My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 762: Out of the ordinary

762 Out of the ordinary

The ship did not know that after sailing on the water for several days, Li Fan had lost the concept of time a bit. During the battle, Li Fan's mobile phone was also broken, and there was nowhere to repair it on this ship.

He has been very lazy these days, and even started to grow a sloppy beard. Li Fan is a martial artist. Although he lost an arm, his blood is still strong. If you don't control it, your hair grows quickly.

"There is still a chance, you shouldn't give up like that."

Chen Junhua pulled Li Fan into a training room on a boat. "I accompany you to practice. You have different talents, and you will definitely be able to cultivate your previous strength very soon."


Li Fan smiled bitterly, "If you lose one arm, you will lose half of the combat power. This is an indisputable fact."

"You quite understand."

Mr. Yang stood beside Chen Junhua, smiling at himself.

"If you listened to me earlier, you wouldn't have one missing right arm."

"My right hand is my dominant hand."

Li Fan ignored Mr. Yang and continued, "I have only my left hand, and my combat power ... may not even be half. Not to mention fighting, it takes effort to fight a plane."

"That year Yang practiced a ecstasy palm with one hand."

"That's a novel!"

"In short, I believe you!"

Chen Junhua said, patting his chest, "Come on, I'm your dummy, you attack me."

In this way, Li Fan's strength can be better tested.

"Don't make a noise, I'm not in that mood right now."

Li Fan felt a little weak all over his body. He had been slack for several days. It was the so-called boxing that he did not leave his hand, and he did not practice for a few days.

"You are a martial artist."

Chen Junhua looked at Li Fan and said very seriously, "hit me."

"Do not hit!"

"Hit me."

"Do not hit……"

"Hit me!"


Li Fan is completely speechless. Once Chen Junhua becomes more real, there is really no way.

"Okay, I hit you."

"it is good!"

Chen Junhua opened his chest and faced Li Fan.

Li Fan raised his left hand, a bear dynasty seal, with his anger, patted Chen Junhua's chest with one palm.


Chen Junhua didn't move, only smoke and dust splashed.

Li Fan's palm did little harm to him.

But Li Fan was even more discouraged, a little less eager to speak.

"Just one palm! How long did you practice that year!"

Chen Junhua asked.

"A few months."


Suddenly Chen Junhua didn't want to talk anymore. He took a deep breath and continued to say, "It's all right, come on, practice!"


It's hard to be affectionate, not to mention that Chen Junhua treats herself this way, and Li Fan is somewhat moved.

He clapped Chen Junhua's chest again and again.

But Chen Junhua also used Zhenqi to protect his body. How many times Li Fan attacked, he didn't care.

In the end, Li Fan could not even beat Chen Junhua half a step!

"My strength has regressed too much ..."

Li Fan was a little discouraged. "It's probably impossible."

"It must be, now that you are one arm, you cannot think of your martial arts with the thinking of two hands!"

Chen Junhua reminded Li Fan, "You should change your thinking."

"Let me try……"

Li Fan thought for a while, what Chen Junhua said was still reasonable.

I have one less arm and the meridians are damaged. It is more difficult to use the previous method.

He raised his left hand and looked at the left palm, and the whole person fell into a state of thinking.

Chen Junhua quietly accompany Li Fan, and now Li Fan is just in need of him, he cannot leave. In Li Fan's current state, it takes him about a month or two to realize one-handed moves. In the past two months, you must pay attention to Li Fan's attitude, and you must not be too anxious.

And Li Fan stood in the training ground, watching his left hand dazed.

He remembered Murong Ying's Huoyun Palm, which was so powerful that it exploded. But if you practice Huo Yunzhang alone, you cannot rely on it to defeat Murong Bo.

Is there any way to make Huoyun Palm stronger?

Li Fan's mind floated over the frosty palm of Murong Ai!

That little girl's evil skills are also very powerful!

As soon as Li Fan's eyes light up, can he soften these two methods together?

He suddenly sat cross-legged and entered a state of thinking.

Ape-faced Buddha, the law of heaven and earth!

In the state of law and earth, Li Fan's ability to understand moves is also the strongest! He constantly analyzes the subtleties of the two methods, and thinks about their differences.

Huoyun Zhang is fierce, and Frozen Palm is invincible! It's hard to get the two palms together!

But Li Fan likes to challenge, especially in his current state, he must give himself something interesting!

Li Fan sat there cross-legged without saying a word, while Chen Junhua pulled out his sword beside him and stabbed forward again and again. This monotonous exercise can enhance Chen Junhua's strength.

Practice is inherently hard work.

Li Fan thought for about two or three hours, suddenly opened his eyes, stepped on his feet, and appeared in front of Chen Junhua.

Chen Junhua was taken aback and quickly put away his epee.

"Junhua, eat my palm!"

Li Fan printed his hand toward Chen Junhua. Chen Junhua didn't take it to heart at first, but when Li Fan's palm reached his face, he suddenly changed his face, and then put the epee up, like a door, blocking it. In front of myself!


The palm of Li Fan hit Chen Junhua's big sword!

This great sword is forged from heavy iron and is indestructible! But under the power of Li Fan's palm, he was punched out of a pit and printed with a clear palm print!

Chen Junhua was shocked to go back three times, feeling hot and cold from time to time on the epee.

If it wasn't for his own anger, I'm afraid the sword in his hand had been thrown out by him!

The palm of Li Fan was still in the white mist, and he did not know whether it was hot or cold.

"Kirin palm."

Li Fan was a little excited, "This trick is called Kirin Palm!"

Fire unicorn, ice unicorn!

This is Li Fan's concept of this palm!

The power of this palm has surpassed the dragon **** general, and can reach the state of unicorn!

This is Li Fan's evaluation of himself, and he was terribly happy.

Mr. Yang stood beside, seeming a bit sour.

"Kirin, do you think of yourself too high?"

Li Fancai was too lazy to listen to Mr. Yang. He looked at his palm and seemed to be thinking about any subtle things that could be adjusted.

And Chen Junhua has completely stopped!

He knew Li Fan's perception was strong, but it was too strong! In just one day, a few hours, he already came up with this one-handed trick?

Is this still human!

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