Chapter 668

What kind of foot force is Li Fan? I don't know how many times stronger than Le Xiaohu!

He kicked the angel directly!

The archangel just felt his head buzzing, just like being hit by a train! Because of the severe impact on his mental strength, his pair of wings also retracted.

"Little four eyes."

Li Fan gestured to Bai Linluo in the distance.

Bai Linluo nodded, and waved his hand, Liu Yanan of Sagittarius next to him opened his bow and arrow.


Four arrows flew through the air, shot directly through the limbs of the archangel, and nailed him to the ground.

Bai Linluo was very decisive and did not hesitate.

He is sometimes more cruel than Li Fan.

"Li Fan, you have worked hard, and leave the rest to us."

Bai Linluo was taken down by archer Lin Yuexian and fell to Li Fan.

Lin Yuexian still felt a little weird, she stood by and looked at the excitement.

There was a siren sound in the ear, apparently the police were also alarmed.

"I'll go back with you."

Li Fan said, "Old Sun, you take Lin Yuexian first."

"Yes, boss."

Sun Qingchen nodded and tried to take away Lin Yuexian.

But Lin Yuexian didn't want to leave very much. She glanced at Li Fan. Li Fan said, "Go back first, you can't handle things here."

"Okay ... come back safely."

Lin Yuexian knew that Li Fan was a burden on her own. She followed Sun Qingchen and left.

Sun Qingchen has rich experience and is very old-fashioned. Li Fan is relieved when he gives Lin Yuexian to him.

He and Bai Linluo glanced at each other. Several people took a very hidden van and drove all the way to the river. They entered the hull of the power bureau from a newly opened tunnel.

"Boss Li, are you here?"

Su Su was very kind to see Li Fan coming.

"It's been a long time. Did you miss me?"

"You look thinner?"

Li Fan did not answer Su Su, but changed the subject.

"It's okay ... I just can't go out, I'm a little bored."

Su Su sighed, seemingly sad.

"Recent searches for mutants have been tightened recently."

Bai Linluo explained, "And a lot of people are interested in the Prophet of the Power Bureau. The prophet's ability is omniscient and omniscient. There are countless people who are greedy to him."

"May I see the Prophet?"

Li Fan was very interested in this prophet.


Bai Linluo happily agreed, "Su Su, you continue to search for information here, I will take Li Fan to see."

"Yes, Secretary."

Although Su Su wants to accompany Li Fan, the order of the director cannot be disobeyed.

"Tiger, you go to practice first, I'll find you later."

Li Fan also ordered Le Xiaohu, who nodded and went to practice happily.

This amphibious ship is divided into three levels, the lowermost level is where the prophet's skull is stored. The top floor is the combat area, and the middle floor is the living area. The two took the elevator and came all the way to the lowest level.

"Xiaohu has grown a lot recently."

When he came down, Li Fan didn't forget to chat with Bai Linluo about the tiger.

"Well, the last thing hit him hard."

Bai Linluo nodded. "Not only is he doing exercises, he has been working very hard lately. Fortunately, there are teachers in the Power Bureau and online courses. Otherwise, I really worry that these children's cultural lessons can't keep up."

"It bothers you."

Li Fan patted him on the shoulder. "It's just like me, just a high school student, but responsible for such a big place."

"It's not easy for you. You have to be in charge of a dart game. I don't help you next to you, I always feel a little guilty."

Bai Linluo was ashamed, but Li Fan was comforting him. "Relax, there is Ling Tian! Recently Lin Yuexian's girl has done a good job, and her IQ is not for nothing."

"That's good."

Bai Linluo breathed a sigh of relief.

"The dartboard is operating well now, you don't have to worry too much about my side."

Li Fan comforted, "Just get the power board right."

"It was okay some time ago."

Bai Linluo said, "But recently, whether hunter, golden empire, or sweepers, are hunting us! They want to get the Prophet and then find Alcatraz Island."

"Some people in hunter actually want to rely on me to find Alcatraz."

Li Fan pointed to his own brain. "Mr. Yang told me the information about Alcatraz before he died."

"Then you should find someone to protect you."

Bai Linluo pondered for a moment, "Who do you want to send ... The Power Bureau is not a master now. Why not give you another good card?"

"No, it's enough to have Murong Ying's card."

Li Fan said, "You have to take care of the entire power board, and leave a few more cards in your hand. By the way, I see Wang Xiaoyuan, why is it different?


Bai Linluo said, "With the breakthrough of my strength, she also evolved from card b to card a."

"Oh, terrific brother!"

"Haha, it's okay. Can super powers be improved? Didn't we just talk about our first lesson?"

"Can the s card continue to evolve?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

"Ah, I guess it won't work ..."

Bai Linluo shook his head. "And my ability to improve the card is also based on the regular use of good cards to improve the proficiency of good cards. Excluding combat, if you want to evolve a b-level card, at least let her Appear all day and keep it for more than a month. If it is an s-class card ... it can really evolve, at least the best, and it takes a year ... "

"But after Wang Xiaoyuan evolved, it seemed to be silver armor. Normally, Leo should be gold armor, right?"

"Well, Leo is normally a golden armor. However, after evolution it seems slightly different, all are silver."

"That's the case, I don't know what it is."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders. "Superpower is really unreasonable."

"My abilities are probably a bit special. The general abilities are still scientific."

When Bai Linluo spoke, he had taken Li Fan to the bottom floor, to a door that was locked several times.

Li Fan could see that this prophet was well protected.

Bai Linluo unlocked the lock with his palm print, and the door opened. Inside was a secret room with a large sink inside, which seemed to be some special liquid.

In the liquid, a skull is soaked, which is very weird.

"This is the prophet. Although he is dead, his spirit is immortal."

Bai Linluo said, "Ask him all right."


Li Fan looked at the skull with a strange feeling.

As if it was looking at itself.

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