My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 811: Indiscriminate

811 no matter what

When Murong Ying first met Li Fan, she was in a game called League of Legends.

This game, Murong Ai introduced himself to play.

In Murongai's words, although martial arts has taken the lead in the world, it does not necessarily work on the Internet.

Murong Ying was born with an uncomfortable character. How can I bear this tone? I immediately made a bet with Murong Ai and played the hottest League of Legends!

As a result, the defeat of Murong Ying was a terrible one.

In order to regain the dignity of her sister and the pride of a martial arts leader, Murong Ying embarked on the road of no return.

Along the way, she met Li Fan, a man full of flowers, knowing that she was a girl, and opened her mouth to call his wife.

Originally, I wanted to find out who he was, and then punished this eloquent man, but he did not expect that he was a pure Yang body.

Murong Ying, who is dedicated to contributing to Murong's family, found Li Fan in this way and got on his thief boat. Since then, Murong Ying has embarked on a road of no return.

Li Fan grew from a rookie who could do nothing to become a master close to a generation of masters. This passed quickly and quickly exceeded his imagination.

Although Murong Ying did not succumb to fate, she believed that there is absolute luck in a person!

On Li Fan's body, Murong Ying saw the fortune!

"It's hard to tell the truth."

Li Fan said, "I just learned a little bit of fur and can only condense into a little shadow."

The words fell, Li Fan reached out his hand, and seven sword shadows fell from the extraordinary sword, hanging in front of his palm.

"You and Guizhou Zhou have some influence on me."

"Does your right arm help Zhou Guifei to connect you?"

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan's right hand and asked.

How clever she is, how could a person break his arm and want to regenerate?

Man is not a gecko.

But in the world, there is one person who can do it, that is, Zhou Guifei and Zhou Wanyi. She turns reality into reality, even her own body can create it!

"You can say that."

Li Fan nodded. "But the arm she made for me was ripped off by me again. When will I be favored by the enemy, Li Fan. This arm was reshaped by my alien bone replacement."

Li Fan said, Zhang closed the palm of his right hand.

The powerful infuriating gathered in his right hand.

Li Fan pinched at a distant billboard, and it really acted on it. This billboard was pinched by Li Fan!

"You are indeed stronger than I expected."

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan deeply. "You just killed the four iron guards of our family. My father is full of confidence in them. Once you defeat them, your enemy ... is me ..."

"No fight?"

"No fight."

Murong Ying said, holding out her **** and pointing at Li Fan.

The sakura blooms in the sky, slowly spinning and flying behind Murong Sakura, very beautiful.


Li Fan took a deep breath and he was ready.

"You are almost stepping into the Grand Master's realm!"

Murong Ying said, "I won't show mercy on the battle today!"

"it is good!"

Li Fan also seems to be waiting for this battle. After all, he and Murong Ying will have to divide up!

Last time, Li Fan and Murong Ying fought, but they did not count.

Although Li Fan hurts her self-esteem, she does admit that Murong Ying has let herself down!

But this time is different. Li Fan's strength has moved forward a lot again. He can let Murong Ying release his strength and fight with himself!

"Murong Villa, Murong Sakura, Lord of Martial Arts, please enlighten me."

Murong Ying gave a gift to Li Fan, which was a symbol of the beginning of the fight.

"Extraordinary darts, Li Fan, Xiaoba, please enlighten me!"

Li Fan responded very simply, and the two stood face to face.

It seems that no one wants to do it.

But Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai knew that both of them were waiting for the other to shoot first!

There is a saying that it is better to start first, and then suffer! But if in the middle of martial arts, this sentence is not valid.

Whoever shoots first will easily expose their shortcomings! If the master is over tricks, one or two tricks can determine the outcome!

Both Murong Ying and Li Fan were worried that they would sell a flaw and be discovered by the other.

Therefore, neither of them took any action, just waiting for the other to move first.

The van was parked aside, Liu Bing and Zhang Guang could only watch with eager eyes, and no one dared to speak.

Many people are hiding in the dark, watching them fight.

The two spirits are fighting each other, Li Fan and Murong Ying are still waiting for the opportunity.

A gust of wind passed, Li Fan blinked slightly.

And at this time, a lot of cherry blossoms flew up and rolled up Li Fan!

Li Fan grunted coldly, stretched out his right hand and pointed at himself!

Forty-nine sword shadows flew from the extraordinary sword, and they fell down, nailed to Li Fan, blocking the cherry blossoms!

At the same time, he stepped forward, and as he moved, more sword shadows fell, separating the cherry blossoms in front of him.

Li Fan came step by step and slowly squeezed into Murong Ying.

And Murong Ying frowned, urged more cherry blossoms, and rolled towards Li Fan! However, Li Fan's sword shadow became more dense, constantly falling from the sky, and constantly separating the cherry blossoms of Murong Ying.

Murong Ying watched Li Fan just stand on the cherry blossoms and walked towards herself step by step.

Li Fan was unmoved, and Murong Ying's attack seemed to have no effect on him.


Murong Ying finally put away her cherry blossoms, and she flicked her fingers gently. These cherry blossoms formed a huge cherry blossom sword in the air, which was more than ten meters long, and fell directly from the sky, splitting her head towards Li Fan!

Li Fan stood there without raising his head, but just held out his right hand!

The huge cherry blossom sword was controlled by Li Fan's infuriation, and stopped above Li Fan's head!

Murong Ying's body shook slightly, and Li Fan's degree of control over Qi had already reached such a level?

She stretched out her left hand and also controlled the cherry blossom sword with qi, letting the great sword fall another ten centimeters!

Holding his right hand, Li Fan also strengthened the control of Qi.

The big sword stopped again and was pushed up by five centimeters by Li Fan.

Both people are deadlocked on this great sword, and they are fighting against each other's internal strength through the great sword!

Murong Ying was more and more shocked, but she was the power of the ten dragons, and Li Fan was only the power of Kowloon! Although it is only a dragon, but because it has crossed the level of a generation of masters, the difference is almost the same!

And in this case, Li Fan was able to compete with his internal strength!


At this time, a voice came from Murong Ying's ear.

"Murong Ying! Kill him!"

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