My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 827: High and low

827 divided into high and low

Jiang Feng played with himself, Li Fan sneered, and it really was Brother Jiang, this familiar technique.

Jiang Feng, who was afraid to come, began to play secretly with himself.

Really Jiang Feng's character! I don't know how many times Li Fan was overcast!

This time, he was playing Yin Yin again, inserting a knife with himself, hum!

Li Fan, while controlling the pawns, opposed Jiang Feng's control with his own energy.

Li Fan's infuriation had to be called strong. He could not only control the chess pieces, but also suppress Jiang Feng's infuriation, making Jiang Feng's face extremely ugly.

What's going on ... why is your internal force worse than Li Fan?

Jiang Feng feels like he's rubbing his wrist with a strong man, and he has no chance of winning!

This Li Fan ... how did he become stronger after breaking his arm last time!

This kid was unable to eat Dali Wan, and the internal force has risen to this extent!

"Brother Jiang, I'm done, it's your turn."

Facing the pressure Jiang Feng gave him, Li Fan just finished this move.

Jiang Feng didn't speak, he just took his own move and gave a few glances to the darts behind Li Fan.

The dart masters kept quiet, and reached out their hands secretly, together with Zhen Feng and Jiang Feng, acting on the chess pieces Li Fan was about to lift.

At least eight or nine dart divisions are using Li Qi to confront Li Fan. The amount of Qi is not a decimal. But Li Fan was unmoved, and with one's own strength, he turned around uncontrollably, and lifted the **** to him with his strength.

Several dart masters at the same time have a sweet mouth, holding back a mouthful of blood that is about to come up.

This Li Fan's internal force is really terrible, and has a style of a grand master! With so many darts, they couldn't suppress a Li Fan!

"Brother Jiang, it's your turn again."

After Li Fan moved his pawns, he made a gesture to Jiang Feng again.

Jiang Feng frowned slightly.

The game of chess in this game is said to be a fighter, but he seems to have started to lose money.

And every time Li Fan watched himself move chess pieces, he did not use his means to deal with himself.

Is Li Fan mocking himself for failing? Jiang Feng was rather angry.

He must find a way to suppress Li Fan, otherwise he will win himself and he will definitely go to heaven!

He glanced at Shuiwuxin, and nodded consciously.

For Shui Wuxin, although doing this is a bit contrary to the morals of the rivers and lakes, for the sake of his brother Jiang, let him do it. All the darkness, let yourself be carried!

Shui Wuxin secretly rolled out a small silver-white sword from under his tongue. This small sword is only one inch long and two centimeters wide. It looks like a thick needle. If you don't look closely, you won't find it.

This is Shui Wuxin's trick killer. With this trick, she has killed countless powerful opponents.

At this point Li Fan was concentrating on fighting with Brother Jiang, and he should not notice his small movements. Shui Wuxin did not intend to kill Li Fan, but instead used his secret sword to hit Li Fan's acupuncture points, so that Li Fan temporarily lost his ability to act and could not use his energy, he would naturally lose to his brother Jiang!

Shui Wuxin aimed his lips at Li Fan, ready to spit out a secret sword, sealing his acupuncture point.

She didn't know how many years this kung fu had been used, and she still felt a little bit bottomed out.

Shui Wuxin spit out his secret sword while no one was paying attention. This dense sword turned into a faint silver light, and instantly stabbed at the acupuncture point on Li Fan's back!

Li Fan didn't seem to be on guard. Shui Wuxin said secretly, Li Fan, I'm sorry, this is what you asked for.

But at the moment when the secret sword was about to pierce the acupuncture point, Li Fan popped up on his back, forming an armor, and directly blocked the secret sword without water! Shui was startled, and he couldn't believe his eyes!

Blocked, how is this possible?

His secret sword has never missed his hand, and Li Fan is still fighting against Brother Jiang internal force, how can he seal his secret sword?


Li Fan snorted suddenly, a burst of anger erupted in his body!

This vital energy spread out immediately, impacting all around.

The tables and chairs next to it were blown crooked, and the water was blown backwards two steps backwards, and he hit the back wall.

"Brother Jiang, you and I are martial arts fighters. We should know that martial arts are sacred."

Li Fan looked at Jiang Feng sharply and said, "If it's too much, don't blame me Li Fan."

"I do not understand what you're saying……"

Jiang Feng's face did not change color, but he waved his hand. "Everyone stand a little farther, so as not to be suspected by Brother Li."

The other dartists stood a little farther away at this time. It was only this time that they came here. Li Fan just wanted to sneer.

But Jiang Feng can be unkind, he can't be wrong. Li Fan is a standard martial artist, with the most basic dignity of a martial artist!

"Come, let's continue."

Jiang Feng no longer engages in those conspiracies, but instead controls chess with qi, playing against Li Fan step by step.

Although Li Fan is very strong, but inferior to Jiang Feng in chess. After playing for more than an hour, Jiang Feng defeated Li Fan.

"Brother Li, it looks like I won."

Jiang Feng stood up and arched in front of Li Fan. "Assign, assign."

"Brother Jiang's chess skills are good. It seems that I lost today."

Li Fan stretched a big lazy back. "I'll be free when I look back. I'll play chess with you again."

"Although I won chess, I lost kung fu."

Jiang Feng didn't know which way to draw the wind, and began to pretend to be low-key, "In internal strength, you are better than Brother Li."

"Strong internal force does not mean good kung fu."

Li Fan said, "While good martial arts, you don't necessarily have to be high in morality. I think that those of us who study martial arts should learn and cultivate most from their own character. Brother Jiang, do you mean it? ? "

In a word, Jiang Feng and Murong Bo were scolded.

This Li Fan is fierce enough, looking at low-key humility, in fact everyone dares to provoke, everyone dares.

That's why he is called the Bully.

"Brother Li speaks deeply, and I may not understand."

Jiang Feng waved his hand. "This time, you and I will be evenly divided. The fight is over. I have prepared drinks in the banquet hall. You and I might as well have a drink. What do you think?"

Jiang Feng asked, but Li Fan laughed and waved. "Anyway, everyone is a neighbor. I'll come and eat and drink again in the future. Don't bother today. I wish Brother Jiang business is booming and come to visit again in the future."

Li Fan came here to touch the bottom of the Jiang Feng dart board. Now he touches almost the same, and he should leave.

"Then don't give it away."

Jiang Feng looked relieved when Li Fan left.

This level ... Anyway, it's over.

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