My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 832: Bully is not called for nothing

No. 832

"You can bear it?"

Jiang Feng looked at Li Fan with surprise, "unlike your character, Li Fan, the little overlord."

"I'm here to attend the conference, not to fight him."

Li Fan explained, "I'm an honest person and don't like fighting."

Jiang Feng is about to vomit blood, and Li Fan doesn't like fighting, then all people in this world are good!

"That man is called Long Ao, and he is a senior dartmaster at the Dragon King Dart Bureau."

Shuiwuxin seemed to be on the river overnight, and she stood beside her and said, "This man is just like his name, very arrogant."

"Like a dragon?"

"The Dragon King Dart Board has rules."

Jiang Feng smiled and explained to Shui inadvertently, "The Dragon King Dart Board does not accept outside dart masters. All dart masters are orphans adopted from childhood, and then grow up. Therefore, every Dragon King Dart Board dart master is given a name For the surname of Dragon, generation after generation, to this day. "

"So it is."

Li Fan nodded and started training from a young age. This Dragon King dart was far-sighted. Other than that, the loyalty is very high.

For a dartboard, loyalty and force are equally important.

"Some are friends in the world, as well as friends in extraordinary darts! Mr. Jiang's head, Mr. Li's head!"

A heroic man wearing a black dart suit with a golden shoulder armor on his shoulder came over and arched his hands at Li Fan and Jiang Feng. "The two young and promising, have long been fascinated by your two. At first sight, it was extraordinary. "

"You're welcome."

"Where and where, the golden dart head is beautiful, Yingwu is extraordinary!"

Li Fan and Jiang Feng also brushed their hands together. This is no one else. It is the son of Mr. Jin Tonglao, Jin Zhou.

Don't look at Jinzhou so young, but he is also famous on the rivers and lakes. It is said that in order to improve Jin's boxing skills, Jinzhou went to the island country to study at the age of 18, kicked the island country martial arts hall, defeated numerous island country martial arts masters, and also learned some island country fighting techniques and integrated them into his boxing skills.

Although many boxing techniques of the island nation originated from the early years of Huaxia, after so many years of development, they have derived their own routines and are worth learning.

Two years later, Jinzhou returned to Huaxia and has matured a lot. His history in the island country can also write a book.

Li Fan admired such a young hero. He worshipped him sincerely.

"The two are also polite!"

Jin Zhou was heroic, so Li Fan couldn't help thinking of Xiao Xiao, who relied on his sword.

The personality of these two people is imaginary. If they meet, they are expected to become a good brother.

"I'm so glad to be here today! You two are here, and I have a competitor."

Jinzhou was very happy, and seemed to be looking forward to fighting with Li Fan.

"Look at this year's gold medal dartist, who's going to spend it! In the front, I won't keep it!"

"Rest assured, I will fight with all my strength."

After Li Fan said, he smiled again and again, "However, I don't know the rules of the Golden Dart Conference."

"Ha! Brother Li, this is your first time participating in the Golden Dart Conference!"

Jin Zhou patted Li Fan's shoulder vigorously. "The rules are not difficult at all. Before the conference starts, the host will announce them. In fact, they are all shy rules. You can just listen.

It is indeed a casual person, Li Fan has a little more affection for this golden boat.

Such men are attractive, and they usually have many friends around them.

"Anyway, it's a while before the conference. Come, I'll take you to drink."

Jinzhou seemed to be very boring here, and he couldn't help but say that he was pulling Li Fan and Jiang Feng towards the side.

"Hey, Brother Jin, have to say hello to Father Jin!"

Jiang Feng said quickly.

"It's all right, my dad is busy greeting people, let's drink ours."

Jin Zhou said, pointing at the guest who was next to the guest, "Go, tell my dad, Jiang Feng from the world dart board, and Li Fan from the extraordinary dart board have been drawn to drink!"

"Yes, master."

The family members were busy. Li Fan and Jiang Feng had no choice but to follow Jinzhou to a small pavilion in this village.

The small pavilion was built in the middle of an artificial lake, but at this time it was cold winter season, and the surface of the lake was already frozen. The small pavilion was covered with white snow, but it had a different mood.

"Two good brothers, please come here."

Jin Zhou led him into the small gazebo, and the wine table was already on the stone table inside. It seems that Jinzhou often drinks here, so the talents at home have prepared him drinks.

"Sit! Here is the good daughter Red!"

Jin Zhou laughed, patted the table, and let the two sit down.

"I have no other hobbies, so I like to drink alcohol! But my dad doesn't touch the drink. There is no way, he can only wrong two brothers to accompany me for two drinks."

"Where is it."

Li Fan laughed. "Although I don't drink well, it is my honor to have a drink with Brother Jin."

"Brother Li ... I haven't seen you for a long time. I feel you are becoming more and more sophisticated."

Jiang Feng nodded to the small stove next to the hot wine and looked back at Li Fan.

"It's not humanity, but rules in rivers and lakes."

Li Fan shrugged. "Don't you like to follow these rules?"


Jin Zhou looked at Li Fan with a little surprise. "I remember, brother, aren't you called a little overlord. The person who doesn't like to observe the rules, why do you talk about rules today?"

"Not long ago, my brother also asked me this question."

Li Fan picked up a glass of wine without heat, rubbing his left hand directly against the qi to generate heat, and the cold wine started to heat up, and there was a billowing heat on the glass, Jiang Feng and Jinzhou were surprised.

This internal force is really amazing!

"So ... what did you answer, Brother Li?"

Jinzhou could not help asking.

"Brother Jin, you don't even have to ask me this question."

Li Fan laughed, "You will take over the Jinjia Dart in the future, don't you understand? If I'm Li Fan, it's okay to make a big noise. But now I'm in charge of a family member, they open their mouths to eat and bow their heads Go to bed. I have to take responsibility for these people and not let them confuse me with Li Fan for nothing. "

"I think when you entered the door, Long Ao of the Dragon Emperor's Board was going to provoke you."

Jinzhou murmured, "I really thought that you two would fight."

"Actually no need to fight."


"Because he must lose, there is no point in playing."

A word from Li Fan made Jinzhou laugh.

"Hahaha! Little Bully! He is indeed a Bully!"

Jin Zhou was not touting Li Fan, but when Li Fan said this sentence, he exuded a domineering body and shocked himself.

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