802 sunrise

Fang Long could not help yelling, and Tu Da, who had spent a lot of money to raise him, was now persuaded?

"Aren't you known as the bullet leg?"

Fang Long scolded, "Kick him with your bullet legs! Poke his head! Poke him!"

Fan Long growled, and Tu Da's heart burst into flames. This junk master doesn't have any skill, he knows how to coax!

Tu Da had no choice but to bite his scalp and kick at his feet. The whole person appeared on the side of Guan Wenbao instantly, and then a Tan leg kicked into Guan Wenbao's heart.

Guan Wenbao, however, lifted up the Yueyue knife and stunned Tu Da's face in half!

Fortunately, Tu Dashen's fast, otherwise he will be divided into two.

No, you really are not your opponent!

Tu Da was so nervous that if he went on like this, he would have to confess here sooner or later!

His whole life, how could he die casually!

Tu Da's brain moved quickly, and he began to think about how to leave here.

But Guan Wenbao didn't seem to let him go. Lao Guan held the Yueyue sword, rode on a war horse, and jumped up, charging towards Tu Da!

A flame knife, cut directly across, seems to split Tu Dalan into two!

Tu Da's heart twitched, and he smashed Tiebanqiao and lay down directly on the ground, avoiding Guan Wenbao's flame knife.

But the young master behind him was not so fortunate. Guan Wenbao's flame knife had a strong blade, which instantly cut the incomparable master Fang into two!

Before Master Fang had time to enjoy the life behind him, he died in Feihua Town.

Tu Da is stupid.

It's over ... it's all over ...

Tu Da's heart trembled. Master Fang died, and the family could not go back! The road goes to the sky, and each side goes! He still hurried away and ran away!

Tu Da didn't dare to hesitate, and stepping on light work, Sayako ran.

In a blink of an eye, this buddy has gone without a trace!

Li Fan stunned for a moment, this Nima, good work!

The effort of his Tan legs is not half the effort!

The remaining families of the house family did not dare to stay here anymore, carried the body of their young master, and fled away warily.


Guan Wenbao killed Master Fangjia, and seemed to be a bit disappointed. He stood there, slowly exhaling a few breaths, and felt relieved.

Yan Kai and Huang Lei entered the village and found dead bodies everywhere.

Fang Long was fierce enough to kill everyone here.

Including Yang Naicheng, including the Shiro in a red groom suit.

It's like slaughtering a city, destroying the whole family!

"This room dragon is a pity."

Yan Kai couldn't help getting angry when he saw this terrible scene.

Damn it! He did such a cruel thing!

"Shiro ..."

Yang Shuiyue threw himself on his dead husband's body and cried.

It was a good wedding, but it turned into a massacre. The lover and family are dead, and the happy event becomes a funeral. I am afraid there is nothing more sad than that.

Yang Shuiyue kept crying, Guan Wenbao stood awkwardly, and didn't know how to comfort him.

He felt that he was a bit useless, but he did not save Yang Shuiyue's family.

"Miss Yang, I don't know what arrangements you have in the future?"

Li Fan didn't think it was a problem to let her cry like this, so he stepped forward and asked tentatively.

"I, I don't know ..."

Yang Shuiyue wiped a tear, some of the six gods had no master, "I don't know what to do now ... Shiro is dead, my second uncle is dead ... the family members will certainly not let me go back ... they are afraid of the house, we just A small family ... "

"In that case, it would be better to follow us first."

Li Fan said, "We live in City A, and the weather is a bit colder than here. But there are people who are there for extraordinary darts, and they can take care of you, so that you do n’t have to lose your house again. What do you think?"

"Here, is this okay?"

"Well, everyone is now on a boat."

Li Fan smiled, "Master Fang also killed us, and they must count this account! If you are looking for you, if you are looking for us, you might as well be together and let them come."

"Willn't it bother you all ..."

Li Fan heard Yang Shuiyue asking that, and immediately turned to look at Guan Wenbao.

"Laoguan, can you take care of Miss Yang in the future, can you?"

"Ah, yes, you can ..."

Guan Wenbao nodded, but nodded immediately.

"Look, isn't that all right?"

Li Fan said, "Let Laoguan take care of you, everything is settled. When you are in the dartboard, you can rest assured. If you have any needs, just tell Laoguan that he is very enthusiastic and will help you.


Yang Shuiyue has no idea now. Her life has lost her mainstay. She can only live by relying on Li Fan.

"Can you wait for me to bury them first ..."

Yang Shuiyue wiped her tears.

"It should be, let us help you."

There are more than a hundred mouths up and down in this village, and now they are all killed.

By Yang Shuiyue alone for burial, when will it be busy?

Throughout Feihua Town, no one came to help them. They should be afraid of offending the house. Li Fan and the four of them helped Yang Shuiyue to dig a lot of graves and buried them.

More than a hundred people, all lying in the pit, Guan Wenbao and Huang Lei were holding shovel, slowly shovel soil on them.

This kind of digging and burying people work, Yan Kai will not get started. He is a clean person and will never do such dirty work.

And Li Fan stood on the roof of Zhuangzi's house, looked into the distance, and sent a whistle for them.

Fang Long was dead, and the house would not let them go. However, the Luoma Ancient Road is still so long, and I don't know when the people in the house will shoot.

Li Fan stood there, alert to those enemies who would come at any time.

When the sun rose again, everyone was finally buried in the ground. Yang Shuiyue erected a wooden sign as a monument to his second uncle and Shiro.

"There is an inscription, and they will not be lonely ghosts without names."

Yang Shuiyue wiped away her tears, "Several benefactors, let's go."

"Well ... you go and change clothes, it doesn't seem easy to do this."

Guan Wenbao hesitated for a long time, and finally made a suggestion to Yang Shuiyue.

Yang Shuiyue glanced at her long red skirt. She lowered her body and stretched out her hands, tearing off the skirt, exposing long legs.

"That's fine."

Guan Wenbao's face did not see if it was red, but he just didn't speak.

Li Fan actually admired the woman a little bit, decided to kill, and didn't make any mistakes!

"That being the case, let's get on our way and go home."

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