My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 815: No man's land

815 No Man's Land

With a crystal pillar, this is the only means of attack for spades a.

For martial arts fighters, such a monotonous attack method is too easy to be seen!

Li Fan crushed the falling crystal pillar while looking at the **** a's body.

The golden light in his eyes was exactly the effect that filled the eyes with qi.

In his eyes, the breath of spades a was very obvious. He is a purple Huaguang, a bit like a **** guy.

And every time **** a casts a crystal pillar, the breath on his body will be much darker.

This is it!

Spades a raised his hands again, and he tried to make more crystal pillars fall.

But at this moment, Li Fan suddenly reached out and pointed at spades a!

A sword shadow bounced out immediately, and in a blink of an eye penetrated the **** a's chest, flew out from the other side with blood and meat!

Kill with one stroke!

Ace of Spades looked at Li Fan in shock. He did not believe before he died. The elite of this a squad would die here today!

And in this way, all enemies who come to commit crimes are cleared.

Li Fan was covering his chest, and the injuries there were almost healed.

And Murong Ying still stood opposite, looking at herself.

"Are you going to fight?"

Li Fan looked at Murong Ying opposite and asked.

"I don't want to fight anymore."

Murong Ying has no war intentions, she has not recovered her strength now, and what was just controlled, Murong Ying must investigate to understand.

"But next time you meet, it's still a battle of life and death, you're ready."

After Murong Ying spoke, she struck one foot, and the whole person walked away with light effort.

Although Murong Ying's light work is not particularly good, it is also very tight. She jumped, the wind was under her feet, and she flew away from here in a blink of an eye.

Li Fan didn't chase, and that version of Murong Ying of Flying Lion was slowly disappearing, turning into the golden light of the sky.

Guan Wenbao wanted to help Li Fan and was pushed away by Li Fan.

"I can't be so fragile, get in the car, the road is not finished yet."

Although they are just bait, the play has to act!

The group returned to the van. Although the highway was damaged, Li Fan believed that it wouldn't be long before someone from the government came to help wipe the buttocks.

"Tough, hard ..."

Liu Bing said, looking at Li Fan, who was bare-chested, and the shocking wound left on his chest.

Although healed almost, there were still scars.

Zhang Guang's attitude also changed, and he started to pay respect.

He always thought that martial arts was just nonsense, but today he discovered that this is a truly cruel and terrible world!

Li Fan fought against the heroes of various countries with his own strength. This strength and courage are worthy of admiration.

"Next, shouldn't they dare to come?"

Liu Bing asked.

"Do not."

Li Fan shook his head. "It was just destroyed, but it was only one of their vanguards. I guess that their real interception should be here."

Li Fan said, stretched out his hand, and drew a picture on a map in front of him.

The place they were going to was Bayuquan, but there was a large uninhabited area on a section of the national road in Bayuquan.

Since x is so important to countries, they will not just send so little combat power.

"The combat effectiveness just now is their vanguard?"

Liu Bing was a little shocked. What exactly were they escorting, and why did they make others so mad?

Each country has its own elite troops, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

In a wave just now, he was burnt out, and Li Fan was not badly hurt. Although Li Fan is powerful, he is also hard to beat with his two fists. Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai also had to protect the dart car. The combat effectiveness of the three people could not be fully exhibited.

At this moment, Zhang Guang was deeply ashamed. He felt that everything he had learned was useless. Now he is totally useless and can only watch the drama.

"Rest assured, it just happened."

Li Fan said, "The next time I come, how much I eat. Rest assured, I have a big appetite."

After speaking, Li Fan took another Hui Yuan Dan and closed his eyes slowly.

Hui Chun Dan recovered his body, and Hui Yuan Dan adjusted his own energy.

There should be a big fight later, and you must restore your strength.

Li Fan eyes and nose, nose and heart, into the deep cultivation.

Murong Ying in the Golden Lion suddenly appeared and sat next to Li Fan.

Every time she goes to Li Fan's deep cultivation, she will appear automatically to **** Li Fan.

Li Fan has entered his own deep world of consciousness, his world is still black and white.

On the white side, the golden dragon **** will stand there, holding a black extraordinary sword in his hands.

And on the black side, the Seven Devil Kings sat quietly, his hands like the unicorn's beak claws, as if to tear everything.

The eighth star shined a little light.

Li Fan's strength has begun to approach the eighth floor, but approaching does not mean that he can break through. He broke through the seventh floor, and it took him more than half a year to achieve it.

The eighth floor is out of reach.

Li Fan believes that as long as he can enter the eighth floor, he can truly enter the realm of a generation of masters!

Qi Xia Jin still has the ninth level, but Li Fan doesn't know what the ninth level can be.

Besides, the eighth floor is still far away, not to mention the distant ninth floor!

Practicing really needs to be done step by step, not too eager.

The more anxious, the Seven Demon Kings in the black world next door, the more eager to move.

Can't give him a chance to replace himself.

Li Fan was practicing his qi quietly. Five white smoke burst from his head and floated out the window.

The flying lion Murong Ying still sat there quietly, guarding her master.

The car continued to drive, and there was still some time before the destination. The previous war also delayed a lot of effort.

Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai also took the opportunity to adjust their own anger, simply when they came out this time, they brought a lot of Huiyuandan and Huichundan.

With powerful potion subsidies, they have powerful output and endurance.

"They are close to the death zone."

Not far away, a man in a leather jacket was riding a motorcycle and following the van.

He turned on the intercom and reported to Zhou Tai.

"The vanguard has been solved by Li Fan, but the large troops should arrive soon."

He continued to report.

At this time, the cyclist who was thrown behind him seemed to wake up slowly, the man in the jacket waved a slap, and passed him to his death.

"I will follow them and report to you at any time."

The man in the jacket said, continued to step on the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, and slowly followed the van.

Soon, they reached that section of the no-man's land.

The uninhabited area does not mean that no one is passing here, because this is a military blockade route, so only people with a pass can pass here.

Both Liu Bing and Zhang Guang were nervous. They knew that danger would come at any time!


Go home for the holiday, drive a long-distance car, and party with friends to accompany the family, so the update is less. Today and tomorrow are 2 more, I hope everyone understands.

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