My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 831: Golden Dart Conference

831 Gold Dart Conference

Huang Lei didn't know how many electric shocks he had suffered, and he was already dying!

His body was scorched, black smoke was coming out of his mouth, his crotch was wet, and he had incontinence for a long time, and the stench spread through this small warehouse.

Huang Lei didn't even have the strength to speak. He was all over the body, and at first it hurt like tears. The pain was so severe that he passed out several times. But as soon as he passed out, a water gun squirted out next to Huang Lei's face, waking him up.

After waking up, he continued to shock, and the current destroyed Huang Lei's nerves.

I don't know how many times this process has continued, but Huang Lei has not uttered more than half a word except scolding his mother.

"I have to say, I look down on you."

The synthesizer slowly said, "I thought you were just an inconspicuous little person, a soft underbelly around Li Fan, a breakthrough. I didn't expect that you were so boney that you have survived to this day."

Huang Lei smiled weakly and took a sip of blood sputum.

"Yes ... There is a kind ... Come out ... Your Lei Ye lets you know ... Your Lei is hard ... not just a bone ..."

"I'm puzzled."

The synthesizer is a little bit puzzled, "You are obviously a small insignificant puppet, and you have nothing to do with Li Fan. You just dine. How can you have this kind of scum, small punk? Explaining it on the ground, not only can I let you go alive, but I can also let you eat and drink, and enjoy the second half of my life. Why not? "

"Ha ... haha ​​..."

Huang Lei licked his lips, "You are right ... Lei Lei ... is a little lumpy ... but let you eat 瘪! Come, come out ... Let you lick Lei's pants ... clean!

"act recklessly!"

The synthesizer finally seemed a little annoyed, "What a freak!"

The current hit Huang Lei's body again, Huang Lei twitched, and white foam dripped from the corner of his mouth.

By the time Huang Lei was electrocuted, Li Fan and Jiang Feng had driven to Shengli Township below City A.

Although this Shengli Township is just an ordinary small township, it is famous for producing a gold medal dart master.

Golden Boy went out of Shengli Township when he was 12 years old, then worshiped under the Shaolin Gate and learned Shaolin Kung Fu. After that, I went down the mountain, created the Jinjia Dart, and slowly became the first dart in this world!

However, when Jin Tong was young, he was too busy working hard. He married a beautiful girl until the age of 40, and the remaining son was named Jin Zhou.

As the so-called Tiger Father has no dogs, Jin Zhou has passed on his father's Jin Jiaquan's legal knowledge, and he has become a future gold medal dart master.

And Golden Boy has high hopes for his son, intending to take advantage of this golden dart conference, and also choose a suitable wife for his son, can not go his own way, so old to have children.

When Li Fan and Jiang Feng arrived in Shengli Township, many vehicles had been parked here, and many people from the rivers and lakes came to the conference.

Among the rivers and lakes, darts are not in the minority.

There are four big darts and eight little darts in this big dart.

The four major darts are all famous darts in the world, namely Dragon King Dart, Jinjia Dart, Fengyun Dart and Fortuna Dart. The eight small darts are inferior to the four big darts, including the extraordinary darts and the world darts.

In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of darts in the rivers and lakes.

No matter which dartboard, they want to show their skills at the Golden Dart Conference and show their strongest ability.

Many customers will also come to the Golden Dart Conference, and they also want to take a look at which dartboard is the strongest and which dartboard is worth their trust.

Li Fan and Jiang Feng stood in front of Jinjiazhuang and looked at this quaint mansion.

Among the rivers and lakes, many gates like this Chinese-style ancient building. Speaking of which, this courtyard is more in line with some feng shui patterns, and there should be some reasons for this.

"Dart flags are up."

Li Fan said, "Don't let the momentum down."

Looking at other darts, many people came, Li Fan naturally did not want to fall behind.

As soon as he waved, Chen Junhua immediately held the banner of the dartboard in his hand.

The dart flag was designed by Lin Yuexian. The black dart flag was emblazoned with golden characters, and the letter was extraordinary!

The dart flag is the identity of a dart board. In the process of darts, unless it is a dark dart, the dart flag must be erected high!

Darts are here, flags are here, people are here!

This is the dignity of a dart!

Shui Wuxin also raised the dart flag of the world dart board. Two dart divisions stood there, and the dart flag immediately attracted the ideas of the people around.

Now the extraordinary dart board and the world dart board are eight small darts, and they are also famous. But are n’t the two enemies, how could they appear together?

The eyes of the people around them fell on them, and soon the people of the Jin family came out to receive them, and the guest's family introduced them.

The inside of Zhuangzi is quite big, with mountains and water, a good pattern, and good feng shui.

Li Fan entered the courtyard all the way, and saw a lot of dart masters walking along.

These dartists are tall and short, fat and thin. Some temples have high drums, and at first glance they are masters of internal force. Some steps are futile, obviously not working.

After all, it is an open gold darts conference, and large and small darts nationwide will send people, so it is not surprising that the strengths are uneven.

"Step aside."

When Li Fan stopped and watched, a cold cry came from behind him.

Li Fan turned around and took a look. The two men in golden dart clothes walked calmly.

"The road goes to the sky, and each side will go."

Chen Junhua frowned, glaring at the two dart divisions, "Is it impossible to walk past us?"

"Good dogs don't stand in the way."

The man walking in front had a scar on the corner of his eye, which was obviously injured in his early years.

But his eyes were sharp, his temples bulging high, and he was obviously a master.

The other dart division, carrying the golden dart flag of the Dragon Emperor behind him, showed their identity.

Dragon King Dart Board!

"Who said?"

Chen Junhua was spoiled to big in Huashan from an early age.

A dart, dare to be so presumptuous?

No matter how big the darts are, you can't compete with Huashan faction!

The big sword behind Chen Junhua was about to move.

"Say you, get away!"

The man with scarred eyes showed no mercy and reprimanded coldly.

Chen Junhua couldn't handle it, but Li Fan reached out and held him.

"Forget it, let them go."

When I first arrived on the ground, I had to give the gold dart master a little face.


Chen Junhua withdrew his sword energy, and Scar's eyes sneered, "Oh, what an extraordinary dart,"

Having said that, he led his companions away.

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