My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 746: Minister of construction

746 Minister of Construction

A dramatic decisive battle, Bai Linluo, with almost no damage, captured the Presidential Palace.

Bai Linluo feels a bit boring, because the task this time is almost no difficulty.

If there are some masters or something over government forces, all right. Whether it is a mutant master or a martial arts master, at least it can also increase the fun of the challenge.

He himself was a bit tangled. Although it was not difficult to challenge, at least the personnel on his side did not have any casualties.

Bai Linluo felt very tangled.

Perhaps after the disappearance of the prophet, he felt a sense of emptiness.

"Brother Guan, thank you this time."

When bidding farewell to Guan Wenbao, Bai Linluo was a little bit reluctant, and came to the dock in person to bid farewell to Guan Wenbao.

At this moment, the island of Luofu has completely changed hands and replaced with the name of the Li family.

"Let me tell Li Fan when I go back, come over and take a look. I will help him run this island very well."

"I will."

Guan Wenbao nodded, and left Luofu Island with Lisa.

Bai Linluo returned to the presidential palace, this is already his place.

The President of the Resistance stood in the office and was waiting for him. Now, his police uniform is already the security commander here.


The security commander bowed at Bai Linluo.


Bai Linluo sat down, and many cadres came one after another in the office.

These are the people of the new government. Bai Linluo's task is to build this Louvre Island.

"As of today, this is not Louvre."

Bai Linluo said, "From today on, it's called Lijiadao."

"Excuse me, sir, use the individual's last name to name the island. What system are we going to follow?"

Max was now at the commander level, and he asked immediately.

"Constitutional monarchy."

Bai Linluo said directly, "In the future, I will be the Prime Minister of Lijiadao, and Mr. Li Fan will be the emperor of Lijiadao in the future."

Constitutional monarchy!

When several people heard it, they were terribly surprised.

"Will that work?"

Su Su couldn't help asking.

"Relax, this island is firmly in our hands."

Bai Linluo has started to build an intelligence network. "And for the people on this island, they don't care who is leading them now, only who can give them the best life."

Speaking, Bai Linluo gave Susu a look.

Su Su nodded. "We have two oil and gas fields offshore. The scale is not very large. We can set up a company to mine it and then sell it to other countries."

"But shouldn't these resources belong to Huaxia?"

Although Le Xiaohu was young, he had a lot of wisdom. When they heard Bai Linluo talking about them, they couldn't help asking, "Let's just mine, won't we be beaten?"

"Huaxia does not know how many such small-scale oil and gas fields."

Su Su continued, "If we want to develop into words, we must first use a wave. This island is to survive without attracting the attention of the world."

"Well, most of them are mainly aquatic products."

Bai Linluo just left a big rear for Li Fan. "Our side will build first. It won't be long before Liu Yanan will invest to buy the ownership of this island. By then, we will have no problem how we want to develop. Now. "

"I think it works."

Su Su nodded. "As long as you take ownership of the island, everything will be fine."

The Commander of the Security Department was depressed for a while. This group of people can even obtain the ownership of the island. This is the real legal regime ...

On this kind of island, they are the emperors of Tu.

"Just after the war, the security of the residents on the island must be very low."

Bai Linluo continued, "What is needed now is to recuperate and to enhance the sense of security of the people on the island."

He glanced at the security commander, "It is necessary to do a good job of security, and do not let the wrongdoers behave at this time."

"Well, rest assured, I have sent five teams to maintain daily law and order."

The security commander nodded, "Absolutely do not make the island messy."

"Okay. At present the population of our island is 120,000."

Bai Linluo said, "It's almost like a county town. Let's work hard to make the island's population exceed one million."

"The old government has left some funds, and we can use them to build the island."

The commander of the security advised, "I met someone from another country in the rebel army. He has made some achievements in construction. It is better to hire him as the minister of construction. There are many facilities on the island that need to be built. Is it ok?"

"Okay, I'll wait for him in the room and let him come to me."

Bai Linluo nodded, now is the time to hire someone. He welcomes all talented people.

After the meeting, Bai Linluo remained in the office, waiting for the Minister of Construction.

After two hours, a middle-aged oriental man who looked somewhat dismal but still dressed well came in.

"Hello sir, my name is Honda Sakura."

The other party spoke some Japanese and spoke.

"Island people?"

Bai Linluo looked at the Honda Sakura. He looked a bit poor, but his clothes were still very particular. He wore a blue-black suit and the fabric was not on the island. It should be a master tailor in Italy. works.

"Yes, the sir should be a Chinese."

Honda Sakura also spoke in a gentleman's way, "I am a steward of a famous family in the island country, but the family was involved in politics and was defeated. I had to wander in various countries and finally came to this beautiful island . "

"Do you have any experience in construction?"

"Yes, a little bit of experience, I hope to help you."

As soon as Honda Sakura bowed, Bai Linluo thought about it and asked first.

"Then what do you think is the most needed thing on the island right now?"

"It's good to hear that you are preparing to extract oil and gas fields. However, what is needed most on the island now is some infrastructure. We need to expand power plants and waterworks. With these, we can build the next facilities."

"What's next?"

"Residential building."

Honda Sakura smiled, "Now the living environment on the island is too poor. We need more apartment buildings to improve the living standards of residents and attract more people to live. Only with manpower can we develop other things."

"Okay, your advice is good."

Bai Linluo nodded, "then try it for a while."

"Thank you, sir."

Honda Sakura bowed very solemnly, "I will definitely assist you!"

Bai Linluo felt a little calm in his mind. Things on the island were developing in the direction he wanted, but he didn't know what was going on with Li Fan.

It ’s a good day, Mu Rongbo ’s birthday, is n’t it?

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