801 Bullet Leg

After Tu Da left Shaolin, he did not delay his time.

He knows that in the rivers and lakes, especially for the housekeeper, if he does not have the real skill, he will be kicked out of the door sooner or later!

So Tu Da has been practicing his Tan Leg Kung Fu, and according to some of his ideas, he improved his Tan Leg.

He changed his name to Tan leg, called bullet leg! Because his Tan legs grew faster and faster, even faster than the wind!

He has to be faster, even more than bullets!

Finally, after hard training, he finally got his wish!

Tu Da flew Guan Wenbao on one leg, causing Fang Dasha to clap his hands and laughed.

"Okay! Great! Tu Da, you are so good, kick that guy's head!"

With the backing, Fang Long laughed and changed the look of his legs that were scared before.

"Relax, Master, leave it to me."

Tu Da intentionally acted in front of the master.

"Kill them a few, kill one, I give you a million! Kill three ... give you five million!"

Fang Long's gaze suddenly fell on Huang Lei, and then he pouted, "Kill that and give you fifty thousand."

"Our grandma!"

Huang Lei immediately yelled, "Pingsha, I'm only worth 50,000!"

"Calm down, it's not a good thing!"

Yan Kai persuaded Huang Lei, and Huang Lei calmed down. "Okay, what you said makes sense."

"That is, let alone you are not worth 50,000."

"Fuck you!"

Huang Lei and Yan Kai also started a fight, while Guan Wenbao and Tu Da also died.

"Tuda, did them! Then I enjoy the young lady of the Yang family!"

Fang Long licked his lips, flashing ** in his eyes.

Tu Da glanced at Yang Shuiyue, who was crying with pears and rain, and he was also seduced, but he pressed down.

The woman the young master fancy cannot move by himself.

As long as you have money, you don't want any kind of woman!

Tu Da glanced at Guan Wenbao in front of him and asked again.

"Get on the name, I'm not going to kill the unknown!"

"Off! Man! Treasure!"

Guan Wenbao was too lazy to say anything. He picked up another Pudao and jumped towards Tu Da.

But Tu sneered, turned and raised his leg and kicked out.

With a bang, the Pu knife was kicked directly into two sections, the tip of the knife flew out, nailed it to the tree next to it, and penetrated deeply, it had disappeared!

"it is good!"

Fanlong clapped and laughed, very happy.

And Tu Da's mouth sneered, "Guan Wenbao, Guan Jia, but that's all."

Guan Wenbao's eyes flashed with anger, and Li Fan reached out and picked up a moon knife from the carriage and threw it to Guan Wenbao.

Guan Wenbao's moon-knife is specially made, so he will prepare more spares every time.

The previous Yueyue knife has been received by Fang Long. With a garden knife, it is not easy.

When seeing the Yueyue knife, Tu Da frowned. His body bounced, and the whole man jumped into the air, kicking his head toward the moon knife, ready to give this big knife to the fly!

But a sudden burst of powerful anger erupted on Yueyue Sword, directly hitting Tu Da's leg.

Tu Da was startled, her calf shivered, and the whole person was taken off, rolled over in the air, and then fell to the ground.


Tu Da was so shocked that he couldn't say anything. How could such a powerful internal force be contained in the moonlight knife?

Who was throwing the knife just now? The internal force is so strong?

If the other person is an old man or a middle-aged martial artist, he can believe it!

But the other party is a teenager!

Guan Wenbao ... Guan Wenbao ... Is that person Li Xiaofan?

Tu Da began to figure it out. This little overlord is a famous name on the rivers and lakes. I saw it today, and it really has a good reputation!

You must first defeat this Guan Wenbao, and then find a chance to take the young master away!

Tu Da is confident to defeat Guan Wenbao, but he is not confident to face Li Fan! The key is that Li Fan is not only very hard-working, but also clever. He even figured that he would go to kick the Moon Sword. If he miscalculates, this anger will erupt in Guan Wenbao's hands, I'm afraid Guan Wenbao's hands are not guaranteed!

At this point Guan Wenbao had already picked up the Yueyue knife. He did not give Tu Da the opportunity to think, and the knife had been severely cut off!

The crimson flames wrapped around the sword and drove the air flow, falling from the top of Tu Da's head!

A huge flame knife also emerged from the air, chopping off suddenly!

Tu Da frowned. He did not retreat and suddenly appeared in front of Guan Wenbao, while kicking towards Guan Wenbao's face door faster!

This foot really looked like Guan Wenbao's forehead like a bullet!

But Guan Wenbao didn't mean to stop in the slightest. He was like a tiger coming out of the cage.

Tu Da persuaded, even if Guan Wenbao was kicked to death, his half body would be cut off!

As soon as he stepped on the ground, the whole man backed away more than ten meters away, and abruptly avoided the knife.


The ground was blasted, and a raging flame was still burning in the gully, which went out a little.

Just as Tu Da was standing, a towering ancient tree was cut directly, and the flames burned the trunk.

Tu Da wiped his cold sweat and looked at this ancient tree that had been split open. He was speechless.

What a **** power!

This knife was able to chop out the flames. How terrible Guan Wenbao's sword is!

If this knife slashed on his own body, I am afraid that he has become a scorched corpse!

He did look down on Guan Wenbao just now!

The strength of this man cannot be underestimated!

Guan Wenbao once again held up his crimson moonknife, and the flame seemed to spread to him, burning a fire.

Guan Wenbao was like a death knight from hell. He was holding the moon knife and Tu Da was afraid to approach.

"Come, Laoguan, make a ride first."

Li Fan untied the stables and drove the cart over.

Although it is not his own Lisa, Guan Wenbao will be different when he rides the horse.

Guan Wenbao turned over his horse and raised his forefoot, which made this honest cart horse erupt a little wild!

Guan Wenbao waved his sword at the same time, and the flames swept out, slicing towards Tu Da!

Tu Da was taken aback. This time, the sword was a lot stronger!

He hurriedly pulled back, leapt out more than ten meters, continued to stand on his body, and then reexamined Li Fan.

"Tuda, what are you doing, come on! Kill him!"

Fang Long was still there, but Tu Da Ke didn't have that thought. After Guan Wenbao was launched, it was completely different from before!

Fighting power almost doubled, immediately God of War!

"Master, let's go ..."

Tu Da said.

"Your uncle, what do I support you for, what do you counsel! What about your bullet legs, hit him!"

Fang Long could not help yelling!

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