My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 745: decisive battle

745 The Final Battle

The machine gunner froze and looked at the machine gun that was cut in his hand.

What happened?

Guan Wenbao stabbed with a long knife and punctured the tire of the off-road vehicle. The off-road vehicle rolled over and hit the road.

Easily solved the two off-road vehicles, Lisa took Guan Wenbao, and chased back to the pickup truck.

"Get in the car?"

Bai Linluo asked.

"No, I finally found a place with few cars and let Lisa let go and run."

In Huaxia, there is nowhere for a horse to gallop.

Guan Wenbao could feel the excitement of this sweaty BMW under him.

Bai Linluo leaned back on his chair and was finally relieved.

Regarding Wenbao's presence, I am much easier.

Laoguan is Li Fan's favorite general. When he comes, the fighting power here will have the final guarantee.

On the side of the government forces, the new president received news from his men and became furious.

"Waste, all waste!"

The new president yelled, "You can't kill anyone to support you!"

"President ... Beside Bai Linluo, follow the master ..."

The secretary lowered her head, a little ashamed, and a little helpless.

"It's amazing ..."

"Fart! They have masters, do we not?"

"Well, the Philippines' foreign aid is coming soon. I heard that he is a master of stickmanship and is famous internationally."

The secretary hurriedly said, "With his help, he will surely subdue those warriors from China."

"It's pretty much the same."

The new president said, "They, I want them to die!"

Early the next morning, Bai Linluo took people all the way to the Presidential Palace.

The presidential palace is already waiting. The new president stands in a command car and looks at the rebels outside with a smile on his lips.

A diplomat stood next to him, waiting to see how the rebels had been destroyed.

This is a big battle!

Both sides have sufficient confidence in their combat effectiveness.

Bai Linluo was not so timid, he stood directly in front of the army, and Wang Xiaoyuan followed.

In fact, to Bai Linluo, he felt that the battle this time was like an affair with Beijing flavor.

However, this is also in line with his own purpose, and try not to let the fighting expand and spread to innocent people.

"Come to your death."

A car has a large screen with images of the new president.

He laughed on the screen with a proud look. "This island belongs to me. It is ridiculous that you want to subvert my regime."

"Mr. President, don't you think we look like children?"

Bai Linluo said from the speaker.

"You are a real child."

The new president smiled, "So, I heard that you are a Chinese, I know a little about your rules. We have invited a master and would like to fight against your masters, how about it?"


Bai Linluo agreed, "Old pass, I'll trouble you."

"Okay, fight before the battle, I like it."

Guan Wenbao dragged the Yueyue knife to the front of the battlefield.

On the side of the government army, a man from the Philippines who was less than 1.6 meters tall came out.

Although it is late autumn in Huaxia, it is still hot on the island. The man was naked, but his muscles were strong, like a rock.

The buddy held two Philly short sticks. He held up a stick and pointed at Guan Wenbao directly opposite.

Guan Wenbao is one meter eighty-eight, taller than the buddies, and looks down at him as if looking at a child.

"This is the club master of the Philippines."

The secretary also stood in the command car and said to the new president.

"In the international fighting competition, this master won the runner-up."

"Yes, with such a master, I'm afraid the other party will admit it."

The new president is very happy, waiting for the master of stickmanship to take over!

The Filipino's master of stickmanship held two short sticks and waved it a few times. The whole man looked extremely fierce.

"I will kill you!"

He snarled at Guan Wenbao, and then he leaned forward, knocking the stick in his hand towards Guan Wenbao!

Guan Wenbao didn't even need to wave his sword, he lifted a foot directly, and struck the master of that stickman's chest.

The cudgel master was stunned and smashed into an armored car behind him, and passed out.

"This, this is the master you say! Master!"

The new president is going to scold his mother!

The secretary was also pale, and he did not expect that this big master from the Philippines was even dropped by a trick!

"Kill the guy in the green robe!"

The new president growled.

All the muzzles were aimed at Guan Wenbao, but at this time, Lisa rushed out of the crowd and ran to Guan Wenbao. Guan Wenbao rolled over.

One person, one horse, carrying a moon knife, rushed directly into the enemy army and began to kill!

Guan Wenbao's sword had a sword blade, and when he slammed it away, a sword blade was pulled out, tearing all enemies around into pieces!


Bai Linluo hurriedly gave the order, and also instructed Wang Xiaoyuan to protect Guan Wenbao personally.

Although Guan Wenbao had more attacks, he had insufficient defense. Once set on fire, it will soon be sieved.

There is Liu Yannan protecting himself and there is not much danger.

The combat effectiveness of Guan Wenbao has shocked future security commanders and mercenaries of War Wolf!

They did not want to be outdone, they mobilized their forces and began to sweep the fighting power of government forces.

The foreign aid provided by the Philippines is nothing but two teams of soldiers. These countries, which have even made their own military forces a joke, cannot provide much help at all.

And Bai Linluo's army is all elite. Even the rebels were accustomed to guerrilla warfare. They always sneaked up and attacked the enemy before slipping away.

The most dazzling is Guan Wenbao and Le Xiaohu, two of them seem to be fighting gods, killing in the crowd.

There were not many government troops, and there were less than a thousand of them left. Seventy-eight were killed soon, and the rest began to raise white flags to surrender.

They were originally mercenaries, and some of them were people on the island. Government forces are now crushed, so they don't want to die for the government.

With little damage, government forces were completely defeated.

Under the protection of some guards, the new president turned pale and hid in a command vehicle, preparing to escape the battlefield.

But when Bai Linluo waved his hand, Liu Yanan shot an arrow, and the arrow shot into the tire of the command car. The car broke out and crashed to the side of the tree.

The door was damaged, and the new president, secretary, and diplomat all fell out, rolled to the ground, and embarrassed.

The War Wolf's mercenaries immediately stepped forward, took their arms, and pressed them to the ground.

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