No. 803

The sun was rising and the sun was falling on the carriage. Li Fan sat steadily on the trunk of the car, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

"It's another day, I hope everything will be fine when I go back."

Li Fan's situation is particularly unstable, and his original life has already been broken. Ordinary campus everyday, with the emergence of Murong Ying, has gone away from himself!

And after fighting with Murong Bo, he and Murong's family broke completely.

Although Lijiadao is still their rear, Huaxia is their roots, especially City A, who has lived here for so many years and has long been feelings. Before last resort, Li Fan did not want to leave here and retreated to the small island on the Nansha.

When he is away, I hope that Chen Junhua and Mr. Beidou will help him sit in the rear.

"The scenery is good. It would be better without those people who hate it."

Yan Kai said.

On the roofs of the two sides of the road, many people in black are sneaking into the eaves, jumping, and following this ordinary carriage.

Li Fan also noticed these people long ago, but he didn't say anything.

"Like them, just let them follow. If you don't dare to come down, just following us is equivalent to seeing us off."

Li Fan didn't pay attention to these people at all. He stretched his back. "So early, I'm already hungry. Find a place to eat."

"What to eat?"

Yan Kai was also a little hungry. They stayed up all night and were physically tired.

"Leizi, what do you eat?"

Li Fan asked Huang Lei a mouth, at this time Huang Lei was sitting in the front of the car, standing on a horse, sinking his head together, like a woodpecker, obviously sleepy enough.

It seems that I really need to find a place to eat and sleep, they are still a long way from where the gl8 is parked. And everyone stayed up all night, Huang Lei was not suitable for long-distance driving.

"Miss Yang, what would you like to eat?"

Guan Wenbao decided to ask Miss Yang. He glanced back and found that Yang Shuiyue was sleeping in the carriage like a kitten.

Guan Wenbao was a little embarrassed, and this asleep Miss Yang seemed pretty good-looking.

"There is a noodle shop in front. Let's eat there."

Li Fan glanced forward and opened a noodle restaurant not far away, called "Noodle Restaurant".

The owner is also cheeky enough to get such a shameless name!

"What is this name ..."

Yan Kai muttered, "So shameless!"

Huang Lei was half asleep and awake, and heard Yan Kai voicing, could not help but reply.

"This ... what the heck ... I have seen a ... noodle shop ... call it below the sister-in-law ..."


Several people were speechless, and Guan Wenbao glared at Huang Lei.

"Don't talk blindly! Miss Yang is still here!"

"She's all asleep, you worry about shit!"

Yan Kai couldn't help but glance at Guan Wenbao, this guy has been completely occupied!

"I, I'm just afraid of ruining our reputation for darts ..."

"Our dart game has long been notorious! I'm not afraid of you being bad!"

Yan Kai rolled his eyes.

"How can you be so arrogant ..."

"It's you thinking too much."

Yan Kai said leisurely.

"Why are you doing this, and I didn't mess with you."

Guan Wenbao felt that Yan Kai was a little bit aimed at himself.

"I'm fine, Dao, as usual, you are sensitive!"

Yan Kai did not admit that he was killed, but Li Fan always felt that Ya was a bit jealous.

No wonder, usually these two goods stay together every day, I am afraid that in the future Laoguan will have an extra sister paper, Yan Kai, a man who hates women, is unlikely to feel comfortable.

But Li Fan understood that he couldn't keep Guan Wenbao alone?

As the chief dart head of a dart board, in addition to the work of the dart master, you must also consider their life issues.

Moreover, Guan Jia had a single pass and could not be interrupted here.

Li Fan felt that he was very thoughtful. Dart is a dangerous job. Although Guan Wenbao is very strong, it may not always happen. But he had to leave a descendant to the Guan family, so that it would be an explanation for his ancestors.

If he knew that Li Fan had thought of this to himself, Guan Wenbao didn't know whether he would cry or laugh.

The carriage leaned against the noodle shop and stopped. The men in black who followed secretly on both sides also stopped, lurking around, and continued to observe.

The shop owner is a young man in his thirties who looks average, but he cooks noodles well and entertains Li Fan warmly.

Guan Wenbao wanted to ask Yang Shuiyue to come down for dinner, but when she saw that she was sleeping soundly, she didn't feel comfortable opening it. She just ordered two cooking cakes in the noodle shop, half a catty of cooked beef, and carefully closed it up. .

"Oh boss, is your noodle delicious?"

After Huang Lei sat down, he reluctantly sobered, and asked a pair of chopsticks.

"Oh, this man, look at our signboard."

The boss pointed at the plaque on his head, "It's not delicious, dare you call this name, do you mean it?"

"Don't say daring, you really want the price."

Li Fan looked at the price list. "A bowl of beef noodles costs 100. Is our household Kobe beef?"

"Just plain yellow beef."

The boss hurriedly explained, "One is that our noodles are really delicious, and the other is the rent of this Luoma Road, which is expensive! If the rent is a little cheaper, we also want to be cheaper. But this Luoma Road Many foreigners come here to eat. They are quite rich and never bargain! "

"Which country do you like to make money for silly foreigners?"

Li Fan smiled bitterly, the Huaxia people came to foreign countries and were slaughtered as fat sheep!

"Some masters, can we still eat?"

"Eating, I'm really hungry."

Li Fan rubbed his belly. "But if your side is not delicious, I won't pay for it."

"Xingle, look at you!"

The boss said as he started to ramen.

The old soup was boiled, and the boss quickly prepared the noodles and brought the 40,000 hot noodles up.

Li Fan took a sip, chewed his head vigorously, and the soup was delicious.

It really is good!

Li Fan praised him, then raised his head and said to the roof beside.

"Several people have been here for a night, and you are hungry. Why don't you come down and eat bowl noodles? I'm not a stingy person, I asked for this.

The boss looked up in confusion, was there anyone on it?

I didn't see anyone.

The boss was wondering, a few men in black suddenly fell from the sky, each person threw out a hook, and the sharp hook hooked towards Li Fan!

Li Fan stood there, unmoved.

Yan Kai held his noodle bowl, stood up, and handed out his right chopsticks.

His chopsticks beat continuously, and all the hooks flying in front of him are hit!

Yan Kai is like drawing a circle, no one can break through this circle.

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