My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 658: Xiaotian Temple

658 Xiaotian Temple

Li Fan followed Liao Wushuang into the office.

After being the head teacher, Liao Wushuang also seemed to have his own office.

The layout of this office is not very large. There are two desks, one empty and one by Liao Wushuang. They are filled with western literature, neat and tidy, and with a little girl's unique fragrance.

After Li Fan went in, he didn't speak and stood quietly.

Liao Wushuang locked the office door, walked to his desk, and sat there, watching Li Fan as quietly as possible.

"The next class is math. I can't be absent."

Li Fan suddenly said.

"I thought you were used to missing classes."

Liao Wushuang shrugged his shoulders. "Your grades have fallen completely."

"I have a lot of things to do."

Li Fan smiled coldly. "After all, some things are not my choice, aren't they? Because I don't know when the danger will come."

"Are you still blaming me?"

Liao Wushuang didn't seem to want to play a mystery with Li Fan, so he asked directly.

"What do you say?"

Li Fan asked, "What did you do, did you forget? Should I call you Liao Wushuang, or should I call you Liao Ye? I believe you so much, and even ... I already have feelings for you ... Hehe, I It's a big fool. "

Li Fan smiled bitterly and seemed to ridicule himself.

"You're right, there are things you and I choose."

Liao Wushuang looked at Li Fan, his eyes didn't dodge at all, "Li Fan, whether you like it or not, you are already involved in this whirlpool! It is just a small class, how many rivers and lakes are hidden, these are the reasons You stand up, don't you? "

"I know what they are all about, and I will naturally be alert to them."

Li Fan said, "But you, I didn't have the slightest defense against you until I was betrayed by you. Forget it, it seems that I am too sentimental. Teacher Liao, the reason you are still alive is that I want to hear, you What do you want to say to me. "

"Li Fan ..."

Liao Wushuang suddenly stood up, went to Li Fan's body, and looked into his eyes.

At that moment, Li Fan felt that Liao Wushuang's eyes were so affectionate. For a moment, Li Fan's heart softened, like a millennium ice melted.

How often will he dream of Liao Wushuang and the days he spends with her.

But everything seemed like a dream.

The beauties come to dream, and the dream wakes up with the wind.

"Li Fan, do you like me?"

Liao Wushuang approached Li Fan and asked.


Li Fan looked at Liao Wushuang's eyes and could not lie to her.

"Even now, I like it. However, I can't stand my hatred for you."

"You can forget those hates."

Liao Wushuang stretched out a hand to Li Fan, "I'm willing to leave the world with you ... Leaving this place ... I can buy a house in Europe or a small town in the Americas, only we two live, no Others. We forget these, forget the rivers and lakes, forget the disputes. You can open a martial arts hall and teach those foreigners to exercise martial arts. I can run a Chinese class to teach those foreigners Chinese. We two, have two children, and then They become talented, watch them get married, have children ... "

Liao Wushuang took Li Fan's hand. "Until one day we were both old and drinking tea together and watching the sunset together."

Li Fan stayed there and looked at Liao Wushuang.

He knew that if he chose Liao Wushuang now, he would enter a new life. Yes, he was looking forward to it, and he wanted to live the life of watching each other with Liao Wushuang.

But he also knew that once he chose this life, he could not turn back.

"Li Fan ... Will you go with me?"

Liao Wushuang asked again.

"Mr. Liao ..."

Li Fan held Liao Wushuang's shoulders in both hands, looked at her watery eyes, and asked, "A man you like, is he a man who likes to escape?"

Liao Wushuang's eyes were dull, and then two steps back, his body seemed to be weak.

She sat in the back chair with a sad look in her eyes.

"It seems that the two of us are destined to be enemies."

Liao Wushuang suddenly gave a bitter smile.

"Is it my fault?"

Although Li Fan couldn't bear it, he still asked Liao Wushuang, "You are a storm man, and you are here to kill me."

"Not only, Li Fan, far more than that."

Liao Wushuang wiped his tears, sat upright, and his expression slowly became cold. "I am not only a mercenary of the storm, but I am also a non-Jin Yiwei editor. The highest ruler of Jin Yiwei, the Jade Emperor of Xiaotian Temple It's my father! "

A series of messages from Liao Wushuang, like bombs, were thrown on Li Fan, blasting Li Fan a little bit alive.

"Xiaotian Temple, Jade Emperor ... what the **** are you talking about?"

"Li Fan, do you think Jin Yiwei is the highest government law enforcement agency?"

Liao Wushuang smiled bitterly, "You know too little. I can't tell you about Xiaotian Gong, but I can tell you one thing, be careful Cheng Mohan, she is Jin Yiwei."

"It's really endless!"

Li Fan frowned deeply. "Jin Yiwei, must you get along with me?"

"Your existence has disturbed the legal discipline of the rivers and lakes! Jin Yiwei will not let you go! The number one on the black list is your name! Everyone in Jin Yiwei wants to kill you and quickly! In exchange for endless glory and wealth!"

"What about you, do you want to kill me in exchange for power?"


Liao Wushuang looked at Li Fan with some blame in his eyes, "I killed you ... not for power ..."

"What is it for?"

"It was to prove myself."

Liao Wushuang said, kicking on the side of the iron box.

The box bounced off immediately, and pieces of silver battle armor flew out of it, which soon fell on Liao Wushuang's body.

Soon, Liao Wushuang was like a future soldier, standing there, looking at himself.

The warframe on her has changed a bit, becoming lighter and smoother, much like the Iron Man in the movie.

"Li Fan ... the last time I asked you ... would you follow me?"

"I like you, Liao Wushuang, whoever you are!"

Li Fan said loudly, "But I Li Fan is never a deserter!"

Liao Wushuang's face armor was closed, a red light flowed from her alloy eyes, and white steam was constantly spraying from the joints of the armor.

"Li Fan, only one of you and me can survive!"

"You can't kill me!"

Li Fan also had a strong infuriation.


Liao Wushuang has immediately arrived in front of Li Fan, and at the same time slap his head and shoot down to Li Fan!

A lot of steam was sprayed from her elbow, strengthening the power of this palm!

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