800 Tuda

Fang Long's hand touched Yang Shuiyue's chest and looked at Li Fan with a smile. "See? Your brother is in my hand, and I've snatched this chick! Li Fan, even on the rivers and lakes, you have a little Reputation, but when I come to the Llama Road, you have to lie on the tiger, and you have to be on the dragon! Not to mention, you are not a dragon and tiger, just a little character with a little reputation! "

Fang Long said, holding out his little finger and stroked it.

And Guan Wenbao suddenly opened his mouth, biting on his finger, and biting off the little finger of the master in this room!

Master Fang screamed in pain like a pig! Guan Wenbao opened his **** mouth and laughed.

"Kill them! Kill them immediately!"

Fan Long has no mood to play anymore, he just wants to kill people now!

Your own finger! Nothing compares with a noble finger! He wants these **** to be buried with his fingers!

More than a dozen family members pulled out their swords and slashed them towards Guan Wenbao!

However, Li Fan stretched out his right hand and took a spit back, almost at a distance of tens of meters away, the blade in his hand immediately flew up, and was pulled by Li Fan's stubbornness in front of him, chopped on the ground Above, the plugs are connected in a row.

This is Li Fan's strength, which is not something these families can handle at all.

Li Fan stretched out his right hand and lifted it up. Some families who were going to approach Guan Wenbao to make up the knife, as if they couldn't control their arms, they watched as they held the Pu Dao in their right hand and placed it on their throat.

Before they struggled, Li Fan swayed his fingers and Pu Dao shook, and these people were wiped out of his throat.

Fang Long's eyes widened as he looked at the family members who had fallen into a pool of blood.

What kind of kung fu can you directly control each other?

This, this is incredible! What the **** is this?

Could it be the legend, Jin Yiwei's little Wuxiang magic?

Fang Long was stunned, wondering what to do.

"Laoguan, your grandfather is here!"

Yan Kai fell from the sky and fell to Guan Wenbao's side. Several family members were ready to attack Yan Kai, and his Taijigong started, his arms trembled, and the family members on both sides hit each other, chopping each other's blood.

He kicked it on the grounded knife, which immediately flew up and cut off the rope tied to Guan Wenbao.

Guan Wenbao fell, and Yan Kai kicked a Pudao and fell into his hand.


Guan Wenbao held the Park knife and walked towards Fang Long.

"Fast, protect Master Ben!"

Fang Long was scared to urinate, and hurriedly yelled at the neighbor next to him.

The family members did not dare to delay, and rushed forward with Pu Dao. But Guan Wenbao suddenly drank loudly, the sound was like the waves, shocking out!

Surrounded by the sound of the waves, the surrounding family members paused, their ears buzzed, and their bodies became numb.

Guan Wenbao took the opportunity to go forward, one by one, and chopped off the heads of three family members!

He was bathing in blood, like a **** of war crawling out of hell!

Guan Jiaerlang, when did you have a seed?

If it hadn't been for a glass of alcoholic beverages, and Fang Long's Ecstasy, Guan Wenbao would not have been arrested, and Yang Shuiyue's Shiro would not have been beaten to death!

Guan Wenbao hated himself, hated himself, or underestimated the rivers and lakes!

The house owner had already controlled Feihua Town, and waited for them to set up!

He personally sent Yang Shuiyue to Hukou, and Guan Wenbao hated himself even more!


Guan Wenbao's eyes were red, and his whole body was angry!

He was holding a Park knife and killed in the family group.

"Sink ... so fierce ..."

Yan Kai couldn't help but be shocked when he saw it.

Although Guan Wenbao has worked hard, he has never been so hot!

In the past, Guan Wenbao, Yong Wuzhong brought kindness. Today's Guan Wenbao is fierce with fierceness!

Seeing him, holding a Pu knife that had collapsed, he split a family member in half from the middle!

Two family members were right next to him. He waved his sword across the side, as if sweeping across thousands of troops, cutting off those two family members!

The intestines flew out and spilled on the ground, scaring Fang Long out of urine.

He felt that he had caught a wicked star! They say that the extraordinary darts are a group of evil stars, and you can't provoke them! Fan Long did not believe it before, and today he finally saw it!

In particular, Li Fan, who amazed everyone with one move, stood there with both hands at this time, with a look of indifference.

Li Fan is not indifferent, but he is not interested in these people. Their strength is too low to look at.

His realm has been above them for a long time. His enemies are already Murong Bo, a master of the generation of Grand Master Zhou Guifei!

Li Fan took a look. Although there were many people in the house, none of them were masters.

But at this moment, a family member hurried over to greet Fang Long.

"Master, master! Master Tu is back!"

"Tuda? He's finally back?"

Upon hearing the news from Jiading, Fang Long suddenly became excited again.

"There is Tu Da, you **** are going to die!"

Tu Da?

Li Fan recalled the name, as if he had heard it somewhere.

And Yan Kai didn't know when he returned to Li Fan, saw the doubt on his face, and explained, "Tu Da, formerly a disciple of Shaolin, Tan legs worked hard. Later, he liked a girl who often came to Hong. The donor has filthy people, and later, with his powerful Tan leg work, he kicked Shaolin all the way and escaped! "

"It turned out to be such a **** stick, but it had a similar smell to Fang Long."

Li Fan nodded. "It looks like this guy has fled to Fangjia to act as a thug for Fanglong. But why are you back?"

"Ji, Lao Guan's jealousy, I can't **** his head."

Yan Kai said sternly, "This guy is just as fierce as a drug!"

Li Fan looked over, Guan Wenbao's eyes were flushed, covered with blood, the killing Jiading ghosts were crying, the corpses were everywhere!

"Who bullied my young master!"

Just then, there was a loud drink in the sky!

Then, a figure appeared in the moonlight, descended from the sky, and kicked one leg towards Guan Wenbao!

Guan Wenbao lifted his Pu Dao and blocked it in front of him!


The man swung his body bluntly, kicking his feet in a row!

Stuck on Pu Dao and broke the knife! The other foot was on Guan Wenbao's shoulder, flew Guan Wenbao's upside down, slid out three or four meters away in the air, slowly fell to the ground, pierced the knife into the ground, and barely stabilized his body. .

A bald-headed man stood there, wearing a yellow undershirt, pitiful small eyes, about the size of a rice grain, but staring at Guan Wenbao.

"Who, please report your name. I won't kill unknown people!"

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