659 crash

Li Fan didn't even raise his hand, and let Liao Wushuang slap his palm on his forehead!


All of Li Fan's true energy was condensed at the position of Tian Ling Gai, blocking Liao Wushuang's palm.

The floor under Li Fan's feet was broken, but his head was safe.

"I said, you can't kill me!"

Li Fan looked at Liao Wushuang and said.

Liao Wushuang didn't speak, she suddenly raised her knees and slammed into Li Fan's abdomen.


Li Fan sealed Liao Wushuang's knee with both hands, and at the same time, moved his feet forward, and hit Liao Wushuang on the ground with the strength of Liao Wushuang.

Liao Wushuang patted the ground with both hands, his body bounced up suddenly, stood up again, and took a few steps back.

Liao Wushuang adjusted his posture, rushed forward again, and went straight to Li Fan's cheek.

Li Fan patted his right hand, and directly opened Liao Wushuang's fist.


This Liao Wushuang's fist directly penetrated the next wall.

Li Fan held Liao Wushuang's waist again and lifted her up. While Liao Wushuang was in the air, his palm was aimed at Li Fan.

The steel palm was shining with dazzling white light.

This is like the Iron Cannon's impact gun!

Li Fan works really well and protects his body! And Liao Wushuang's palm has compressed a lot of infuriating, hitting an air cannon against Li Fan.

Li Fan leaned on his side, and the air cannon hit the table next to it.


The table shattered and turned into a piece of wood on the ground.

Li Fan frowned, and Liao Wushuang was serious.

"Why didn't you attack me?"

Liao Wushuang stepped on the wall with both feet, fell to the side, and then stared at Li Fan, questioning.

"I ... don't want to fight you."

Li Fan couldn't get past this point in his heart, and Liao Wushuang still had a very important position in his heart.

"Don't be naive Li Fan! I want to kill you!"

Liao Wushuang said, there was a bomb on the leg, a metal knife hit her, and she was pinched, and then stabbed at Li Fan with a knife!

But Li Fan was standing there, not even protecting his body.


Blood flowers flew out, and Liao Wushuang widened his eyes.

There was red flying in front of her eyes, but it made her heart hurt more.

The alloy knife stabbed in from Li Fan's chest and revealed through the back.

"You, why don't you hide!"

"I don't want to hide."

Li Fan's nephew was injured, and blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"are you an idiot?"


Li Fan smiled, "In short, I don't want to fight you. Since you want to kill me, then you kill me."

Li Fan held Liao Wushuang's knife and slowly moved forward, letting the knife pass through his body a little.

The blood could not stop flowing, Li Fan never frowned.

"If you say that only one of us can survive, I hope the one that survives is you."

Li Fan said.

At that moment, Liao Wushuang could no longer control it, and his tears flowed.

"You ... you fool ..."

"I'm a bit silly, so I was fooled by you."

Li Fan smiled bitterly, "If only, how could you always lie to me."


Liao Wushuang said, "Don't move, I'll find something to help you stop bleeding."

Li Fan, however, reached out and pushed Liao Wushuang. She did not have time to loosen her long knife and pulled the alloy knife out of Li Fan's chest!

Blood splattered out, and Li Fan half-knelt on the ground.

A lot of blood loss was uncomfortable for him, not to mention a penetrating injury to his chest.

"Are you stupid? Stop it?"

"If I die, take my ashes to the town you go to and bury them in your yard."

Li Fan murmured.

"I was wrong ... I don't think about it, and I won't kill you ..."

Liao Wushuang knelt in front of Li Fan, "You stop bleeding ... please ..."

"But I'm not dead, how can you go back and explain to your father."

Li Fan allowed blood to continue to flow out, Liao Wushuang said hastily.

"Hiding a day is a day! Anyway, I have a bad relationship with him! In the future ... I live for you ..."

"That's a deal……"

"That's a deal!"

Looking at Liao Wushuang's earnest and begging eyes, Li Fan then stretched out **** to stop himself with his vitality.

He was relieved, Nima, almost killed himself!

This hand is absolutely extreme, the extreme flow of bitterness!

The relationship with Liao Wushuang must be pushed to a peak to resolve!

Fortunately, I succeeded.

"Li Fan, how are you? Would you like to go to the hospital?"

Liao Wushuang was worried about Li Fan's body.

"Relax, I'm fine."

Li Fan waved his hand to signal that he was much better. Although badly hit, he is a powerful martial artist after all. Li Fan seals his wound with Qi, and at the same time swims with Qi, speeding up the healing of the injury.

But the school uniform was indeed broken. Two big holes and blood were obvious.

"Wushuang, do you have any clothes here that suit me?"

Li Fan had let go of his mind and asked Liao Wushuang.

"No, you have to go to the hospital!"

Liao Wushuang guessed Li Fan's idea and said immediately.

"Relax, I'm okay. This injury is hanging up, so am I a bully!"

Li Fan said proudly, and at the same time stood up and directly ripped off his shirt.

The muscles on Li Fan's body look good, the lines feel good, and the muscles are not exaggerated. They look comfortable and seductive.

Liao Wushuang looked slightly blushed, but now was not the time to be shy.

She still opened the cabinet next to it, took out a medical bag from it, and started cleaning Li Fan's wound.

Alcohol rubs on the wound and it still hurts a bit. However, Li Fan held back and looked at Liao Wushuang who took off his armor, and carefully wiped his wounds.

Li Fan looked at Liao Wushuang's impeccable face, and felt a little peace in his heart for a while.

Maybe, living a two-person world with Liao Wushuang is really good.


Li Fan hurriedly shook his head and shook off all these thoughts he shouldn't have.

The rivers and lakes are still very big, and their own affairs are still many, how can they escape by themselves. I really want to be leisure, and I should solve all these things.

There is also a huge power bureau, waiting to feed yourself! So many people, if it ’s not for the extraordinary dartboard business now, I really ca n’t afford it!

"Well, it should not be infected."

Liao Wushuang helped Li Fan clean up the wound, which relieved him.

"A math class was blind again."

Li Fan squinted at Liao Wushuang. "Mr. Liao, I am a learner."

"Go to yours, come here less. You really want to learn, I can help you make up lessons. I'm also very good at math, no worse than your little girl at school.

Liao Wushuang snorted and smelled of vinegar.

"Well, why do I seem to smell vinegar, Teacher Liao, did you overturn the vinegar bottle?"

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