My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 812: Devil Flurry

Episode 812

Murong Ying heard such a voice in her ears, her body suddenly.

Isn't this the voice of his father?

But then, Murong Ying's eyes suddenly lost focus, she suddenly took a break, then looked at Li Fan again.

"Murong Ying?"

Li Fan felt a little bit wrong.

Murong Ying stretched out her hands in front of Li Fan and pressed down.

Sakura's sword suddenly sank a lot and fell head to head towards Li Fan.

Li Fan's right-handed spirit was torn, and he could not bear the power of this great sword, but could only let it fall down!

God of War popped out of Li Fan, stretched out his hands, and pushed **** the fallen sword.


The big sword was pushed awry, and then stuck on the ground next to it, raising the sword's energy and striking Li Fan's body.

Li Fan's body was lifted out, rolled around in the air, and then fell back to the ground.

Murong Ying chased after her, **** poking at Li Fan's throat.

These **** can absolutely seal Li Fan's throat!

Li Fan frowned, and Murong Ying was uncharacteristically, now she is killing everywhere! She also completely lost that familiar feeling. Facing myself, it seems like a stranger who has never been seen before.

Two fingers had reached Li Fan's throat in the blink of an eye, and they could poke in the next second, tearing Li Fan's throat bone.

But Li Fan is not vegetarian. The God of War behind him has already shot a palm and hit Murong Ying.

Murong Sakura is wrapped in cherry blossoms, and the palm of the **** of war is shot on top of the cherry blossoms.

With a sigh, the cherry blossoms were wrapped in Murong Sakura and flew away. And Li Fan was spared, and his throat was not pierced by Murong Ying's sword finger.

Li Fan's attack possessed the true power of Kowloon and worked very well. Murong Ying hit the field next to her and smashed it into a circular pit.

"Murong Ying, what's wrong with you?"

Li Fan looked at Murong Ying and wondered what had happened to her.

Murong Ying didn't speak, but just flashed in front of Li Fan again, with cherry blossom sword spirit, and constantly attacked Li Fan.

Today's martial arts leader, her effort is not vegetarian. Seeing this set of attacks, ordinary martial arts fighters dare not face hard!

But Li Fan dares!

He stood there, waving the palms of the **** of war, and a set of palms was also used to fight against each other, even fighting Murong Ying evenly!

Although Murong Ying was powerful, it seemed like she couldn't help Li Fan for a short while.

Just then, Murong Ying suddenly sold a flaw.

Li Fan almost subconsciously, let the palm of the War God be pasted!

As long as the slap of the war **** falls another centimeter, Murong Ying's head will become minced meat! And Murong Ying stood there, there seemed to be no intention to avoid it!

Li Fan stiffly folded this palm!

Reversing his anger, his internal contusion was injured and he spit out blood directly!

And Murong Ying pulled away, **** poked at Li Fan's heart!


The red blood flower exploded behind Li Fan.

Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai were startled. Li Fan slowly fell to his knees, covering his heart.

Murong Ying stepped back a few steps, she seemed to calm down, looked at Li Fan kneeling in front of her, and looked at her **** fingers.

Here, what's going on ...

Murong Ying could not believe her eyes.

At this time, the two iron guards with iron masks did not know where they came from.

The two of them walked towards the van and were ready to **** the cargo.

At this moment, many people suddenly popped up and surrounded the box car!

Murong Ying frowned and looked at these uninvited guests.

Three foreigners in silver uniforms stood there, each wearing special black sunglasses.

The three of them are from Team A of the US Emperor. They are all super-powered fighters trained by the government.

Everyone in team a is named after playing cards. The captain has a **** a logo on his chest. The two players are spades j and spades k.

From behind the bush, slowly came out five knights in gorgeous armor, each of his Majesty riding a war horse with the same armor.

The man in the lead was armored in gold, and the four in the back were silver, distinguishing their rank.

These are the Round Knights from the United Kingdom, the same purpose is to **** x.

It's not over yet. On the other side of the highway, came four handsome men wearing ancient Roman armor.

They wore steel helmets, red diamonds, and naked tops. They wore only a pair of black pants, with cloaks hanging behind them.

Each of them held a sharp spear in their right hand and a strong round shield in their left.

They were filled with a strong murderous spirit, like beasts.

Roman warrior from Greece.

Several ninjas in red ninjas are also hiding in the tree next to them, and they are different from the previous ninjas. These ninjas have almost no breath, but their eyes are like beasts. These things the island nation carefully cultivated the beast-tolerance unit, the first-class assassination master.

Three fighters from Germany also came down from the next SUV and stepped towards this side step by step.

With their footsteps, a metal box carrying behind them suddenly popped open, and then turned into pieces of metal armor, put on them, and soon armed three people to **, with the future mechanical soldier same!

German tank army, a monster army created by high technology!

Six elite fighters from different countries gathered together here for one purpose, that is, to **** x!

The bodyguard Li Fan was killed, followed by a fierce battle for snatches. They did not dare to delay, and came out of their hideouts in preparation for the goal.

Murong Ying tried to drive them out, but felt a weak body.

Just now I don't know what happened. I seem to have lost consciousness. When I woke up, Li Fan was killed by his own wrong hand. But now that there are so many outsiders, the feeling of being emptied of his own body can not be mentioned at all.

An iron guard finally spoke and scolded.

"This is our Huaxia site. What do you want to do?"

"Sorry, x is an important international resource, so you can't make it private for you."

The **** a of the US team a stood there and said, "This dangerous resource must be given to us by the US emperor. I declare that from now on, our US a team will take over the x."

"Everything has been stolen from our Huaxia site. Your emperor is deceiving people too much."

Iron Guard scolded.

"Private x was originally a violation of international law. After we take over x, you Huaxia will also face arbitration by an international court!"

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