There was a voice from Song Huaya in the ear, and then the voice was slowly going away.

Li Fan gently fell from the bottom of the car, then glanced out.

A disciple disciple is sitting there, holding a cigarette in his mouth and smoking.

Li Fan stretched out his hands, grabbed him by the leg, pulled him directly under the car, and then covered his mouth with his hands.


This demon disciple was severed by Li Fan's neck and turned his head to death.

For the people of the devil, Li Fan is really not polite. It is a scourge to stay in this world!

After killing this person, Li Fan directly took off his clothes and changed them to himself. With so many disciples of the demon religion, Wu He runs in full, and Li Fan wants to try it, can he be mixed in it!

After putting on the clothes of the demon, Li Fan crawled out completely, changed the appearance slightly with a special shape, and then went to the front building generously.

Li Fan really looked just now, and those people walked into the building.

What kind of twin building is this? I don't know which local lord built it. The demons actually set up the base in such a place, which is also a burdock.

What's this called, little hidden in the forest, big hidden in the city?

Li Fan couldn't help thinking about it.

It seems that because of Li Fan's clothes, he walked into the building unimpeded, and a large notice board was placed at the door, which said, "Warmly celebrate the third summit of the sophomore!

What the hell? Sole teaching also summit?

Shouldn't this organization be very mysterious, why did a general assembly begin in this place?

"What are you doing, don't hurry in?"

A man who resembled a cadre, yelled at Li Fan, "What are you going here blindly?"

Li Fan didn't hesitate, nodded to the cadre, and followed his fingers toward a large meeting place behind him.

He wanted to see, what the **** was this so-called summit.

Li Fan came to the venue and was shocked as soon as he opened the door.

The crowd of people in this venue was full of demons, at least three or four thousand! The blackness was terrifying.

Demon religion ... Sure enough, there are many people!

However, the skills of these people are uneven. Li Fan feels that there are masters and rookies.

"Sit down! Teachers come to our meeting!"

A demon disciple yelled at Li Fan, Li Fan silently sitting in the corner.

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