761 lonely

Li Fan felt his head hurt. It was like having an electric drill desperately drilling his head. He really felt a headache.

He screamed and woke up.

Standing in front of him was a man, not someone else, but Mr. Yang.

Mr. Yang looked at Li Fan with a smile on his mouth.

"You broke an arm. From today, you are a waste."

Li Fan glanced at his empty right hand. When he was unconscious, someone seemed to change him into a new dress, plain white. The sleeve of his right arm was empty and nothing.

However, Li Fan seems to be able to feel the existence of his right hand, which seems to be the phantom limb sense in medicine.

Degraded to this point, Li Fan was lying on the bed, his head was empty, he didn't know what he should think.

Mr. Yang, dressed in a clean suit, was sitting in a nearby chair, holding a gentleman's cane in his hand, and speaking slowly to himself.

"You see, you're a dead person, there's no one around you. But it doesn't matter, you and me, I'm your best friend."

"To shut up."

Li Fan was very impatient.

"It's easy to lose your last friend by talking like this."

Mr. Yang said, "In fact, even with only one arm, you can still be the strongest, if you want."

"Get away, I don't need you to wriggle."

Li Fan had a terrible headache, lost his right arm, and had a problem in his head.

This Mr. Yang appeared in front of his eyes all the time, as if it really existed! But Li Fan knew that he was just an illusion, and it should be the influence of the demon on himself.

This feeling was really bad, Li Fan began to feel sad. This feeling is the first time.

He was still thinking about everything before him, Murong Ying's Huoyun Zhang, and Murong Bo cut his arm with a sword.

Although the demon got into the body at that time, but the moment his arm was cut off, Li Fan awoke in pain and fainted because he lost his strength.


Mr. Yang tapped his cane softly. "Those people are your enemies. You can kill them at will. Why should you have mercy on them?"

Talking, Mr. Yang suddenly picked up something, Li Fan took a closer look, and was creepy.

That was Murong Ying's **** head.

He screamed, the door was pushed open, and Yeyulou rushed in.

"Brother Li, wake up?"

Mr. Yang sat beside him, holding his cane, and looked at Ye Yulou with a smile.

"Yeah, I woke up long ago, but it's not your turn to take care of you."

Ye Yulou could not see Mr. Yang in Li Fan's eyes. He sat on a chair beside Li Fan and squeezed Mr. Yang down.

"People today don't understand politeness."

Mr. Yang shrugged his shoulders, stood aside, and watched coldly.

"Sorry, I can only cure your internal injuries, but I can't catch your right hand."

Ye Yulou bowed his head to Li Fan and apologized, "If you have any needs, you can mention it to me. The leader of the alliance has explained to you that Li Fan has been a person who relies on the sword for a lifetime and laughs at the breeze. As long as the sword exists for one day, it will not Let others touch you. "

"Thank me for losing the leader."

Li Fan slowly sat up, "But I have an extraordinary dart, where is my foundation. Although Yi Jian is good, it is not my Li Fan's place of safety."

"Brother Li said that he went out."

Ye Yulou advised, "Now you are here to rest and recover, here is the trombone of thousands of miles, we have entered the sea, and will return to the headquarters of Yijian every day."

"Seeing that, now for them, you are just a waste. You can't do anything except to heal yourself."

"Less nonsense!"

Li Fan growled and startled Ye Yulou.


Li Fan woke up and quickly apologized to the other party.

"It doesn't matter, you may have been emotionally unstable recently."

Yeyulou was not angry. "Cultivate in peace."

"Well, I will leave here after I have recovered ..."

Before Li Fan had finished speaking, the man in the suit walked into the door and said boldly as soon as he entered.

"Don't go, live on my boat! I'll arrange two girls for you in the future, to make you comfortable!"

Ye Yulou was embarrassed for a while. He pointed to the man and said, "This is Zhang Qianli, our disciple who relies on the sword, and also our strong foreign aid, the person in charge of the consortium."

"It's a tyrant."

Zhang Qianli smiled, Ye Yulou smiled, "How can I say that I am a tyrant."

"It's true. I've always been responsible for the industry at home."

Zhang Qianli said, "However, I haven't improved my kung fu for many years. When can I get into the room!"

"Your main energy is making money. Naturally, there isn't much improvement in kung fu."

Ye Yulou explained, "However, if you concentrate on practicing, such a large industry, it is not suitable for you to do it."

"It's okay. I practice for the purpose of physical fitness."

Zhang Qianli waved his hand, and then his eyes fell on Li Fan. "This is the legendary bully Li Fan. I have heard your name for a long time, and I admire your heroic heroes! I will be in the future Stay here, the trombone is your home! "

"Thank you Brother Qianli."

Li Fan still thanked.

And Mr. Yang stood beside Zhang Qianli, holding his cane, and said slowly, "He is just using you. Once he knows that you have lost half of his combat power, he will definitely kick you away."

Li Fan began to learn to ignore this Mr. Yang.

"Have a good rest. I'll let two girls come over in a while. They are all big sisters from Russia. They came to play on the boat. They appreciate our Chinese guys!"

"forget it."

Li Fan smiled, "I'll take a good rest."

"Okay, just tell me if you need it, brother."

Zhang Qianli patted Li Fan's shoulder, "Well, man, it's just an arm, it's okay! I'll contact the American agency and install a bionic arm for you. I heard that the old-fashioned bionic technology is pretty good. A robotic arm, you are guaranteed to be several times stronger! "

Zhang Qianli's words made Li Fan couldn't help thinking of the Winter Soldier in Captain America, and his arm was very strong!

However, no matter how powerful a robotic arm is, it has no meridians and cannot infuse qi, which is useless.

Li Fan smiled bitterly.

"Well, you should understand the practice of martial arts, so don't bother Brother Li."

Ye Yulou said, "Let him take a good rest."

"Okay, let's withdraw first."

Ye Yulou told Li Fan again that he took Zhang Qianli out.

Li Fan was lying there, and Mr. Yang was standing beside him, with a strange smile in his mouth.

"In the end, I'm alone with you."

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