My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 809: Unshakable carriages

809 Unshakable Box Car

The back door of the compartment was pushed open, and Yan Kai, wearing a long white coat, stood there, stretched out his hands, and rounded his palms.

The ball of fire seemed to be attracted to the past, flew into Yan Kai's palm instantly, was carried by his hands, and kept spinning. Yan Kai was like playing a certain pattern. He had one hand, and the fireball was divided into two groups by him, constantly rotating around his hands, and then pushed by him!

Two groups of fireballs spun, and shot back towards Shangni!

Looking at the eyes, there was a little sensation in Shang Ni, and it seemed that he could not have been bounced back.


The two fireballs were avoided by Shang Ni and exploded to the ground, setting off a red flame.

Shang Ren's eyes were dignified, he already understood that these two were not good stubbles.

He said that Huaxia Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he did not believe it before, but now he believes it.

With these two men guarding the box car, it looks like an iron bucket and cannot attack it at all!

Following Ninja, there were four Ninjas, all of them survivors, who did not die under the red-faced man's sword.

The only ninjutsu skill that Shangni knows is this fireball, but it is not effective for people in this car.

Although the body has also been strengthened with genetic drugs, there is nothing more than Guan Wenbao on the roof of the car.

Guan Wenbao stood there carrying the Yueyue knife, his body was surging, his green robe shook with the wind.

Li Fan still sat steadily in the car and continued to keep his eyes closed.

As if fighting outside, to him, it has nothing to do with it.

"The two are calm and restless, just some small fish and shrimp, don't worry too much."

Li Fan said.

"Uh, well ..."

Both Liu Bing and Zhang Guang were stunned, not sure what to say.

The amount of knowledge of the two of them is not enough.

"Old pass, those ninjas have been sent away, and there will be other guests in a while."

Li Fan commanded.

"it is good."

Guan Wenbao nodded, he lifted up the moon knife, and then whistled.

One side door of the van opened, and a strong warhorse jumped out of the fence and jumped out.

When Guan Wenbao turned over and landed, he rode his beloved Lisa, followed this box car, opened his bow to the left and right, waved the moon knife, and directly killed a few ninjas!

The only one who escaped from the disaster was Kankan jumped, hid in the distance, and watched in shock those people who were chopped around.

Shang Ren hung on a tree beside the road, afraid to jump down. Guan Wenbao turned the horse body and turned the horse's head. Regardless of the box car, he rushed towards Shang Ren with the moon knife!

Shangren is scared to pee. Why is this buddy rushing to himself?

Guan Wenbao had already been killed, and Shang Ren was cut off along with the big tree.

The two cut-off woods fell down, and Shang Ren had escaped with a substitute.

But Guan Wenbao didn't hesitate for half a second. He immediately turned the horse, stabbed the moon knife, and chopped Shangni, who was about to sneak in from behind, in half!

By this time, the box car had driven far.

At the same time, eight motorcycle riders, riding eight Harley-Davidson motorcycles, chased after the van.

Probably because Guan Wenbao was absent, so eight riders dared to step forward.

Each locomotive grabbed a shotgun on the right side of the car, mounted it on the front, and aimed at the box car in front.

These people intend to abduct violently.

Guan Wenbao made Lisa turn around, spurred the horse, and chased after them.

Lisa has been training and her limbs are strong. On this highway, she runs faster and faster, and will soon catch up with the van.

The locomotive didn't dare to delay, they fired quickly, and the shrapnel shattered towards the box car.

Yan Kai stood in the carriage, but smiled evilly.

He reached out his hands and stretched out in front of him.

The invisible aura spread all over him, and all the shrapnel stopped, just suspended in front of Yan Kai.

"Sorry, this road is not working."

Yan Kai said, pushing his hands forward, all the shrapnel flew out, and all bounced back to the cyclists.

"Bang, bang!"

At least four locomotives had bullets in their hands, were sieved into a sieve, and flew out.

Guan Wenbao had caught up with his hands and cut his sword. He cut the remaining four motorcycle riders into two and fell off the road with the car.

The van door was lowered, and Lisa jumped into the car.

"I am back."

Guan Wenbao reported his record, "A total of twelve ninjas and eight motorcycle riders were killed."

Guan Wenbao said that it was a pity that those Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

In addition to riding horses, Guan Wenbao is also a locomotive. Yan Kai is also a car owner, but is an electric car, which has been treasured by him.

"These dregs, even at this point, want to use Dao's dart."

Yan Kai froze, "Dao Ye is the man of choice, you scum!"

Yan Kai taunted, but Guan Wenbao calmed his Lisa a bit, and didn't bother to care about this second-year guy.

"Got it."

Li Fan put down the walkie-talkie and smiled at the two people from the National Security Bureau. "Some of the charms have already passed."

"Ah, OK, OK ..."

Zhang Guang felt like he had forgotten how to get a gun. This man named Li Fan ... was a bit scary.

Not to mention how hard he is, just to say that his two men are two strong men!

And when so many people were beheaded, Li Fan didn't even blink his eyelids. Instead, he laughed freely.

This time, two people from the National Security Bureau finally understood why Zhou Tai had to ask Li Fan to **** this thing.

With him, no one can get close to their van!

"Are we safe ..."

Zhang Guang felt that he was looking up in front of Li Fan, and his figure suddenly suffered a lot.

He hesitated, but couldn't help asking.

"Basically safe."

Li Fan said, "But there are still many people staring at us, and they will appear at any time."

"You, how did you know ..."

Liu Bing reached out his shaking hand. He wanted to smoke a cigarette, but for a long time, he let it go.

"Trust me."

Li Fan said honestly, "My true energy can cover a position of about 100 meters, and the wind and grass moving within this 100 meter position cannot escape my detection."

"Oh my **** ... are all martial arts so powerful ..."

"Of course not, martial artists are also hierarchical."

Li Fan thought that after re-understanding Qilin's palm, his strength once again leapt, and he had stood on the threshold of the power of Kowloon.

As long as he can break through the power of the Ten Dragons, he can jump into the realm of a generation of masters.

Murong Ying is already standing in that position, waiting for herself.

"It seems Brother Li is in ... no one can move us ..."

Liu Bing seemed a little relieved, but at this time, Li Fan suddenly raised his head.

"Our trouble is coming ..."

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