My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 807: Martial arts difficult to stop guns

807 Unstoppable Martial Art

City A is in Heilongjiang Province and Bayuquan is in Liaoning. They drove all the way out and it took them about ten hours to get there.

It was another long-distance bus. Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai sat in the back compartment, while Li Fan and two black suits sat in front of the compartment.

The plain clothes of the two National Security Bureaus obviously had a little distrust of Li Fan. Both of them looked at Li Fan with a little doubt in their eyes.

"Brother Li, right."

Liu Bing seemed to be a very enthusiastic person. He talked a lot, and took out a cigarette from his arms. Yuxi took one directly, and handed it to Li Fan, "Isn't smoking a brother?"

"No, I'm still a student and don't smoke."

Li Fan waved his hand and refused.

"Oh, now students, a few who don't smoke!"

Liu Bing pouted, lit a cigarette and took a sip. "Last time I saw a schoolgirl, the cigarette was better than me!"

"Everywhere is the same, good or bad, isn't it?"

Li Fan had a smile on his face. "Even in your police, there are good people and bad people, right?"


Liu Bing hesitated for a moment, but Li Fan was speechless in a word.

"Out of duty, don't smoke."

Zhang Guang seemed to be a little more serious. He reached out his hand, took Liu Bing's cigarette directly, and threw it out of the car.

"Day, am I not spiritual!"

Liu Bing distressed his cigarette, "And you throw things outside the car, there is no civilization to go!"

"I'm trying to correct your behavior and have to do it, so there is a reason."

Zhang Guang said solemnly.

"Your uncle."

Liu Bing is a bit addicted to cigarettes. At first glance, he is an old smoker. "I have nothing to smoke. Brother Li in the car is watching. Isn't he a master of martial arts?"

"Master of martial arts? Oh, can you stop a bullet?"

Zhang Guang seemed to be very disdainful of Li Fan's identity.

"Don't talk nonsense ..."

"I'll be honest."

Li Fan was not angry, but looked at Zhang Guang and asked.

"This friend, don't you believe in martial arts?"

"If that set is really good, the Eight-Power Allied Forces would not have come in."

Zhang Guang said, "Foreigners used their foreign guns and cannons to tear up our superstition of martial arts."

"You probably don't know."

Li Fan explained, "There are masters of martial arts in Huaxia, which does not mean that there are no other strong men abroad. This belongs to a special world. People in this world abide by their own rules. In that era, the world was also fighting. There were many casualties, and the powerful men in the West failed to come in. But the following things can't be controlled. "

The martial arts of the year blocked the invasion of Western powers. However, the government of that year was too incompetent, and no matter how martial arts were, it was impossible to control the government.

"It's all just a reason."

Zhang Guang shook his lips, "Is there a sentence, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since you have the ability, don't evade the responsibility. If you can't afford this responsibility, don't say you have the ability!"

"I can't change your mind."

Li Fan continued, "But the road is still long. It is really unbearable not to smoke. This kind of rules should not be followed."


Liu Bing smiled, and immediately took out his cigarette, ordered another, and took a sip.

Although Zhang Guang was upset, he couldn't say anything. Because before they came out, Zhou Tai had graded them. Although Li Fan is not a person in the system, his current authority and rank are higher than both of them, and he is the person in charge of this transportation.

Zhou Tai said that everything was under the command of Li Fan.

But Zhang Guang's heart was still unconvinced!

"By the way, let's not be troubled by anyone along the way."

Liu Bing smoked and said slowly, "After all, it is something transported by the National Security Bureau, dare no one remember?"

"There are many people in Jiji."

Li Fan said, "This thing is not only your own people, but also people from other countries want to grab it. We are sending a hot potato."

"Is this exaggerated?"

Liu Bing and Zhang Guang glanced at each other. Although they followed the escort, they did not know what was escorted. They could only see a dark jar placed on the car.

"Well, but I can't tell you specifically. In short, if there is danger, don't leave this car, I will take care of you."

"Don't underestimate us too, both of us came down from the army!"

Zhang Guang was particularly dissatisfied. He pulled out the pistol around his waist and debugged it.

"What you see in a while may not be a trivial scene."

Li Fan reminded them kindly, "Beware of safety."

"Just worry about yourself, don't worry about us."

Zhang Guang was still unconvinced. "Don't let us protect you then."

"You say less."

Liu Bing pushed him, and Zhang Guang didn't say a word.

Li Fan didn't talk much, but looked at his nose and eyes. He wasn't practicing his own qi, but was letting it out and wrapped the whole box car, feeling the movement around him.

Every move around him could not escape Li Fan's five senses.

Just then, a drone flew over, flying over the top of the box car, and following them all the way.

A golden fighting **** of war suddenly popped up on the carriage, raised a slap, and flew the drone to fly, like a mosquito.


The drone shattered into the distance, and God of War returned to the car slowly.

In a box car in the distance, a group of old Americans shouted in English.

"Oh no, he ruined our drone!"

"What the **** is that, superpower?"

"Whatever it is, x must grab it!"

Not far away, there are more than ten kites flying in the sky, each kite is holding an island ninja, and is staring at the box car driving on the highway.

Elsewhere, there are super agents from all over the world, and their eyes are on Li Fan's car.

"They are coming soon."

Li Fan suddenly opened his eyes and said such a sentence that Zhang Guang and Liu Bing felt inexplicable.

"What's coming?"

"It's okay, don't both of you get out of the car, just stay in the car."

Li Fan took out the walkie-talkie and ordered, "Yan Kai, protect the car. Old customs, ready to act."

"Roger that."

The sound of a pair of living treasures came from the earphones. Then, Laoguan turned out from the rear compartment and jumped to the top of the box car, making a slamming sound when stepping on it.

Liu Bing and Zhang Guang frowned. They turned up the cameras and looked at the situation on the carriage.

A man in a green robe and gold armor stood there, carrying a moon knife in his hand.

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