My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 669: Boxing by Le Xiaohu

Volume 669

Li Fan didn't know why. He felt that the skull was still alive, and he seemed to be a living person floating in the nutrient solution and looking at himself.

Li Fan almost subconsciously reached out his hand and gently touched the glass of the nutrition trough.

It was like an electric current came over, Li Fan's body shook slightly, and then a series of pictures appeared in his head.

Alcatraz Island.

A spooky island floating alone on the sea.

There seemed to be something terrible on that island, letting Li Fanjing stay away.

The picture flashed again, and it seemed that one hand was grabbing at itself.

Li Fan suddenly woke up, sweating heavily, looking at the skull in front of him.

But almost instantly, his consciousness was pulled back.

Li Fan's mind continued to have pictures.

Li Fan saw that there were nine pages of the "Nine Buddhas Classics" in front of himself.

And a handsome man is standing in front of himself, slowly covering up the "Nine Buddhas"!

Liu Jinchan!

Li Fan was startled.

I actually saw Liu Jinchan, and I also saw all the "Nine Buddhas"!

Li Fan wanted to take a step forward and take a closer look. But Liu Jinchen seemed to smile at himself, then stretched out his hand, and immediately pushed himself out.

Li Fan returned to reality again, staring blankly at the skull.

At that moment, he seemed to realize how scary the skull was!

He folded his palms around his waist, his palms containing power, as if to break this nutrition trough. And just then, a hand rested on his shoulder.

As soon as Li Fan looked back, Bai Linluo was looking at him.

"Li Fan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay ..."

There was cold sweat dripping down from Li Fan's head again, and he finally realized how terrible the temptation of this skull-the charm!

A skeleton who knows everything, can even see the past, see the future ...

Its energy is terrible!

"The power of the Prophet is now indispensable for the power board."

Bai Linluo explained, "It was only after receiving the hint of the prophet that he could appear to you in time."


Li Fan feels a little bit powerful.

Unlike his own qi, this power is even more unpredictable.

"In the past, the power of the prophet was not properly utilized, so our power board was reduced to this step."

Bai Linluo looked at the prophet's skull and said, "But from now on, this situation will never happen again."

Bai Linluo's eyes flashed as if with a faint light.

"Don't carry the stress alone, I will help you protect the power board together."

Li Fan patted his shoulder.

"Well, you need more help financially."

Bai Linluo was slightly ashamed. "Such a large power station requires a lot of money. The daily maintenance of the amphibious ship, the daily necessities of the people on board, the daily expenses ..."

"Rest assured, these are left to me."

Li Fan patted Bai Linluo's shoulder. "Everyone is a brother, so I won't say anything outside."

Li Fan felt that it was better for him to keep a distance from this prophet, so that he would be safe for himself.

"I'll go up and see Xiaohu first."

"Okay, give him some more guidance. He's got a bottleneck here and needs your help."

Bai Linluo said, "I have some questions to ask the Prophet, so I won't accompany you."


Li Fan turned around and went upstairs. When he closed the door, Bai Linluo's hand was gently pressed against the glass.

Le Xiaohu is really doing good exercises. Since the last time, he has become very hard.

At this time, Le Xiaohu was squatting on the horse while reading English textbooks in high school.

Seeing Li Fan coming in, Le Xiaohu couldn't help but be a little excited.

"Master, pick up!"

Le Xiaohu threw the English book in front of Li Fan. Li Fan reached out and took the English book.

However, Le Xiaohu has already run in front of him, he is relatively young, so his physical toughness is relatively good, the foundation is better than Li Fan.

This Le Xiaohu is short and has his hands spread out. It is actually a little tiger's posture!

He tore his hands towards Li Fan and was slaped away by Li Fan with his hand.

However, Le Xiaohu's attack speed is getting faster and faster, his claws seem to tear the air, and with the sound of breaking wind, he continues to grab Li Fan.

Li Fan displayed his hand and shot away Le Xiaohu's attacks one after another. Although Le Xiaohu attacked quickly, he was too monotonous to escape Li Fan's judgment.

Li Fan's movements are very slow and the rhythm is very relaxed. Every time he just hits the crane at random, he can shoot the killing blow of Le Xiaohu.

For other attacks, Li Fan could only escape by relying on his footsteps.

Le Xiaohu seemed a little anxious, his tiger claws could not hit his master once.

"Your attack is not ready."

Li Fan pointed at his apprentice while attacking.

"Don't make too many useless attacks, don't make too many small moves."

"Adjust your breathing. Your tiger-shaped fist is good, but you can't just imitate the movement, you must master the tiger's breathing."

"Select the key points, attack the key points directly, don't attack the useless parts!"

Li Fan constantly rectified some of Le Xiaohu's mistakes, and Le Xiaohu's attacks became more and more proficient, and even the skilled speed surprised Li Fan.

Although I know that Le Xiaohu's talents are strange and his bones are clear, I didn't expect to be so powerful.

Although Li Fan has a pure yang body and is unique in all kinds of flowers, he is strong in internal exercises. In the practice of external exercises, Li Fan is not good at it. Many times, he relies on hard work.

But Le Xiaohu is different. He is very fast in the training of foreign skills. Just after being pointed out by Li Fan a few times, he already realized it.

Under the guidance of Li Fan, Le Xiaohu made rapid progress.

Soon, his attack became more and more organized, and on several occasions he nearly broke through Li Fan's defense and attacked his key points.

Of course, the premise is that Li Fan has never exerted his internal skills, and only fights with Le Xiaohu with pure body.

Le Xiaohu suddenly raised his foot and hit Li Fan's abdomen directly, taking Li Fanyi a step back.


Li Fan is a little surprised, isn't this his own tiger tail whip?

It took him a long time to realize, but Le Xiaohu did not realize it so soon!

It seems that his accomplishments in tiger-shaped fists may be far higher than his own.


Le Xiaohu suddenly scratched his claws towards Li Fan's throat, but Li Fan stooped down and hit Le Tiger directly, knocking Le Xiaohu out.

"Oh ... Master, don't take Qihuangquan ..."

Le Xiaohu rubbed his nose and swollen face, aggrieved.

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