My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 813: Friend or foe

813 is the enemy or the friend


Tie Wei snorted, "I am a big country in China, when will it be your turn to talk! It ’s all gone!"

The two of them wanted to go forward, but the four Roman soldiers armed with spears and shields stopped directly in front of them.

"Want to stop us?"

Tiewei laughed, "It's just you guys!"

He said that the two of them shot the black palm together, and the four Roman soldiers formed a group, and the shields were combined to block the black palm of the two of them.


The shield was illuminated by black light, and the two iron guards stepped back together.

The two iron guards were obviously surprised. Their black palms were all invincible. How many shields did they shake today?

how can that be?

Just then, the five round table knights suddenly rushed towards them!

Five knight spears with the power of the charge, poked at the two iron guards together!

The two iron guards wanted to avoid, but the **** j of team a launched his ability and looked at them both with eyes.

The bodies of the two iron guards were fixed there, like two statues.

This is the ability of Spades J, petrified gaze.

Anyone seen by him can freeze his body for two seconds according to his wishes.

Although two seconds is not long, it is enough for them.

Five knight spears were pierced on them, and two people were directly sent to the top!

These five round table knights are not for nothing. Even after decades of training in iron cloth shirts, they were torn apart by the knight's spear!

The iron guard who had been talking was shot out by four silver spears. The other iron guard was miserable, pierced his chest by the golden knight's spear and hung on the gun.


The iron guard who survived was a bit shocked. The round table knights tore their iron cloth shirts?

Murong Ying stood next to her, and her brows frowned.

Sure enough, it is impossible to underestimate the heroes of the world. There are people out there, there is heaven outside!

The remaining Tiewei took a deep breath, his hands turned the power of the black palm, and the air around him fluctuated. He seemed ready to make a big move.

"Send it to Ya!"

The four beasts suddenly flashed out of the air, and each person threw a hook and lock on Tiewei's body.

Four chains tied Tiewei's body, making him unable to move again!

The three German chariot soldiers rushed over, their shoulders burst out of energy, accelerated the strength of the fist, and hit the iron guard together from three directions.


Tie Wei spit out blood, his eyes reddened and bloodshot.

All the internal organs and internal organs of his body were blown up, and the strength of the three German tanks was really against the sky.

Tie Wei slowly fell to his knees on the ground, and Qi Qiao was bleeding, which was killed by seconds.

"Yan Kai, you stare here, I'll go out for a wave."

Guan Wenbao picked up his moon knife and rode out of the carriage riding his war horse lisa.

Five knights across the table saw Guan Wenbao, immediately turned the horse, and rushed towards him together.

"Good job!"

Guan Wenbao laughed a few times, dragging his own moon knife, and rushed towards the five round table knights!

There was dust under Lisa's hooves, and with a plume of smoke, it was almost before the horses of the Round Table knights.

Guan Wenbao waved the moon knife and had two moves with the Golden Knight!

The armor on the knight's shoulder was smashed by Guan Wenbao, and Guan Wenbao's calf also showed a scratch, and blood spilled on the ground.

Guan Wenbao continued to rush out, and the four knights in silver armor were chopped off by him.

Two horsemen on horseback, they turned their horses back and looked at each other.

Guan Wenbao dragged his moon knife again, and the knight in armor again set up his knight lance.

The two spurred their horses again and are ready to make another wave!

And just then, the **** j's ability was restored. He glanced at Guan Wenbao, and even Guan Wenbao took his warhorse with him, and he was framed there together. He couldn't move!

The Jinjia knight did not have the slightest chivalry spirit, and carried a knight's spear and stabbed at Guan Wenbao.


Yan Kai stood up and reached out to the armored knight!

Tai Chi Divine Power is launched!

The armored knight was dragged, dragged straight down from the horse, and fell to the ground.

And the four beasts jumped over, and each person threw out the hook and chain and hooked the golden knight.

Four people dragged to the sides, and the body of the Golden Knight was directly divided!

This is the battlefield. There are no so-called allies. Once you expose your weaknesses, you will be ruthlessly slaughtered by others!

The three German tanks turned around and walked towards Yan Kai. At the same time, the four Roman soldiers were throwing spears at Murong Ying who had no ability to fight back!

But at this moment, Li Fan, who had been kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised his head.

He shouted, and suddenly a golden light fell in the sky!

Heaven and earth seemed to be shaken by this golden light, and the ground trembled suddenly.

A Murong Ying in the armor of a golden flying lion stood there, with an incredible power!

She threw out the Flying Lion Shield in her hand, and the shield spun around in the air, jingling, and flew all four spears flying in the air.

The Flying Lion Shield made a circle in the air and fell back into her hands.

Looking at this golden-armored self, Murong Ying was a little dazed.

This is what Li Fan said, is the good card version of yourself?

Look at her, almost the same as herself.

It's amazing ... it's incredible.

And this version of Flying Lion Murong Ying, she does not know the slightest martial arts, but has powerful power and defense capabilities.

The flying lion Murong Ying who retrieved her shield took a step forward, and the golden sword on her right hand was directly chopped and split on the shield of a Roman warrior.

The Roman soldier's shield cracked immediately, and his body was cut in half by the flying lion Murong Ying!

The rest of the Roman soldiers were taken aback. Their shields were made of special metal, and they were broken by a sword!

The flying lion Murong Ying continued to wield the big sword and instantly split over two Roman soldiers. There was only one Roman warrior left. He did not retreat, instead snarling at the Flying Lion Murong Ying, dropped his spear, pulled a wide sword from his waist with his backhand, and flung towards the Flying Lion Murong Ying!

Flying Lion Murong Ying also raised the shield, ready to face up.

But at this moment, an ice thorn was pulled up from the ground, pierced the Roman soldier's body directly from below, and nailed him to the ground.

The **** k slowly put away his cold right hand.

In a blink of an eye, the Knights of the Round Table in England and the Roman soldiers in Greece have all been killed.

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