My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 819: Code Archangel

819 Code Archangel

The archangel injected the medicine into his own blood vessel.

He felt a whirlwind!

Something in the body seems to have penetrated into the body, flowing along the blood vessels, into the own internal organs!

His body was shaking, and his muscles suddenly began to change!

Muscles are like life, they start to grow! But the archangel was also wearing a metal armor, and these growing muscles quickly consumed the metal armor on him!

The archangel has completely changed! His entire body became metal muscles, and the Warhammer replaced his right arm as his weapon.

The cold steel shield on his left hand also strengthened his defense ability.

The archangel just now has become a three-meter-high monster with black and white wings growing behind it. But soon, the metal climbed up and swallowed up the whole wing, turning it into a metal wing.

The archangel's eyes were squeezed into one, and that one eye glowed uniquely.

"kill you……"

The archangel made a mechanical sound at Li Fan.

Sure enough, after this guy used the demon potion, he had a terrible chemical reaction with the angel potion, and it has begun to mutate!

This terrible metal monster is him after mutation! There is not much left even for reason!

His only goal now is to kill himself!

The wings behind the archangel shot, and the whole person suddenly rushed to Li Fan, as fast as a jet plane!

The warhammer in his right hand swept over Li Fan, with a strong firelight!

Li Fan threw the extraordinary sword, controlled the extraordinary sword in front of himself, and blocked the angel's warhammer!



Their bodies shook at the same time, Li Fan slipped out half a step, and the archangel slid out two steps away.

Li Fan has just put in 50% strength, but he feels that the archangel has not used his full strength, and he is getting familiar with the new strength in himself!

Li Fan didn't expect that after the fusion of angel and demon potion, he could produce such a powerful response!


Li Fan couldn't help but praise it, while the angel clapping his own wing, rushed to Li Fan again, and at the same time, the warhammer attacked Li Fan continuously!

Li Fan put on the golden armor and resisted it a few times with the crane, but he was defeated one after another.

With each attack, this guy's power will be stronger! If you let him grow up, it won't be great!

Li Fan wore gold armor, and the whole person instantly entered the state of the dragon **** general.

He stood opposite the archangel and watched his every move carefully. Every action of the archangel was engraved in Li Fan's mind.

No matter how powerful people are, there will be flaws! As long as you master the attacking rhythm of the archangel, you can defeat him in one move!

Although the archangel is strong, he is a martial artist! What the fighters are best at is fighting!

The archangel rushed to Li Fan again, and the warhammer in his hand smashed it towards Li Fan.

Li Fan did not retreat this time. He took a step forward and crashed into the arms of the archangel, and then his elbows struck the angel's heart very hard, and he smashed his energy behind him. Attack.

Next, Li Fan dangled on the angel's calf, bent the angel's metal calf down, and fell to the ground directly.

Li Fan then struck a knee and hit the archangel's face heavily, cracking the archangel's helmet, and the whole person flew out more than ten meters away, smashing into the ground while spinning!

Li Fan has a set of clean and beautiful serial skills. If Murong Ying sees it, she will clap her hands and praise her.

This is a martial artist!

Li Fan rarely played consecutive skills, and this time made him feel better!

However, after the alienation of the archangel, his defense increased greatly. He quickly climbed out of the pit again, and some cracks appeared in his metal muscles.

He seemed a little angry, opened his mouth and snarled fiercely!


The air trembled as if scared by the roar of the archangel.

At the same time, the hammer of the archangel's right hand knocked heavily on the ground, and the ground exploded with red fire waves!

Energetic running down the ground, approaching Li Fan quickly!


A powerful shock wave exploded under Li Fan's feet, flying Li Fan's body directly into the air.

Li Fan fell towards the ground, and the archangel shook his right arm, and the whole person spun on the ground. The power of the hammer immediately increased a lot, just waiting for Li Fan to fall, and then killed him with a hammer!

When the archangel was spinning, it also drove the air flow, as if forming a small vortex, pulling Li Fan's falling body involuntarily!

Li Fan's energy burst out!

The shadow of an extraordinary sword appeared in front of him, letting him step on it!

This is even more powerful than Tiyun Zong and Swallows!

Li Fan's body directly caught the rebounding power, leaped back, fell back to the ground, and escaped the archangel's bombardment!

But the archangel refused to be outdone. As his body rotated, he moved up and approached Li Fan quickly!

Li Fan did not push away the archangel with his sincerity, because his indignation was not omnipotent. The archangel's power is now too powerful, and relying only on the infuriating anger has no effect at all.

Leaning on it, you will be smashed by the archangel's hammer.

"Well, these are dangerous ..."

Looking at the surrounding gravels being rolled over, and then bombarded by the warhammer into dregs, Liu Bing secretly said not well.

"Mr. Li must have his way ..."

After watching several battles in a row, Zhang Guang now blindly believes in Li Fan, even surpassing Zhou Tai who is one level higher than him.

Li Fan's strength was real, and he saved them many times.

It is a pity that their driver, who is also a member of the National Security Bureau, can only be buried in accordance with the rank of martyrs this time. It's a pity that he could not have died, but in the end he suffered no harm.

And Li Fan did have a way.

He sucked the ground with his feet and kept his stability, not attracted by the artificial tornado.

Li Fan pointed at the extraordinary sword, and the extraordinary sword immediately fell in front of it.

In the extraordinary sword, Li Fan said that he was not good enough for emergency needs.

More extraordinary swords were made, as if it were raining, and shot at the archangel!

It can't be said that it was shot in the past, basically all were dragged in.

These sword shadows speeded up, jingled, and landed on the angel's warhammer.

Mars is shooting everywhere, although the archangel is fierce, but the number of helpless sword shadows is too horrible. Soon, he defeated him one by one and stepped back, his defense was constantly disintegrating!

Li Fan saw the dawn of victory!

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