My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 826: Fighting chess

826 Fighting Chess

"That's right!"

Li Fan nodded. "In the middle of the rivers and lakes, I speak fistfully. I don't know Brother Jiang. Would you like to fight with me today for a favor?"

There is something in Li Fan's words, "You and I are only separated by one street, and we will be neighbors and peers in the future. We will not deepen the relationship between you and us today, but how about you?"

Jiang Feng swallowed.

The other party has let go of this, and he must not be persuaded!

This **** Li Fan ... he even played such a trick with himself!

Shui Wuxin's head turned fast, and Li Fan hit the snake stick, followed her thoughts, and killed the chess path!

Almost everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Feng. Although it was a bit unreasonable to propose martial arts at this time, this is the rule of the rivers and lakes. It is a rule for Wuhui friends. No matter who it is, you must not break the iron rule!

Li Fan has already written the war books, Jiang Feng must continue.

He looked around and said, "That being the case, let's try another place."

"Yes, Brother Jiang please!"

Li Fan arched his hand, followed Jiang Feng into the courtyard of his world dart board, and then came to a tea room.

Those martial arts people all followed in, and they had to watch the excitement.

Although they came to join the game, Jiang Feng and Li Fan fought. They couldn't wait to see this kind of excitement.

Jiang Feng now enjoys a great reputation in the rivers and lakes, because he has a good temper and likes to make heroes, so he was given the nickname Xiaoxiaozi.

It's rare to see Xiao Xiaozi and Xiao Bawang compare!

"Brother Li, please sit down."

Jiang Feng led Li Fan to a table of eight immortals.

On this table is a chess board with a chess set on it.

"Today, the shop just opened and is not suitable for martial arts. Why not have a fight?"

"Better than playing chess? I'm not good at it."

"Oh, Brother Li, not this chessboard, it's the outside."

Jiang Feng reached out and pointed out, and in the competition field outside, rows of stone soldiers were displayed!

These stone carvings of the soldiers are lifelike, each one is carved in a life-size proportion, even the expression is superb.

The soldier on one side was wearing red armor, and the soldier on the other was wearing black armor. On each side are sixteen pawns, five pawns with spears, two Vulcan cannons, two chariots, two cavalry, two arms holding the jade Jane, and two arms around. Guardian of the sword, an emperor in a dragon robe.

This is the lineup of each team, which is corresponding to chess.

"You and I, the soldiers made by this meteorite are chess pieces. Each of these pieces weighs one ton. You and I must sit in this room and control the chess pieces to play chess. Brother Li, what do you think?"


Li Fan nodded, "I agree, come on."

Regardless of whether it is literary or martial arts, today Jiang Feng will not be ashamed, and he will not be named Li!

Li Fan also said, "Brother Jiang, look at my chess skills, I can't compare with Brother Jiang. Why, Brother Jiang asked me three chess pieces, how?"

Jiang Feng grinned, "Brother Li is so polite, I am not very good at chess. We are both at a loss, and there is no problem of making chess."

Li Fan whispered in his heart, this day, Jiang Feng is sometimes shameless! All these words are spoken, and they are also urine! Too shameless is not good, can't you be like yourself, be clean, and respect your dignity?

"Then let a **** work too."

Thinking of this, Li Fan couldn't help but say, "You see that I am younger than you, so you should let me be the same, right?"


Jiang Feng is going to scold his father.

"Brother Li is not a few years younger than me, and if I gave up chess, wouldn't you have disrespect for Brother Li! Everyone is a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes, this face is very important."

"Not important!"

Li Fan hurriedly waved his hand, "I have no other advantage in Li Fan, but he has a cheeky face! Brother Jiang, let's have one!"

"Also, let it go ..."

This time, it also made Jiang Feng's heart a little bit sloppy ... Li Fan has a sentence without a sentence, and I don't know which one to listen to!

"Hey, Brother Jiang is too ruthless. I really don't know much about chess."

Li Fan said solemnly, "I don't know that horses are going to walk like elephants and to walk in the fields. It's not terrible to say that."

Jiang Feng almost scolded it!

This is not known? Did you say everything?

"The competition should naturally be fair."

Shui reluctantly interjected and began to run against Li Fan, "Brother Li asked my chief dart head to let a few pawns, which is the same as martial arts rivals, let the other three tricks. Who can accept this?"

"Okay, fight."

Li Fan nodded, then looked at the water in front of him, "acceptable!"

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense!"

"No, why don't you let your elder brother compare with me? I can let him do three things."

What this said is that Jiang Fengqi's teeth are itchy, and Shui Wuxin is also frivolous. This Li Fan, rushing to talk, can spit people out.

Jiang Feng stopped Shui inadvertently, and signaled that she should stop talking.

"Brother Li, shall we see the true chapter in Kung Fu?

"Brother Jiang, please."

Li Fan wasn't saying anything, so he extended a hand.

Jiang Feng was breathless, and all vented on this chess piece.

After red and black, Jiang Feng not only did not let the chess go, he also took the red chess, and took a step first.

Jiang Feng started with a traditional cannonball. The heavy Vulcan cannon moved slowly under Jiang Feng's control.

The weight of this artillery has far exceeded one ton. Watching this artillery slowly move, people around the river and lake couldn't help but clap their hands.

Jiang Feng is indeed a big disciple of Murong Bo, and it really is amazing. He can't use it with ordinary strength!

Jiang Feng reached out and controlled the Vulcan Cannon without sweat on his forehead.

"so amazing!"

A boxer couldn't help but praise, "It's amazing!"

"That's right, you don't see who his apprentice is! Is it unusual for Murong's master to be an apprentice?"

"That's it! Li Fan should have retreated this time!"

Everyone talked, and Li Fan didn't matter.

He didn't even reach out, and the warhorse flew up and moved to the defensive position.

Everyone was holding back.

Nima, what happened, without even reaching out your hand, you moved the war horse with anger?

This Li Fan, at a young age, can he already use his qi to this extent?

This ability is really amazing!

"Brother Jiang, it's your turn again."

Li Fan smiled at Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng frowned and began to move the next pawn.

When Li Fan moved the pieces, he felt that the pieces were heavy for several points, as if someone was pressing them.

Li Fan glanced at Jiang Feng, the other side reached out his hand secretly, and smiled kindly at himself.

p.s October 7th to 9th October, Laoyang is playing a trial broadcast of Douyu. Every night from 8 to 10 o'clock, welcome to come and play ~ room number 262416.

On the 10th, I'm going to a meeting in Beijing, and I'll continue to broadcast when I'm busy. Just interested, rejecting gifts ~

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