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"what's the situation?"

Liu Bing and Zhang Guang were still somewhat confused. Why did Guan Wenbao get on the roof for no reason?

They hadn't figured it out yet, a row of black cross darts suddenly fell into the sky, shooting down at the van like a rain.


The plainclothes of the two National Security Bureaus were taken aback and did not know what had happened.

And a large row of cross darts has reached Guan Wenbao's head.

Guan Wenbao didn't move, and Yan Kai, who was standing in the carriage, started to run Taiji Gong.

Taiji was full of energy in the carriages. The cross darts had not yet fallen on Guan Wenbao. They were immediately drawn by the power of Taiji and spun up in the air as if a vortex appeared.

The cross dart circled a few times, and finally flew back the same way and shot into the air!

Those ninjas tied with kites, the kites behind them were shot through immediately, one by one fell to the ground.

But these ninjas threw out the hook locks, hooked them into the box car, and then leapt towards the car.

In this wave, Yan Kai deliberately did not use Taiji Gong, but put them closer to the box car.

Guan Wenbao held up the Yueyue knife and looked at a ninja who was thrown in front of him.


The ninja was cut in half in the air, but turned into two stakes and fell to the ground.

Guan Wenbao didn't turn his head back, and then turned around again. The ninja who just appeared behind him was immediately cut in half by him.

Blood and internal organs were flying everywhere, and Guan Wenbao wiped his face casually.

Liu Bing and Zhang Guang are both silly. What are these ghosts?


Does such a thing really exist?


And when they couldn't figure it out, three ninjas jumped out from each side.

With iron claws in both hands, one holding a Taidao and attacking Guan Wenbao together!

But Guan Wenbao did not change his face, turned around and swept across the army, and the sword brought flames!

The ninja could escape from an attack with a stand-in technique. Six pieces of wood fell on the roof of the car and were quickly burnt by the fire.

And the three ninjas had fallen to the roof of the car, all standing behind Guan Wenbao and poking at him.

When Guan Wenbao stepped on his foot, the car followed, and the three ninjas immediately followed.

Guan Wenbao's Yueyue Dao kept up and cut these three people into two pieces!

This terrible attack and strength left Liu Bing and Zhang Guang, who were still questioning, speechless.


Liu Bingyan was almost hot, and didn't notice, "Is this true?"

Zhang Guang was speechless, watching his video, his hands were shaking a bit.

This battle is a bit subverted to his three views ...

And Guan Wenbao stood on the carriage, fighting alone against the island ninja.

More than a dozen ninjas were beheaded and killed four or five, and the rest could not be close to Guan Wenbao.

Two ninjas decided to leave Guan Wenbao and try to puncture the tires of the carriage. But Guan Wenbao seemed to be watching the six roads, listening to all directions. He didn't have to look back, he threw a knife, and the sword flew out, and cut two ninjas who approached the front tire in half!

With regard to the evil star of Wenbao, no one can approach this box car at all!

"This ... who is this buddy ..."

"The descendants of Guan Yu, Guan Wenbao."

Li Fan introduced, "It is our senior dartmaster in this extraordinary dart board. This is his business card. Please have a chance to take care of his business."

Li Fanzhen took out two business cards and shoved them into their hands.

"We have a fair price for darts.

"One, it must ..."

Liu Bing responded almost subconsciously, and then burned his **** to his hands, making a strange scream.

He seemed a little sober, only to realize that he was not in a dream now.

Guan Wenbao continued to battle several ninjas, and it can be said that they were abusing those ninjas.

"Since it's such an important thing, you shouldn't just use this kind of forbearance."

Li Fan didn't even have to look at the screen, he knew what was going on outside.

"really weird."

As soon as his words fell, a ninja wearing a white ninja suddenly fell into the sky!

This upper tolerance jumped from an altitude of tens of meters without any obstacles. He crossed the air and fell to Guan Wenbao's head in a blink of an eye.

Shangni pulled down his mask and exposed his mouth, even exhaling a crimson flame at Guan Wenbao!

But Guan Wenbao disagreed. He raised his own moon knife and stunned his head.

This spray of fireball was directly split in half by Guan Wenbao!

The flames spread to both sides, and Mars flew away.

Shang Ren had already fallen in front of Guan Wenbao, and the knife in his hand quickly slashed at Guan Wenbao.


Guan Wenbao hurriedly blocked it with a big knife, Mars ejected, and a bloodstain burst from his shoulder.

Guan Renbao was hurt by this tolerant knife.

"I've got some skills for this."

Li Fan praised him, "It doesn't seem to be ordinary Shangren, it should be a little famous."

Neither Liu Bing nor Zhang Guang could answer for Li Fan, and they did not understand this question either. Their three views of the three years are being rapidly subverted, a little confusing them.

"Old pass, quick battle, and others are watching it lively."

Li Fan gave a command through the intercom.


Guan Wenbao's answer was simple and concise. He lifted the Yueyue knife again, a big split and a chop, and walked away from the door of Shang Ni!

Guan Wenbao's power no longer needs to be introduced, and the blood of the ninjas on the car has proved everything.

But Shang Ni raised his own sword and blocked it above his head. He used this slender blade to block Guan Wenbao's sword!


Li Fan was surprised once again. How powerful Guan Wenbao was, even if he was himself, he dared not say that he ate him directly.

But it's amazing how this can be done!

Shang Ni held a Taidao, jingle, and fought against Guan Wenbao on the roof!

But Guan Wenbao's strength was so heavy that he didn't make a few moves. Shang Ren's arm was sore and numb enough that he couldn't hold out.

In the end, Guan Wenbao slammed his sword, and finally Shangni stepped back and jumped out of the carriage. He landed on the ground, striding fast, leaning against the back of the van leaning on his legs.

At the same time, he grabbed a cross dart from behind and threw it towards Guan Wenbao!

The cross dart seemed to come alive in his hands, drawing a chic arc, two hitting Guan Wenbao's temple from the side, and the other two chased the tires of the box car directly.

Guan Wenbao swept across his sword, and Dangdang twice struck the cross dart. The cross dart hitting the tire was blown off by Yan Kai with Taijigong, and he couldn't hurt the car.

Looking at that forbearance again, it seemed that I was finally a bit suffocated. He pulled the mask down again, blew a fireball at the van, and came towards the compartment.

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