My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 820: War of man and god

820 Battle of the Gods

The mutant archangel was defeated by Li Fan's attack one after another. This dense sword rain destroyed his body and could not even lift the hammer.

Li Fan immediately stepped forward, preparing a move for Kirin to take over the land and defeat the archangel.

But as soon as Li Fan approached, the archangel suddenly roared!

This roar, Li Fan's body stunned directly, it turned out that he couldn't move for a long time!

The roar of the archangel seemed to have some peculiar mental ability, which directly caught his nerves, locked his body, and temporarily disabled him. Although it took less than a second, the archangel had already rushed to Li Fan's face, and at the same time, the warhammer in his hand was very smashed towards Li Fan's head!

At first glance, Flying Lion Murong Ying held a shield and appeared in front of Li Fan, blocking the angel's warhammer with the shield.


Flying Lion Murong Ying's shield was directly crushed, and her body was scattered by the power of the Warhammer.

But Li Fan was safe and sound, standing there, his body was able to act.

He raised his palm and lay it horizontally on the archangel's chest.


Unicorn Palm!

The force of ice and fire merged and exploded, hitting the archangel's chest, and pushed the archangel's body directly out, leaving a clear palm print on the metal chest!

Li Fan was a little angry.

The Flying Lion Murong Sakura appears automatically, and every time when it is most dangerous, she will come out and protect her master automatically.

In this mode, I don't know if it is Bai Linluo's good card ability.

Fortunately, the human card will not be damaged. After being defeated, it will take about half an hour to recover.

But sacrificing Murong Ying once saved him, Li Fan felt a little upset!

Although the archangel stood up again, Qiqiao began to bleed.

He screamed again and again, just like hysterics, rushed to Li Fan again, and attacked frantically with a warhammer!

Such a heavy hammer, to him, was like a toy, and he was dancing at will, with amazing power!

Li Fan grasped two sword shadows with both hands, and continued to slam hard against the angel's warhammer!

The two sword shadows infuse Li Fan's infuriating spirit, which is extremely hard, and can't beat the angel's warhammer.

After all, the archangel is a little weaker. He only knows the crazy attack and does not understand any attack rhythm. Li Fannai was a hard-fought martial artist, and soon discovered more exposed weaknesses in the archangel.

After seeing a flaw, Li Fan suddenly held up his two swords, chopped them on the archangel's shoulders, picked up two Mars, and the blood also came out.

The archangel's body was stiff, and Li Fan's double sword suddenly accelerated the whole person!

In just three seconds, Li Fan cut out hundreds of swords instantly and kept falling on the archangel!

Finally, Li Fan took a step forward and slowly put away two long swords.

Dragon Shadow Chasing the Wind!

The archangel's chest suddenly burst out of blood, as if bleeding.

The archangel slowly fell to his knees, obviously being seriously injured by this move by Li Fan!

And Li Fan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky!

This thunderbolt was like a spear, passed directly over Li Fan's shoulder, and nailed his body to the ground.

Li Fan frowned, he raised his head, saw a familiar figure floating in the air, wearing a gorgeous gold coat, holding two thunder lances in his hand, and looked at Li Fan with a smile.


Li Fan recalled it, as if listening to them said that Poseidon was already the creator.

"Li Fan, you are good at fighting."

The creator of the world floated and sneered at Li Fan, "But it is only limited to the scope of human beings, but for God, you are too far away."


Li Fan held the thunder protruding from his shoulder and pulled it out a little bit. Blood bleed from the shoulder and slowly healed.

His healing power is faster than others, but the thunder and lightning above Thunder still exists, and is constantly tearing Li Fan's wound.

"Gods who like sneak attacks are really fun."

Li Fan grinned sneer, and the meaning of ridicule was very obvious, "If God is like this, I would rather be an ordinary person."

"Li Fan, do you think you can beat me without being hurt?"

The creator said very proudly, "I'm a high God, and I have supreme power. As far as I'm concerned, you can pinch to death by moving your fingers."

"Then come and try it!"

Li Fan's injuries recovered a little. He looked up and looked at the creator in the air, "I released you with my own hands, and I will kill you with my own hands!"

"Ha ha ha ha, what a stupid mortal, foolish dream!"

The creator laughed, thinking that Li Fan was joking.

He has recovered a lot of strength, super mental ability, and proficient in a variety of super abilities, making him feel that he has become a supreme god.

The Creator held his hands on his side, and the thunderbolt condensed on his palm, forming a powerful thunderbolt gun.

The energy contained in each of these lightning guns is enough to destroy a small town.

This is the power of the Creator.

After regaining the power of that year, the Creator is confident in himself. With his strength, it is enough to kill this Chinese monkey.

Chinese people will point out strange martial arts and be a fart!

Your own super power is the strongest power!

As soon as the creator shed his hand, another thunder fell and went straight to Li Fan.

But Li Fan was already prepared, and he stretched out his right palm to meet the thunder.


Thunder hit Li Fan's flesh palm and exploded with energy!

With a bang, Li Fan took a step back, and the Thunder was shattered by his strength.

The creator kept throwing thunder, and the thunder gun was constantly blowing towards Li Fan, trying to blow Li Fan into minced meat.

But Li Fan came out with both palms and kept meeting the Thunder, shattering the Thunder again and again.

Li Fan, relying on his true protection, although some internal contusions were injured, he is still generally healthy, and he is getting more and more brave, and the wounds on his shoulders are healing quickly.

Although it is electricity, Li Fan's can absorb electricity, so he slowly absorbs the thunder and lightning on his shoulders.

This creator is so annoying that he should take this opportunity to kill him once and for all!

Li Fan defeated the thunder attack of the Creator. At the same time, he directed his palm on the body of the Creator and shot a shot directly from the air!

Big Bear King Seal!

The creator's body trembled suddenly, flew directly out, rolled around in the air, and then stabilized his body.

"On your strength? How dare you hurt me?"

After the creator stabilized his body, he sneered at Li Fan, "It's ridiculous!"

Saying, the creator held up his hands and created a huge Thunder Lance, "Fighting with God is your death!"

There are dark clouds in the sky, it seems that they are creating momentum for the creator!

This time, it seems that it is really a war between humans and gods!

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