My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 816: Nuclear explosion

816 thorium nuclear explosion

This section of the no-man's land, about 20 years ago, was once subjected to a nuclear test, which resulted in a hundred miles of grass here.

So the government blocked this area to prevent anyone from mistakenly radiating.

Twenty years have passed, and some tenacious little grasses have grown here, covering the area.

The box car drove in and drove in this uninhabited area.

This is the fastest route to the pier in Bayuquan. And the guards outside the no-man's zone can also block some cow ghosts and snake gods for them.

"Why do I have a bad hunch ..."

Liu Bing's smoking hand was shaking slightly.

"Crow's mouth."

Although Zhang Guang reprimanded him, he also had bad feelings.

Li Fan still closed her eyes, as if turning a deaf ear to everything outside. It's all been here already, isn't he still awake?

According to him, this should be a terrible place!

"It has been repelled for a wave ... they have also seen our combat effectiveness."

Liu Bing still thought about it, "I dare not dare to offend again."

"I hope so."

Zhang Guang can only have a good expectation, and what the result is, no one knows if he hasn't reached the Bayuquan.

The no-man's zone has been driving for half, the ground weeds and the stags run by the road, everything looks so harmonious.

This pure nature made Liu Bing unable to bear to throw cigarette butts out.

Everything seemed so comfortable and happy.

No sound was heard except the sound of a car driving around, and the ears were a little painful when quiet.

Liu Bing took out his mobile phone and took two photos.

"This place is fine, go back and show my daughter."

"This place is good, but it is not suitable for human habitation."

Zhang Guang remembers that this is the radiation zone.

"For more than two decades, radiation has long since disappeared."

"The effects of nuclear radiation are very long-lasting."

Zhang Guang reminded Liu Bing, "How did you learn the national defense class! We are now adventurous to go through this path, and hope that after going back, there will be no impact.

"Relax, both."

Li Fan suddenly opened his eyes. "Yan Kai has blocked the car with his vitality and cannot get in here."

"Ah, really?"

Liu Bing was a little surprised, "This is so awesome that even radiation can be blocked!"

"Radiation is plain, it's just energy."

Li Fan let Zhenqi perfuse his eyes, and a golden electric light flowed from one pair of eyes.

In his sight, this area indeed gave birth to different forces.

A green energy spread over it, blocked by the car's true air.

"How did you wake up? Is it almost recovering?"

Zhang Guang asked respectfully.

"Well, the recovery is good. But I did not wake up because of the recovery, but because of the guests."

Li Fan said, reaching out to the sky.

A plane flew over the sky, I don't know which airport it came from.

A notification came suddenly from Liu Bing's headset.

"A stealth fighter taking off from the sea at the side has entered the unmanned area."

Liu Bing looked nervous, "The fire control radar is already eyeing it."

While talking, several missiles flew over the sky, spraying blue flames, and chasing the plane.

But the plane projected a huge fighter mech, and slammed heavily on the ground in the no-man's land.

This fighter mech is like a giant combat robot, painted in camouflage. He raised his head, his eyes lit up, and scanned the van.

Immediately afterwards, the fighter armor spewed blue light and quickly chased after the van.


The driver couldn't help yelling, and then stuffed the throttle to the ground!

The car went wild, slammed out, and rushed out.

A ten-meter-high fighter mech was chasing frantically. The car had reached 150 miles, but it still couldn't shake the mech behind.

This fighter mecha does not know which country developed it. The performance mecha keeps chasing the box car. At the same time, a row of missiles pops up on its shoulders, flying towards the box car.

A total of twelve small missiles, extremely fast, came after the box car.

Li Fan snorted, and he asked the driver to open the sunroof of the car. He stood in the carriage with his legs slightly bent.

The muscles on the calf are tense, as if tightening the law!


Like a shell, Li Fan ejected from the car!

The box car trembled and almost turned upside down.

Before Li Fan had reached the mech in an blink of an eye, the extraordinary sword chased him, and the twelve swords were separated, chasing those small missiles and clearing them all!

"Boom boom!"

The missiles exploded in the air one after another. Li Fan passed through the flames and landed on top of the mech.

This mecha body immediately began to charge, it seemed to want to turn Li Fan into coke!

But Li Fan absorbed this power, then turned over and drew his leg, kicked on the mech.

Ben Lei feet!

The electricity was completely returned to the mech. This mech took two steps backwards, and the electric light burst on the chest, obviously a big move.

Li Fan felt the energy around him. He stepped on two ladders, and the whole person jumped up more than three meters.

At the same time, Li Fan's right hand stretched out, and his palm suddenly began to produce a powerful black hole.

The surrounding radiant energy was all pulled by this force, and was directly attracted by Li Fan's power.

All sources of radiant energy constantly poured into Li Fan's right hand, converging on his right palm.

Li Fan's arm is quite special now, full of radiant energy and not affecting himself.

He stepped on the ladder a few times again and jumped into the air a hundred meters high, standing upside down.

Dragon King Seal!

Li Fan directly slapped a small toy-like mech below!


The ground suddenly sunk into a huge palm print!

A cloud of mushrooms rose up into the sky.

The fighter armor was trapped in it, deeply imprinted in the ground.

At the same time, due to the radiation, this mech turned into fly ash in an instant and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

A large amount of radiant energy remained in the pit, and the energy that was originally dispersed was re-condensed and retained in the pit.

Looking at this huge pit, Liu Bing and Zhang Guang stared in horror.

This ... is a nuclear explosion!

How could a human be able to play the energy of a nuclear explosion?

They couldn't believe their eyes.

And Li Fan fell down again and stood on the ground. He wrapped his body with qi, and those nuclear energy did not dare to erode his body, bypassing one after another.

Li Fan slaps his hands, shocking the world, and some enemies hiding in the shadows are calmed down.


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