My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 806: Martial arts scum

Chapter 806: Martial Scum

Murong Ai greeted her and stopped her sister.

"Sister, are you crazy, really going to kill him?"

"Where did you get the news."

Murong Ying looked at her sister and thoughtfully.

"I didn't even tell Tie Zhu about this."

"In short, you can't go!"

Murong Ai said anxiously, "You must not go!"

"Don't you understand?"

Murong Ying stood there and glanced into the distance. "Born in this house, there are some things that you and I can't do."

"Why not?"

Murong Ai changed the image of a good girl in the past and directly argued, "Murong's family has always looked down on you before, have you still won the position of the leader of the martial arts league? You are my sister, the goal I have been chasing! Tell me When do you like to submit to fate! "

A word from Murong Ai silenced her sister.

But she quickly said, "When you are young, you can naturally be unscrupulous. But when you reach my age, you will know what is an inescapable responsibility."

"You're not much older than me! You just turned 21 this year!"

Murong Ai was a little angry. "Why just admit and give in!"

"I carry the entire Murong family!"

"The Murong family is okay. What are you carrying?"

"That, you don't understand it."

Murong Ying did not speak, but turned and sat in a Bentley car next to her.

The four iron guards followed the suv behind, and Murong Ying closed the door tightly to prevent her sister from entering.

"You open the door! Let me in! I want to tell you clearly!"

Murong Ai pulled the door vigorously, but the door was blocked by Murong Sakura, even if Murong Ai couldn't pull it open.

"Damn, sister, come on down!"


Murong Ying instructed the driver to drive immediately.

Murong Ai is lame in the back. Murong Sakura will surely pet her little sister in the past, but today is different.

Murong's family, it looks okay on the surface, it is still the first village of Wulin, the battle of rivers and lakes. But the villa has been in business for so many years, and it has actually entered a period of decline.

The reason why the villa has not fallen is because of his father.

He didn't seem to have much talent for his father, and was not favored by the family, and the position of the owner of the family was not his turn. But I don't know that one day, his father's strength suddenly increased, martial arts became unparalleled in the world, and all the moves were also learned. He paved the way for martial arts. For 30 years in office, the martial arts leader is worthy of the supremacy of the world.

But there are too many martial arts in the world, especially in this generation, all majors and major villas have begun to emerge endlessly talented masters.

For example, Chen Junhua of Huashan, Ke Chunze of Wuhumen, Guan Wenbao of Guan Family, Yan Kai of Wudang, etc ...

These people may not be regarded as top masters now, but ten years later, twenty years later, they will definitely become top masters.

Although he can inherit the Murong family and climb to the supreme position. But she couldn't do it alone to equalize all the men and women. She needed someone to help.

At first, Murong Ying liked Li Fan's pure Yang body, and planned to give birth to a baby with pure Yang body, making him the future of Murong Villa.

In order for Murong's family to open up, it still needs a man.

Murong Ying sighed quietly. The growth of Li Fan had exceeded her expectations. This kind of thing is good and bad.

OK, that is, he grows up really fast, and sooner or later he will become a generation master. And he exudes some special personality charm, attracting many experts to help him.

Guan Wenbao, Yan Kai, and even Chen Junhua masters of swordsmanship are willing to follow him.

Not to mention Bodhi, Yanjing Eleven rides those strong.

Murong Bo's birthday is a godsend.

The Murong family and Li Fan completely broke off, and then suppressed the extraordinary darts. How much can block the growth of the extraordinary darts.

But just stopped a wave, and then spoke over there, and try to maintain a balance with Li Fan in the future.

This is to say that some people behind him have begun to support Li Fan.

This is the bad part. Just because Li Fan is so good, sooner or later he will become a nail in his father's eyes and a thorn in his flesh.

But this is the way I chose from the beginning, and I can't change it.

Murong Ying sighed. If she wasn't born in Murong's family at first, but she was a normal family, everything might be different.

It's just that this is not your choice.

Murong Bo walked into a back room, and there was nothing in the back room. When Murongbo walked in, the front wall slowly opened, revealing a huge LCD screen. A figure appeared on the screen, unable to see his face clearly, and was talking to Murong Bo.

"Did you leave?"

"Yes, my daughter has been intercepted in person."

"Your daughter, aren't you afraid of her emotional affairs?"

"In addition to her, there are four big iron guards."

Murong Bo said, "When it is absolutely necessary, I will also launch the soul-shifting technique."

"You willing?"

"Nature is unwilling, but now that we have reached this stage, we have to do it."

Murongbo squeezed his palms tightly and his eyes were cold.

At the same time, Li Fan is on his way.

Li Fan, Guan Wenbao, and Yan Kai, after getting out of the dartboard, carried the goods and got into a box car.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Fan watched the time, it was 11 o'clock noon.

The weather was a bit gloomy, and the dark clouds blocked the noon sun, and it seemed to rain at any time.

The man in charge of driving was a man from the National Security Bureau, wearing a leather jacket. The two men in black suits sat on either side of them, one named Liu Bing and the other named Zhang Guang, both in plain clothes of the National Security Bureau.

The mission was crucial, but no one else followed them.

Because once it is shipped with great fanfare, this thing will be exposed. This x plan is also carried out secretly by the factions behind Li Fan.

Everything was done in secret, except Li Fan, they knew that someone secretly had been following them.

And Chen Junhua and Mr. Beidou, in fact, they have already set off for some time. The two of them took the real x and set off from Huangquan Road where the Phoenix King was.

No one knew where the two of them went, Li Fan didn't even tell Zhou Tai.

Even Zhou Tai thought that the real cargo was on this box car.

When the raindrops like soybeans started to fall, Li Fan's car also started slowly.

For safety, even planes are afraid to sit, for fear of being knocked down from the air.

Zhou Tai stood upstairs next to him, watching the car slowly set off, and looked back at the man standing beside him.

"Come on, protect them secretly."

"Got it."

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